Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3462 Dumbfounded Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili

Chapter 3462 Dumbfounded Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili
From Staff Chen's point of view, Liu Zhiyun's approach was radical.

After all, the little devil arrived with the strength of two brigades.

Under such circumstances, if their current fighters are allowed to take the initiative to attack these two devil brigades, the losses will definitely be great.

So, in the current situation, Staff Officer Chen does not support this, he thinks it is radical.

He didn't want the fighters to lose like this.

After all, it was not easy for them to get to where they are now.

Once they suffered a loss, their efforts in the early stage must have been in vain.

This is the opinion of Staff Officer Chen.

As for Zhao Yili, he also nodded at this moment and said:
"Radical is indeed radical, but you can also fight, but you have to be prepared for huge losses, otherwise, we may not be able to accept this loss!"

"The best result, I think it's better to retreat. In this case, it's the safest. I think we don't have to worry now. We can slowly push the devils in these two brigades!"

"As long as we are given time, the strength of the little devils in these two brigades must be in our pocket!"

"Now these little devils must want to surround us, and if we retreat, then we will besiege these little devils instead!"

"Although it will take some time, in my opinion, the time spent is totally worth it!"

"Not losing so many fighters is the biggest gain for us in front of us!"

"Anyway, I don't want the soldiers to suffer such a big loss at this time!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili also expressed his opinion.

Although, what he said at the beginning was not against it.

However, in the following analysis, all of these are against Liu Zhiyun's opinion.

Indeed it is.

Their analysis was also correct. Once the battle started, they were facing two full-strength devil brigades. Under such circumstances, no matter how big the loss was, it was possible.

Therefore, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili's concerns are completely reasonable.


Liu Zhiyun didn't expect that Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili would make such a choice at this moment.

together against his opinion.

He admitted that his opinion, once started, would, indeed, cost the team.

However, retreating is not necessarily insurance.

It is very likely that after the retreat, the losses suffered will be even greater.

In these cases, who can say for sure.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyun felt that it was wrong for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili to oppose his opinion.

At least, in the current situation, it is completely wrong.

He thought that Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were too one-sided in their consideration.

If they thought about it deeply, they would definitely not have such an opinion and directly oppose him.

"Old Liu, I'm just talking about the facts, not against you!"

Staff Officer Chen explained with a serious expression.

"Yeah, Old Liu, it's not what you think!"

The same is true for Zhao Yili.

They are targeting Liu Zhiyun's opinion, not Liu Zhiyun himself.

They need to be clear about this, otherwise, it will lead to misunderstanding.

"Old Yang!"

However, Liu Zhiyun ignored Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, but looked at Yang Fei.

Because, Liu Zhiyun knew very well in his heart, no matter what the opinions of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were, how good their opinions were.

The final decision rests with Yang Fei.

He directly passed Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, wanting to hear what Yang Fei's opinion was?
See if Yang Fei supports or opposes his opinion.

This is very important to him.

As long as it was his opinion, Yang Fei agreed.

The words of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili are farting.

Regarding this point, Liu Zhiyun was very clear in his heart.

"Ha ha!"

As for Yang Fei who saw Liu Zhiyun's gaze, he immediately laughed and said, "Old Liu, I support your opinion!"

Yang Fei didn't say anything else, and immediately agreed with Liu Zhiyun's opinion.

There is nothing to say, it is indeed such a situation.

Based on the current situation and in-depth analysis, Liu Zhiyun's opinion is indeed the best.

It is much more reliable than the opinions of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

"Old Yang, you!"

Now, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were dumbfounded when they heard Yang Fei's opinion.

"Ha ha!"

As for Liu Zhiyun, he laughed out loud.

His tone was full of joy.

After all, Yang Fei supported his opinion.

that's enough.

Looking at the dumbfounded Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun felt happy.

He was so happy.

Especially seeing these two goods frustrated, this made him even more happy.

Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were really dumbfounded at this moment.

They didn't expect that Yang Fei would not support their opinion.

In the eyes of the two of them, this opinion of the two of them is the best.

It is the most suitable for the current situation.

After all, it was the little devils from the two brigades who came this time, and this was no joke.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili were full of puzzlement.

"You two!"

Yang Fei explained directly with a smile: "Under normal circumstances, your method is indeed a good one!"

"This general situation means that our side is short of troops and weapons and ammunition. If there is no possibility of fighting, we must retreat!"

"But, have you ever thought about how many soldiers we have here at the moment?"

"How many guns and ammunition do we have here?"

"Have you considered these situations?"

"So, don't use the previous situation and perspective to judge the current situation!"

"Otherwise, the answer you get must be wrong, understand?"

"In this situation, let alone the strength of the two devil brigades, even if it is the strength of the two devil regiments, we don't need to retreat. With our current weapons and equipment, ammunition and troops, as long as they are arranged reasonably If the devils from the two alliances come, they will be able to inflict heavy damage!"

"At this moment, it's just two battalions of devils. According to the conditions we have now, this battle can be fought. Do you two understand?"

Yang Fei directly analyzed it to Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

He was not mistaken. Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen have not changed their previous vision and pattern.

Otherwise, the two of them would not have made such a judgment at this time.

You know, before, Liu Zhiyun was the same as them.

But now, Liu Zhiyun has already made changes to make himself better.

Although he has not made much progress, he has surpassed Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen by a lot in terms of vision and pattern.

If Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili didn't catch up and change their previous vision and pattern, it would be impossible to make progress.

After all, vision and pattern represent the height you can achieve in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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