Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3463 Two people caught in tactical deduction

Chapter 3463 Two people caught in tactical deduction

At this time, Yang Fei wanted to tell Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili that this was the case.

Vision and vision, and pattern.

If these things can't be improved, then they don't have much hope for improvement in the future.

Can make progress, but progress is all small progress.

It is simply impossible to make great progress.

"Yes, what Lao Yang said is exactly what I thought of!"

Hearing Yang Fei's words, Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

Indeed, that was what he had thought of.

Now they have enough reserves for everything, and it is not the same as before. They don't have what they want.

With such sufficient resources and intelligence support, it is absolutely possible to fight a war.

Evacuation is not a good way.

Not to mention anything else, it is very difficult to move the materials in Jiuping Town again, and it will take time.

Maybe you haven't moved the supplies away, and the little devil will arrive before the evacuation is over.

He had thought of this before, so he came up with this opinion.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, who heard Yang Fei's words, also remained silent.

They didn't speak immediately at this moment, but in their minds, they began to conceive what Yang Fei said, and thought about it deeply to see what it was like?
Seeing the silent Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, Yang Fei didn't say a word to interrupt, but looked at Liu Zhiyun: "Old Liu, you thought very well this time, and you deserve encouragement. That's how it should be. Think deeply, don’t jump to conclusions immediately after seeing the surface!”

"So, under such circumstances, after you think deeply this time, you will get the most correct answer!"

For this, Yang Fei wanted to give Liu Zhiyun a compliment.

Only in this way can Liu Zhiyun stick to this point in the coming time and make greater progress for himself.

Otherwise, only such a change and progress will not work at all.

"Hey, I didn't learn from you!"

"Sell what you learn now, use what you learn now, haha!"

Hearing Yang Fei's praise, Liu Zhiyun patted his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, he learned from Yang Fei.

If it was before, he really couldn't do this step.

But at this moment, it has achieved this step.

In Liu Zhiyun's view, this is the way to learn and progress. When you see great people, you have to learn from them and learn from their experience, so that you can make progress.

In fact, he has been doing this all the time.

But, after the people he met before, there are not many people who are amazing.

The most important thing is, if you are willing to teach them, you don't.

It's different from Yang Fei.

Yang Fei has never been there. After saving them, he has been teaching them combat experience, analyzing occupation and so on.

Therefore, there is also his current analysis, which directly analyzes this situation.

Otherwise, he would never have been able to analyze it to this point before.

At this moment, it is because he has learned these experiences from Yang Fei that he has achieved this step.

"Old Liu, don't be humble, this is what you have learned, and after you have mastered it, it is your own ability, understand?"

Yang Fei said with a smile: "This is the progress, no matter when it is, the progress is the same!"

"Only by learning can we progress!"

"Through learning and seeing through the essence of things, you can make yourself progress faster!"

"Obviously, you have reached this point now!"

"So, in the next time, as long as you study hard, it's very easy to improve, and it's no problem at all to reach my current ability!"

For teaching students, Yang Fei also has his own experience, and encouragement is very important.

Indeed, sometimes, encouragement is more important than direct teaching of knowledge.

If you teach knowledge directly, many of them are indoctrination. If you want to make progress, it depends on their own way of understanding and so on.

And this encouragement is completely different, let them learn with interest, so that they can make progress faster.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei has always encouraged his subordinates.

"Yes, I remember!"

When Liu Zhiyun heard this, he immediately saluted and seriously expressed that he understood.

In fact, Liu Zhiyun's heart was very warm.

From when he was a soldier to now, not many people have treated him well.

There is no such thing as Yang Fei.

Yang Fei was really kind to him and to them.

Just like being a father!
"Okay, okay, there's no need to be so serious, as long as you can remember my words, and learn what I taught you, and keep them in mind, that's fine!"

Yang Fei said with a smile: "Progress is made under such circumstances."

Indeed, it was like this when he first started studying.

Learning starts from the beginning.


"I will, don't worry, Lao Yang, I will never be the same as before!"

Liu Zhiyun started to guarantee again.

It has always been his desire to make progress.

And now that he has an opportunity, how can he give up this opportunity?

It is simply impossible to give up.

As for what Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili said to him before, they were not as simple and important as what Yang Fei said.

It's not that he didn't listen to the words of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

But in comparison, he felt that Yang Fei was right.

Instead of trying to change yourself deliberately, as Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili thought.

Otherwise, if you can't control it, you don't know what you have changed into.

That's it.

He still insisted on studying with Yang Fei.

As for the opinions of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, he just listened to them.

"The two of them, don't you understand?"

Regarding Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, who were meditating on the sidelines with blank eyes, as if they were immersed in something, Liu Zhiyun asked a little puzzled.

"Well, the two of them are imitating what I said before in their minds!"

"It's normal, tactical deduction, immersed in my own mind!"

"This method is actually very important. Although the results and process of the deduction are not so accurate, it also serves as a suggestion!"

For this, Yang Fei still understands.

Because this is what he taught Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

It's just that Liu Zhiyun has not encountered such a situation and has not grasped it yet.

However, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili had already encountered this situation and started to study directly.

"So it is!"

Liu Zhiyun understood, and said: "It's the same, they thought wrong about this matter. It's not what they thought before!"

"In the final analysis, it is the fault of the old tactical vision!"

"If our [-]th Brigade still exists, then our tactical vision, etc., is still the old vision that applies to the [-]th Brigade, not the current one!"

"So, these need to be broken and corrected!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun expressed his understanding again!
It has to be said that at this time, this guy is in place in the analysis.

Quite right.

After hearing his words, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction!
(End of this chapter)

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