Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3466 The Big Fish I Caught

Chapter 3466 The Big Fish I Caught
Liu Zhiyun expressed this opinion again.

The soldiers gathered from the [-]th Brigade didn't even want to take them with them, and they didn't want to let Yang Fei go.

Regardless of what Yang Fei's decision was, Liu Zhiyun at this time must express this attitude.

The purpose is to let Yang Fei see their determination, and under such circumstances, let Yang Fei stay.

Although, Liu Zhiyun knew very well that there was not much hope for Yang Fei to stay.

But, he still wants to work hard, and wants to let Yang Fei stay as much as possible.

"I know, Old Liu!"

Yang Fei nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what your worries are. I can assure you that before I leave, I will definitely take care of everything in the Liude War Zone!"

"Including the problems of the three of you, I will solve them all. You can put your heart in your stomach on this point!"

Yang Fei can indeed guarantee this.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun's problems, no one knows better than Yang Fei!

As for Liu Zhiyun's question of winning battles.

Yang Fei said again: "Winning a battle depends on the formulation of the plan, as well as the commander's vision and decision-making!"

"Old Liu, it doesn't mean that if I'm here, you can win battles every time, every time!"

"It's simply impossible!"

"You have to understand that there are no generals who are always victorious!"

"No matter at what time, as long as you encounter a special situation, or if you are attacked by the enemy due to the disparity between the enemy and yourself, if you want to fight back and win the battle again, it will be very difficult!"

"So, what you said, I will lead you to win every battle. That's just the situation in front of me. I have a relatively perfect plan!"

"Another point is that the little devils didn't expect my existence, and they didn't have a backup plan, so they were directly calculated by me. These situations are the reasons that determine victory or defeat!"

"Do you know, it's not what you think at all!"

"It's impossible to win all the time on the battlefield. When it was worth money, I also lost a lot of battles, and I was defeated by the little devil. Do you understand?"

"It's not what you think, it needs continuous experience on the battlefield, do you know?"

This situation is true.

From fighting devils with Lei Zhan to leading a team to fight devils himself, Yang Fei also suffered a lot from the hands of little devils.

There were also many defeats.

Although there are very few chances of this in the later stage, it still exists.

This is closely related to the experience and lessons he has received time and time again, as well as learning by himself, calculating, making plans, and so on.

Otherwise, it would not be the current result.

What Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun were thinking was actually wrong.

It's not that Yang Fei is victorious in all battles.

It's just that he, Yang Fei, has a lot of experience and a lot of experience.

Otherwise, Yang Fei would have glanced at them too.

So, on this matter, Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun were indeed wrong.

As a matter of fact, it was not what Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and Liu Zhiyun thought at all.

In this situation, at this moment, he had to make it clear to Liu Zhiyun, otherwise, it would be bad if this kid misunderstood him.

If you can't correct your thoughts, then you are leading in the wrong direction.

This will not work.

"I don't care about this, anyway, what I saw with my own eyes is your victory in every battle."

For this matter, Liu Zhiyun has his own stubbornness.

It doesn't matter what Yang Fei said, what they saw with their own eyes was this situation.

From coming in front of them to now, Yang Fei has never failed.

This is enough to explain the problem.

"When we were in the [-]th Brigade, our [-]th Brigade was a whole brigade. Under such circumstances, we didn't win too many victories. Most of them were in a stalemate with the little devils, or even the [-]th Brigade. The brigade was destroyed in the hands of the little devil, but your arrival has changed everything, Lao Yang, this is the fact we have seen!"

On top of this matter, Liu Zhiyun still has his own stubbornness.

He believes that what they see is the truth.

"You, you, let me tell you what's good about you."

Yang Fei shook his head and said: "I know you are very clear in your heart, you just say that because you don't want me to leave!"

"However, it is not impossible for me to stay here forever. Once you don't need me, I will go to other places that need me. Only in this way can I let more fighters have the opportunity to fight In the area of ​​devils!"

"For example, you all needed my arrival before. I said that, do you understand?"

"You don't need to say that you don't understand. You must be very clear about this in your heart. It's nothing more than delaying time and not wanting me to leave at the last time!"

"Old Liu, this is simply impossible, the Liude war zone can't keep me!"

"I'm going to the place where my help is needed, to help those fighters!"

At this moment, Yang Fei's expression was very serious.

After all, Liu Zhiyun has already shown selfishness at this moment.

This can't be done.

Although selfishness is human nature, it still needs to be corrected and suppressed.

Otherwise, once selfishness grows strong and cannot be controlled, it will push a normal person into the abyss.

Yang Fei couldn't just sit back and watch something like this happen.

"I understand, I understand!"

"However, you should stay here for a while longer. Only in this way can we feel more at ease!"

Liu Zhiyun said with a bitter face: "After all, we have just calmed down now. Although the morale of the soldiers has improved, but without you, the morale improved by you will not last long at all. Yes, perhaps, after one or two battles, this kind of morale will drop completely!"

"At that time, once the morale is lost, the consequences can be imagined!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei laughed, and he knew that Liu Zhiyun understood this.

It's human nature not to let him go.

Just understand.

"Just don't worry about that!"

Yang Fei agreed directly, after all, he said this before:
"I won't leave here so soon. I won't leave until the Liude war zone calms down and you are settled. Even if someone from above transfers me, I will suggest it, and try my best. Possibly stay."

Yang Fei can guarantee this.

He knew that after Lei Zhan knew about the situation in the Liude theater, he would not be transferred directly.

Otherwise, the consequences may be serious.

It was really as Liu Zhiyun said.

It is impossible for Yang Fei to let him have such a consequence.

Besides, the devil came to support the third unit, and he was unwilling to leave if he didn't kill the third unit.

He had to kill the big fish he caught with his own hands!
Otherwise, why would he take such an opportunity and put in so much effort?
Besides, after the fish is hooked, if someone else takes control of the fishing rod, the fish in hand will probably run away.

This point, Yang Fei's heart is very clear!
(End of this chapter)

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