Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3467 Lao Yang, what do you say

Chapter 3467 Lao Yang, what do you say
The principles of fishing are universal.

It really is.

You are fishing, and after catching a big fish, you still slip the big fish up by yourself.

In the middle, unless you are really physically exhausted, you can make a substitution.

Otherwise, there must be no substitutions.

Otherwise, the result can only be the opposite, and the fish that took the bait will also run away.

Yang Fei would never do such a thing.

At the very least, he has to kill all the little devils in the Liude war zone before talking about it.

After all, it was a devil's alliance that came to the resource flow Germany theater this time.

Just killed a devil's alliance, and here comes another devil's alliance, the fish sent to the door, if he doesn't eat the fish, it is a waste.

"Old Liu, you can rest assured, when I leave, Liude theater, or you, I will definitely arrange it!"

"Only in this way can I leave here with complete peace of mind!"

"Otherwise, I'll just leave. It's unfair to you guys. It's a mess. Most people don't have the ability to clean it up. Get it!"

Regarding this matter, Yang Fei didn't want to say anything.

He has said everything that should be said, and he believes that Liu Zhiyun understands it in his heart.

Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili, and the rest of the soldiers will all understand after they know about it.

The division of labor is different, so ah, you have to understand it.


At this time, Liu Zhiyun didn't say much.

After all, Yang Fei has already spoken to this point.

No matter how much he said, it would be of no use.

He knew Yang Fei's determination, and also understood the nature of Yang Fei's work better, which was indeed different from them.

Wherever there is need, we must go there.

Under such circumstances, Yang Fei must obey the orders from above.

He understands.

It's just that I really don't want Yang Fei to leave in my heart.

"Well, I know, Lao Yang, I just can't accept it in my heart for a while!"

Liu Zhiyun smiled bitterly: "If possible, I really don't want you to go, Lao Yang!"

"I believe that not only me, but even Lao Chen and Lao Zhao, they don't want you to go!"

"However, there is really nothing we can do now!"

"If you have an order, you have to go. We will also obey the order when the time comes!"

"After all, we are all the same now, we are in the same team, haha!"

Speaking of this, Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

Indeed, no matter what, at least they are now members of the Eighth Route Army just like Yang Fei.

If that's the case, we'll see each other again sooner or later.

"Yes, we will be a real family in the future. Don't worry, if we really leave, I won't forget you. If you work hard, maybe I will come back and see you again!"

"Or, you will have a chance at that time, go see me, these are all possible!"

Yang Fei also said with a smile.

Although the hope for such a thing to happen is not very great, but there is hope for it to happen.

In the past, there were no such examples.

So, under such circumstances, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Yang Fei comforting Liu Zhiyun like this.

"Okay, don't worry Lao Yang, in order to see you as soon as possible, I will work hard and make progress!"

Liu Zhiyun's smile is very sincere at the moment, and his tone is also very firm:

"I believe that not only me, but Lao Chen and Lao Zhao will also choose this way!"

That was indeed the case. Once Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili knew about this situation, the choices they made would definitely be the same as his.

Yang Fei is really important to them.

At this time, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili seemed to be flying into the sky, their souls were no longer in their bodies.

Didn't hear the conversation between the two at all.

In fact, this is also a normal situation.

If you fall into the tactical deduction and really meditate in it, then all your mind must be immersed in it. .

After all, deducing these things takes a lot of mind and energy.

It's strange to hear it.

"I won't say much about the rest, just work hard!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "What we have to do now is to eat the little devils from the two coming brigades, it's as simple as that, after eating the little devils from the two brigades first, let's talk about other things." Yes, it's all secondary!"

At this moment, Yang Fei made the point.

Indeed, at this moment, everything is secondary.

The most important thing is to kill the little devils who have already come towards Jiuping Town.

As for the others, we still have to wait until they wipe out these little devils who came here.

Otherwise, it would be a waste of time to talk about other things now, and it is absolutely not advisable.

"Stop it layer by layer, consume the power of these little devils step by step, until they are wiped out, how about it?"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun is also full of excitement, his eyes are full of anticipation and light.

Fighting, he likes it.

Especially this kind of challenging battle, even more so.

Liu Zhiyun firmly believes that only in such a challenging battle can he make faster progress.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to make progress and meet Yang Fei's requirements as quickly as possible.

So, he needs a challenge and needs to defeat more little devils.

"You're right, just do it!"

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, Yang Fei nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Consume the strength of these two devil brigades step by step. If this is the case, it will also just continue to train the soldiers below. When the net is finally collected, we will Get the most out of it!"

The plan in Yang Fei's heart was the same as Liu Zhiyun's.

Facing the strength of the two devil brigades, it is impossible for them to directly engage in positional warfare.

As long as the earthen city wall of Jiuping Town is guarded and defended by something that is not even a city wall, it can't stop the attack of the two brigades of little devils at all.

So, under such circumstances, they can only block each other layer by layer, consuming the strength of the little devils step by step.

Otherwise, it would be a direct battle, although it would not be a total defeat.

However, the loss will be the greatest.

Even if it was a victory, it would be a tragic victory, and in the end there would not be much vitality left.

Yang Fei didn't want to do this. Once they did, all the hard work they had spent before would be wasted.

"It's more than 40 miles away, how should we stop it?"

"We haven't set off yet, these little devils should have traveled more than ten miles by now!"

"That is to say, in the next time, we still have [-] miles to go, no, after we arrive, there are still more than [-] miles to arrange!"

"Old Yang, I can't think of any solution for a while, tell me, how should we fight this battle?"

Liu Zhiyun couldn't think of a specific plan, so he could only hand this over to Yang Fei and listen to Yang Fei.

Although he has started to improve, it takes time to improve.

It is impossible for him to think of a perfect plan for such a situation in a short time!

(End of this chapter)

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