Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3474 Acting Nakazu Mizushima Kimura

Chapter 3474 Acting Nakazu Mizushima Kimura

Yes, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura was really dumbfounded when he heard what Tsuruoka Yuki said.

He didn't expect that after expressing his opinion, what he would get would be such an answer.

He didn't even expect that Zhongzuo Youji, Hegang, would not pay any attention to his opinion.

Yes, it doesn't matter at all.

There is no place to pay attention to at all.

He even said that his opinion, speaking out at this time, would completely damage the morale of the empire.

This is so special!

How could this be?
For this result, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura at the moment couldn't accept it in his heart.

Originally, what he thought was that if he told the worry in his heart to Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he would get a good opinion.

Who knew it would be such a result.

At this moment, in his heart, he was very disappointed with Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

The captain of the first brigade of the third wing, this level, no matter how you look at it, is not as good as him.

For crisis deduction, crisis awareness, etc., he can't compare with him.

Of course, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura is a more scheming person.

At this moment, although he heard Hegang Youji Zhongzuo say this, he didn't show any performance, but after a moment of astonishment, he returned to normal in an instant, and said: "Hegang-jun, you have your own unique insights. You're right, then I, Meng Lang, was responsible for this matter, and I was the one who thought too much!"

The words are not speculative, and Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura is still clear about this truth at the moment.

So, at the moment, he doesn't say anything more.

It's useless to talk too much if you can't get the opinion you want.

Or even, it will have the opposite effect.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing what Mizushima Kimura said, Tsuruoka Yuki said directly:
"Mizushima-kun, you have to trust Your Excellency, Captain, and believe me, the opponent is not so terrible. He aimed at the Imperial Independent Brigade and the Ninth Imperial Regiment, it was pure luck and coincidence!"

"Otherwise, how could these Chinese commanders accomplish what even the imperial officers could not accomplish?"

"So, Mizushima-kun, these things all show that the matter of the Imperial Independent Battalion and the Imperial Ninth Regiment, he is a coincidence, a real accident!"

"You, really think too much!"

"As for the loss of the second brigade, it's not because of the opponent's calculations, but because of the opponent's cunning, which is nothing more than setting up a booby trap. These things are not sophisticated means. For the imperial army, these are trivial matters, and they are all capable. Made it!"

"As for the second ambushe of the Second Battalion, the pursuit squadron was directly destroyed. This cannot be said that the opponent is exhausted. It can only be said that the opponent's cunning is due to an ambush!"

"So, Mizushima-kun, you must not be fooled by these guys!"

"Don't forget, this time's encirclement and suppression plan is decided by the regiment captain."

"However, it is also the integration of the opinions of all of us, which led to the current encirclement and suppression plan!"

"Do you feel that the wisdom of the other party can surpass all of us?"

"So, under such circumstances, you are overthinking. The combat effectiveness of our third wing is very strong, so don't think about it!"

"In the next time, it's better to complete the task, the others are not important!"

"Don't be fooled by the loss of the second brigade. If it disturbs your mind, it will be bad, Mizushima-kun!"

At this moment, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang told Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura all his opinions.

He believes that his opinion at the moment is completely correct.

What he said to Nakazu Mizushima Kimura was also for Nakazu Mizushima Kimura.

For the rest, it depends on whether Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura can listen to it.

"Well, Mr. Hegang, you are right!"

For this, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura directly supported Nakazu Tsuruoka Yuki's opinion.

Although he didn't get what he wanted and had different opinions, he didn't show his disapproval.

"Hegang-jun, I've been thinking too much about this, haha!"

At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura pretended to be relaxed and said:
"The matter of the second brigade may really be just a coincidence, so, after I go back this time, I will resolutely carry out the orders and tasks of your Excellency the captain!"

Nakamura Mizushima Kimura didn't want to waste time with Tsuruoka Yuki.

It doesn't make any sense to talk to such a person and have a different opinion.

It's just adding trouble and wasting time.

"Haha, Mizushima-kun, if you can think like this, it's the best!"

Tsuruoka Yuki is very satisfied with Mizushima Kimura's attitude.

He was very satisfied to hear his own words, and listen to his own words.

This guy Mizushima Kimura is not bad.

It's good to listen to him, it's very good, very good.

He is willing to talk to such an obedient person.

Moreover, I am most willing to be friends with such an obedient person.

Even, it would be the best if Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura could be his subordinate.

Of course, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo knew in his heart that this was simply impossible.

He was just thinking about it.

"In this case, you can just follow the orders and tasks, Mizushima-kun, you have to remember that the final victory belongs to the empire!"

Tsuruoka Yuki Lieutenant Commander urged Mizushima Kimura again.

He felt that it was necessary for him to cheer and encourage Mizushima Kimura again.

"Well, I understand, Mr. Hegang!"

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura nodded, and said: "That's it, Tsuruoka-kun, you go to work first, I'm going back, I want to go back and think about what you said, only in this way can I improve, and Follow in your footsteps!"

In terms of acting, Mizushima Kimura is very professional.

At this time, he directly said such words against his will.

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded happily when he heard this sentence.

He thought, Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura is very good.

He is willing to listen to what is said.

In this case, in the future, he will mention this guy more, so that this guy can improve.

"Go, Mizushima-san, if you analyze my words carefully and understand them in depth, then your progress will definitely be made. At that time, you will come to talk to me and talk about yours. Opinion, I believe that your progress is just the beginning, after I say something to you, your progress will be even greater!"

At this moment, Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang felt a little overjoyed, and he just spoke up without shame.

"Okay, Mr. Hegang, I will remember what you said, don't worry, I will regard you as my climbing target!"

After Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura finished speaking, he bowed, turned and walked towards his third brigade.

Now, he really doesn't want to talk to Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

"Yoshi, good Mizushima-kun!"

It's just that at this moment, Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang doesn't know about it, and he's very narcissistic!

(End of this chapter)

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