Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3475 Angry Nakazu Mizushima Kimura

Chapter 3475 Angry Nakazu Mizushima Kimura
At this moment, Mizushima Kimura was actually very angry.

After all, no matter what I say, having such an idea can be regarded as deducing the crisis in advance, etc., which is good for their actions this time.

Of course, it needs to be carefully analyzed according to the situation he raised.

Only in this way can the benefits of this kind of advance prediction and anticipation be in hand.

Otherwise, their actions this time are still very risky.

As he walked, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura's complexion also became more and more ugly.

He began to complain in his heart:
"Damn bastard, beast!"

"Hegang Yuki, you are a fool, a complete fool!"

"You are too conceited, too conceited!"

"It's a pity that you are still the captain of the first brigade in the third wing, and you have occupied a position for nothing!"

"Damn bastard, the things I said can happen on the battlefield."

"But at this time, you don't care at all, don't care, and even say that I'm thinking too much!"

"You bastard, is that so, did I overthink it?"

"It's obvious that you bastard is thinking too much!"

"My idea was made and deduced entirely because of the current situation!"

"As for you, under the current situation, you don't pay attention at all!"

"You bastard, it's right to obey orders, there's nothing wrong with that."

"However, you are simply obeying orders blindly, and you have not analyzed the actual situation on the battlefield at all!"

"You bastard, you feel that your thinking is perfect, that the warriors of the empire are invincible, but you haven't thought about it, the soldiers of the empire are not invincible, they are not invincible!"

"Even when we first came to China's invasion, there were always failures in battle, and the injuries were serious!"

"And at this time, you actually said so, that our imperial soldiers are enough to solve the situation in front of us, let me stop thinking about it!"

"I just want to say, you are a bastard, you are a bastard, you are the first combat captain of the third regiment, and you are also a lieutenant officer of the empire, you can have such an idea, how dare you stupidity!"

"You bastard, you stupid thing!"

"You didn't think about it, you didn't look at it!"

"The examples of the Imperial Independent Brigade and the Ninth Regiment of the Empire are placed here!"

"The combat effectiveness of the Imperial Independent Battalion and the Ninth Regiment of the Empire is not as bad as that of the Third Regiment!"

"Under such circumstances, the Empire's Independent Battalion and the Ninth Regiment of the Empire are finished. You still have such thoughts, you bastard!"


"Damn things!"

"You stupid thing, in the next time, you don't accept my opinion, you have to suffer!"

"Just wait, I'll see, when the battle starts, you don't make any preparations, what will you do if an accident happens!"

"Damn things!"


At this time, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura returned to his third combat brigade while cursing in his heart.

"Your Excellency Captain!"

The major officers of the Third Combat Brigade immediately went up to welcome Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura back.

In addition, he handed over the prepared meals to Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura.


Although Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura is very angry now, he is still very good to his subordinates.

He will not send his anger to his subordinates at will.

He knew very well in his heart that the more he was in such a situation, the less he could pass on his emotions to his subordinates.

Otherwise, although it is impossible to reach the step of betraying relatives, if it takes a long time, because of the fuse of this incident, it may cause an even bigger accident.

Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura was aware of this matter. In many cases, he could not lose his temper with his officers, and he would not lose his temper.

That's what he was worried about. A normal temper tantrum caused the people below to secretly have opinions on him.

And hold back, waiting for him to doze off, and give him a heavy punch, knocking him to the ground hard.

What worries him is this situation.

Otherwise, if it wasn't for worrying about this, he wouldn't do this in normal times, and he would beat or scold the people below like other officers.

Anyway, those officers felt very happy doing this.

It's just that, under such circumstances, the hidden danger has already been buried.

It depends on when this time bomb exploded.

"eat first!"

After Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura took the food, he spoke to the officers in front of him and began to eat.

Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura found it difficult to swallow the food in front of him.

Originally, the food was good.

Although his previous mood was a little worried, it was not affected as much as it is now.

He also thought that after he told Hegang Youji Zhongzuo his opinion, the two of them could have a good discussion and discussion.

It's a pity that he met the unreasonable Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo.

So, in the end, there was an unpleasant incident, and the anger accumulated in my heart, and I couldn't vent it.

However, when it comes to eating, Mizushima Kimura insists that no matter when or what happens, he must eat.

Only when you are full of food and drink can you have the energy to deal with possible accidents in the coming time.

Otherwise, if the stomach is not full, what energy is there to deal with these accidents.

In this way, time passed, and half an hour later, the little devils of the third battalion, the first battalion and the third battalion had dinner, cleaned up the scene, and all assembled.

And, according to the previous formation, they moved towards Jiuping Town again.

As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, in the truck headquarters, he has already begun to formulate countermeasures for possible accidents according to his own conception.

In his truck headquarters, these major officers are all there.

At this moment, after hearing Major Mizushima Kimura's opinion and deduction, they also paid attention to it in their hearts.

And, following Mizushima Kimura's train of thought, he began to formulate a response plan.

From this point, it can be seen that the third brigade of the devil's third wing is more serious than the first and second brigades.

It doesn't matter whether the combat power is strong or not.

Facing such a serious situation, one knew that the three brigades of the Third Wing were under the command of the Third Wing, and among the three brigades, the one with the greatest potential.

time flies.

The little devils of the first battalion and the third battalion are getting closer and closer to the first ambush point, the ambush position.

Getting closer!

(End of this chapter)

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