Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3476 Strong Warriors

Chapter 3476 Strong Warriors
The first blocking position.


A soldier with a face full of mud crawled forward on the ground, and arrived at the pit of the temporary headquarters where Song Qingyu was located at the fastest speed.

"Company commander, the little devil is less than two miles away from us!"

"There are two brigades of devils, company commander!"

The soldier directly reported the situation he detected to Song Qingyu.

"Ha ha!"

Song Qingyu, who heard the report, suddenly laughed lightly: "Lao Niu's information is still very accurate, it's really the little devils of the two brigades!"

"Grandma, this time I'm going to do a big one!"

"Although it's just a blocking battle!"

"However, I also want to fight this blocking battle well within the stipulated time!"

"Although it is impossible to wipe out the devils in these two brigades, I can still make the little devils in these two brigades lose their strength to the greatest extent!"

Song Qingyu murmured, his eyes and face were full of murderous intent.

For devils, he showed no mercy.

Only kill!

Song Qingyu's character at this time was actually completely influenced by Yang Fei.

For these little devils, these things that are not as good as animals, there is no compromise, only killing, only annihilation, not one left!
During this period of time, Song Qingyu's character changed directly by Yang Fei's side, completely different from before.

If it was before, he would never have such an idea at this moment.

Before, he was still the kind who sought stability.

At this moment, because of the change of personality, seeking stability is no longer what he wants.

In this blocking battle, he should try his best to use the strength of the reinforced battalion he carried within the specified time to inflict as much damage as possible on the little devils in the two brigades.

This is his goal at this time, and his confidence.

Similarly, this is also a challenge for Song Qingyu to himself.

He wants to see if the things he has learned while staying with Yang Fei during this period of time are useful.

See if he is real or fake, whether he can use what he has learned, whether he really learned it or fake it.

On this point, Song Qingyu wanted to prove and challenge himself.

Once it is successful, it means that he has never learned in vain by Yang Fei's side during this time.

It is a real progress.

"Immediately send an order to tell all the soldiers to prepare for battle!"

Song Qingyu immediately began to issue orders: "At the same time, there is one more point, tell the artillery position, once the battle starts, let me shell the predetermined target according to the predetermined plan!"

"Remember, tell them that the shells must be fired in the shortest possible time!"

"Leave not a single shell behind!"

"After the fight, evacuate directly according to the original plan, and evacuate as quickly as possible."

"Don't love to fight, do you understand?"

Song Qingyu made the final arrangement before the battle.

From the moment he issued this order.

After that, he will give no other orders except to fight.

After all, under the situation in front of him, it is so well hidden now, if he continues to give orders and moves a lot, it is likely to attract the attention of the little devils who are coming.

Once it attracts the attention of these little devils, then what they worked hard before.

All the preparations made were wasted.

Song Qingyu would not allow such a thing to happen.

You know, so much preparation has been made in the early stage.

Once such a situation happens, if the little devil finds out, not only the previous efforts, but all of them will be in vain.

There are also subsequent consequences, which are very serious.

Losing the means of preemptive strikes and secretly waiting for their results, the little devil's side is the most ruthless and the biggest firepower hit.

When the time comes, Song Qingyu believes that their losses will definitely be huge.

The loss was huge. With such a result, Song Qingyu would never allow such a thing to happen.

If such a situation really happened, he, Song Qingyu, could only apologize with death.

He failed Yang Fei's expectations of him.

Even put his comrades in danger.

That's why Song Qingyu gave the order at this time.

The subsequent battle orders do not need to be conveyed by others.

Instead, it was conveyed directly with gunshots.

"Yes, company commander!"

Hearing Song Qingyu's order, the soldier immediately took the order.

Turning around, he crawled outside, and began to pass orders to the other soldiers.

"Hmph, this time, I will let you remember that Huaxia is not so easy to come, Huaxia people are not so easy to kill and bully!"

After Song Qingyu snorted coldly, he picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of the road the devil came from.



The distance of two miles is nothing compared to the devil's forward speed.

It didn't take long for the soldiers ambushing on the ground to hear the roar of the truck.

Moreover, I saw the two brigades of the little devils, a long line.

"finally come!"


"This time, after waiting for so long, we finally have the chance to kill the devil!"

"Ha ha!"


The hidden fighters are also extremely excited at the moment.

After all, for such a long time, they hadn't experienced many battles before.

They were all chased away by the little devil.

Now, they finally had the opportunity to beat up the little devils. How could they miss this chance of revenge on the little devils.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the soldiers hidden in the blocking positions were also extremely excited.

Before, when they were in the [-]th Brigade, they had no chance at all to fight head-on with the little devils in such a situation.

At this moment, there is finally a chance.

At this moment, the soldiers who discovered the little devil all held their breath.

Wait quietly.

The soldiers, like stones, said nothing.



The little devil's convoy is getting closer and closer to the ambush position.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"


Because the terrain on both sides of the road is a bit raised.

Of course, with such a raised mound, the chance of an ambush is not very high at all.

For little devils, they can tell at a glance.

However, just to be on the safe side, the Devil's machine gunner on the lead truck still conducted a fire test.

"Da da da!"


The fire test ended quickly.

There is no movement or reaction.

This time, these little devils all started to move forward with confidence.




As for the soldiers in the blocking position, they were shot during the firepower test.

These soldiers covered their mouths with sweat dripping from their heads and faces full of pain.

Some fighters bit their collars or stones.

The teeth were broken out, and the mouth was full of blood.

However, the soldiers were still enduring without saying a word.

Otherwise, under such circumstances, if these fighters make a sound, it will really be over.

I have to say that the soldiers in this reinforced battalion are all doing well.

There were also several soldiers who were shot in the head by stray bullets and died on the spot.

And the soldiers next to them, weeping, turned this grief into the power to fight devils!

(End of this chapter)

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