Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3477 The devil's counterattack is very fast

Chapter 3477 The devil's counterattack is very fast

Soldiers actually often encounter this situation in front of them.

As long as it is to perform the task of ambush, face the little devil's firepower test.

So, the end result is this.

In order not to expose himself, he was injured and could not make a sound.

No matter how painful it is, endure it.

The same is true when you see soldiers sacrificed, you must endure it.

Can't say a word, let alone cry.

Otherwise, once it is exposed, it will be completely finished.

All the plans have been lost before the battle has even started.

The soldiers ambushing in the blocking battlefield are all aware of this.

So, at this moment, none of the soldiers said a word.

Facing the severe pain, the injured soldier directly grabbed a handful of hay or soil, stuffed it in his mouth, and bit it in a cold sweat.

And the soldier who died, and the comrades beside him, all had murderous looks on their faces, and they grabbed the rifles in their hands.

He stared at the little devils with fixed eyes, and felt ruthless in his heart. After waiting for the little devils to arrive, he directly killed the little devils to avenge the sacrificed comrades.

At this moment, the fighting spirit of the soldiers ambushing in the blocking position immediately reached the highest level.

Direct burst.

Morale is also like fighting spirit.

Stimulated by the injuries and sacrifices of comrades-in-arms, high rises.

This happened because of the suppressed anger in the hearts of the soldiers.

Only then did this result occur.

Otherwise, it will be another result.

Obviously, after following Yang Fei, the soldiers of this reinforced battalion have obviously changed compared to before.

Otherwise, this would not be the case now.

If they faced such a situation when they were in the [-]th Brigade before, there might be another result.

From this point, it can also be clearly seen that these fighters have made progress.

And, great progress has been made.

Compared with them before, they are like two different people.



The devil's convoy is getting closer and closer.

There were no accidents in the firepower test, which also made the advancing little devils feel at ease.

The speed of advancement has accelerated a bit.


Song Qingyu, who had been watching all this time, immediately pulled the trigger in his hand when he saw the time to fight.

The crisp gunshots broke the peace around in an instant.


The devil observer on the truck in the middle was headshot and died.

"Enemy attack!"

"There is an ambush!"

"Bagaya Road!"


The moment the gunshot rang out, the little devils in the convoy screamed and wanted to react.

Unfortunately, their speed is still too slow.


"Da da da!"

"Tu Tu Tu!"


At this moment, after hearing Song Qingyu's gunshot, the angry soldiers who were ambushing in the blocking position pulled the triggers in their hands one after another.

In an instant, bullet rain as dense as raindrops poured down on these little devils.





Under the impact of such intensive firepower, the little devils who had no cover directly fell to the ground with splashes all over their bodies.

Of course, the rest of the little devils reacted very quickly under such circumstances.

Directly pull the dead people around and use them as a cover.

And started to fight back.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Just when these little devils were about to fight back, the soldiers on the artillery position also started shelling these little devils.




In just an instant, these little devils who just wanted to fight back were destroyed by the human wall defense under such a blow.



"Quick counterattack!"


However, Song Qingyu added a reinforcement battalion to the strength of a guard company.

Comparing the strength of the two little devils in the full combat brigade, the number is still not enough.

There is no advantage at all.

Therefore, even under such a heavy blow, these little devils can still use the fastest speed to build counterattack fortifications.

In fact, from this aspect, it can be seen that the combat experience and military skills of these little devils surpass those of the soldiers of the [-]th Brigade.

Otherwise, if it was placed on top of ordinary troops, Song Qingyu and the soldiers would have already started to flee with this attack method.

As for the little devils in these two brigades, that's not the case.

At the risk of loss, they began to build a counterattack position as quickly as possible.

Moreover, there is another team, a team of little devils, retreating and turning around.

The plan is to fight against the siege of Song Qingyu and the soldiers.

From this point, it can be seen that these little devil officers have more experience.

Otherwise, during this period of time, if these little devils did not have this ability, it would not be possible to go so smoothly, so they went to build fortifications and positions.

Even, under such firepower, a small team was formed to make a detour and outflank the rear.

This is not something that ordinary little devils can do.

At first glance, he is the elite among the little devils.

"Damn, these beasts are really cunning!"

"Fortunately, I was prepared!"

Song Qingyu, who observed this scene through a telescope, cursed at these little devils.

He knew that these little devils would not hide and attack passively at this time.

There will definitely be some small means to change the situation they are in now.

No, not long after the battle started, these little devils started to mess with these moths.

"The strength of a company should be enough!"

Song Qingyu murmured: "Even if it doesn't work, it's enough for us to evacuate!"

"At this moment, although the battle has not been going on for a long time, the consumption of ammunition is very serious!"

"In this way, the task can be regarded as completed!"

"It's just that I haven't achieved my previous goal, so I can't continue to challenge!"

"However, if you challenge, you will have an opportunity in the future!"

"Now that the little devil is so fierce, there are already signs of starting to fight back!"

"Once the fighters are dragged by these little devils, the result will be no fun!"

"Don't love to fight, wait and retreat according to the original plan!"

In an instant, Song Qingyu made a decision.

When he made the decision before, it was all to see if these little devils would fight back and really leave like this.

If given the chance, he would fight back.

Earn more.

Now, seeing the battle situation in front of him, Song Qingyu knew that his challenge this time was useless.

You can't love to fight, you must retreat later.

"Da da da!"

"Thumbs up!"


The battle continues.

At this moment, the advantages of the soldiers were slowly suppressed.

Moreover, the soldiers also began to sacrifice.

There are also more wounded and seriously injured soldiers.

The fierce counterattack of the little devils was much faster than Song Qingyu expected.


"Damn it, hit me hard!"


At this moment, the soldiers were also furious.

Even if the sacrifice was great, they did not give up, nor did they back down in the slightest, they insisted on fighting the little devils!

(End of this chapter)

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