Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3478 Angry Tsuruoka Yuki Lieutenant

Chapter 3478 Angry Tsuruoka Yuki Lieutenant
In fact, at this time, the soldiers' minds were all very simple.

Fight the devils to the end and avenge the sacrificed comrades.

At this moment, on the battlefield with the little devil, it's that simple.

There is no other idea at all.

To kill more little devils and avenge the sacrificed comrades-in-arms is the only goal in the hearts of the soldiers at this moment.

If they don't receive an order to retreat, they will keep fighting these little devils to the end and never take a single step back.

Until the last drop of blood is shed and sacrificed on the battlefield.

For a real soldier, sacrificing on the battlefield is a responsibility, an honor, and a glory.

And there is no possibility of escaping and retreating.

The battle situation at this moment became more intense after the little devils reacted and started to fight back.

More and more soldiers were injured and sacrificed.


"Quick counterattack!"

"Destroy all these hateful Chinese soldiers, leaving no one behind!"

"Bagaya Road, dare to ambush our imperial army from here at this time, and cause such a huge loss to our imperial army, damn it, damn it all!"


At this moment, the little devil officers outside the headquarters truck were also hiding in the temporary fortifications, screaming and giving orders to the little devil soldiers around them.

For the low-level officers of these little devils, second lieutenants, captains, and captains, the battle in front of them is an insult.

After all, this is a battle happening right in front of their eyes.

Moreover, this kind of battle took place under the firepower test of the imperial army.

So, this situation is an insult to them!
Being blocked and ambushed is even more a shame.

This also led to, at this moment, these little devil officers, like mad dogs, howling and giving orders.

This also led to the little devil soldiers who were extremely angry and humiliated in their hearts. Their fighting spirit was high, and they also fought back like wild dogs, wailing and crazily.


"Da da da!"


At this moment, gunshots and explosions completely broke the surrounding calm.

And, to the outside in all directions, began to pass up.

Under attack, in the truck headquarters of the [-]st Battalion.

"Bang bang bang!"


The bullets shot on the thickened steel plate, making the sound in the compartment extremely harsh.

This also led to the first brigade captain Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's complexion at the moment, as if he had eaten a lump of oyster.

The anger and murderous intent in those eyes was like a volcano about to erupt.


"This group of hateful Chinese soldiers, how dare they?"

"How dare you ambush the convoy of our imperial army from here at this time!"

"You know, the ones here are the strength of our Imperial Army, two battle brigades!"

"Are they courting death?"

"This group of hateful Chinese soldiers, they are looking for death!"

"You bastard, what a bunch of damned things!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo couldn't bear the anger in his heart, so he just howled and cursed like a mad dog.

As for the rest of the major officers in the truck compartment of the headquarters, they dared not speak out at this moment.

After all, their captain, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, was on the head of anger.

At this moment, if they talk too much, if they offend Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, then their consequences will be really serious.

It is even very possible to lose your life.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the squadron leaders of these minor officers kept silent.

Although, their hearts are also filled with incomparable anger.


At this time, they still have to maintain their sanity.

Let yourself be a little sober.

Otherwise, they really cannot afford the consequences.

Shuttering like shivering, what they are talking about is their current state.

At the same time, the angry Zhongzuo Yuki also thought of what Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura said just now when he came to look for him.

said concerns.

Included in it is whether there is an ambush on the road and whether there is a possibility of blocking.

As for him, he didn't take it into his heart at all, and he didn't need to hear it at all.

Just ignore it.

He even criticized Nakazu Mizushima Kimura for thinking too much, and fearing the Chinese soldiers in his heart.

But at this time, everything that happened in front of him undoubtedly slapped him hard in the face.

Face slaps in reality often come so quickly.

So, this also led to Hegang Youji Zhongzuo regretting this in his heart.


After the battle in front of him happened, he had already started to regret it in his heart.

If I had listened to Nakamura Mizushima Kimura and planned it out just now, it would not be the scene in front of me.

Perhaps, they turned around and suppressed these hateful Chinese soldiers, not these hateful Chinese soldiers, who ambushed the imperial army here.

At this moment, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo really regretted his death in his heart.

However, he also knew that at this moment, it was too late to regret.

The most important thing now is to fight back and regain the initiative in the fight.

Only in this way can they minimize the loss they suffered from the ambush this time.

Otherwise, if the loss is too big, his responsibility this time will be really big.

The loss was too great, which affected the next task. There is no doubt that he, the captain of the first brigade, didn't have to do it.

He knew very well in his heart that once this happened, he might directly lose his position as the captain of the third regiment and the first combat brigade.

The second point, it is also possible, is to apologize.

Both are very likely.

Therefore, at this moment, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was no longer angry, but ordered the Shaozuo Squadron Leader in front of him.

"Tell me what's on your mind!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo did not directly issue a counterattack order, and asked these squadron leaders to go down to direct the battle immediately.

Without discussing it, if a tight battle plan is drawn up, if these major squadron leaders go down, what is waiting for them is likely to be dead.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo knew in his heart that at this moment, he could not afford to lose these officers and squadron leaders.

Once these squadron leaders are lost, then his first combat brigade will be finished.

It is useless to have imperial soldiers without officers.

In some places, it is possible to do without him as a brigade leader, but it is impossible to do without these minor squadron leaders.

"Your Excellency, if we go down rashly, we risk being shot dead."

"So, my subordinates suggest that you first call the nearest imperial soldiers and ask them carefully to find out what the situation is like?"

"Only in this way can we formulate corresponding measures and go attack!"

You Ji Zhongzuo from Hegang, the nearest devil Shaozuo squadron leader, expressed his opinion.

"I support!"


In this way, several other squadron captains, the devils next to him, also expressed their opinions one after another.

These opinions undoubtedly let Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang at this time breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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