Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3479 Mizushima Kimura's scolding

Chapter 3479 Mizushima Kimura's scolding

At this moment in Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, the most fearful thing in his heart is that the squadron leader and Shaozuo officers below have no way to deal with it.

You must know that the orders he issued and the plans he arranged were not easier to implement than the methods these officers thought of themselves.

The method that I came up with, as long as it is practical, it is a good method.

Otherwise, the method he came up with told the people below. No matter how good the method is, if the people below implement it, it will be more effective than it is, and it will be discounted.

At this time, the major squadron leaders under him thought of a way to deal with it, and this was the best way.

"Well, you can think of any way, so, in the next time, you can do it according to the way you think of!"

At this time, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo directly adopted the opinions of these squadron commanders and officers, and let them do it according to the plan they thought of.

It is the most convenient kind to do the plan that comes to mind.

"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain!"

"Then let's go immediately!"


These devils and major officers immediately took orders.

And, he turned around and jumped under the truck.


Seeing these minor officers below leave, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo sighed helplessly.

This time such a thing happened, he really regretted it.

Otherwise, he believed, he would never have encountered such a situation.

At that time, if he had listened carefully to Major Mizushima Kimura's words, and made a plan according to Major Mizushima Kimura's words, even if he encountered such an emergency, he would not be so caught off guard to deal with it.

At the very least, in terms of losses, the losses should be less than average, or even more than half.

Thinking of this, the regret in his heart deeply hurt his heart.

"Mizushima-kun, I was wrong!"

Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo shook his head with a wry smile:

"However, I can't admit this matter in front of you, otherwise, where will I put my face!"

"It can only be said that you are not strong enough to remind me!"

"So, although this matter is my fault, I can only remember this lesson in my heart, but I cannot admit my mistake in front of you, otherwise, I am really wrong! "

"Once I admit this, if you can't face it, your status will surpass mine!"

"So, I won't admit this mistake in front of you!"

Don't look at Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and know that he is directly wrong.

But, because of the matter of face, he couldn't admit it.

Otherwise, once he admits it, he will definitely lose face in front of the captains of the third regiment.

For Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, face is more important than anything else.

As long as the loss is recovered, face must not be lost.


The first brigade is in front, and the third brigade is behind.

Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura, because he had expected this before, and after discussing it with his officers, he made a countermeasure, and this was what he was prepared for.

So, at the moment the battle started, the reaction of the devils from the third brigade was very fast.

Directly according to the previous plan, made a response.

Although it was also hit, the loss was not small.

However, compared to the first team, the loss of his third team was much smaller.

This was Nakamura Mizushima Kimura's awareness of prevention before.

Otherwise, his loss would definitely be the same as that of the first team.

A lot of losses.

From this point, it can be seen that the ability of Mizushima Kimura Lieutenant Zuo is greater than Hegang Yuki Lieutenant Zuo.

Otherwise, with Hegang Youji Zhongzuo as the captain of the third regiment and the captain of the first brigade, he wouldn't have made such a wrong decision.

It's a pity that this guy is too good at flattering in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain of the third regiment.

Now look, that's it.

Otherwise, how could he be the captain of the third wing, the first combat brigade, and the brigade.

This is probably the reason.

In fact, that may indeed be the case.

Sometimes, the results of people who can flatter and people who can't flatter are completely different.

Even if the same thing is done, the flattering person does worse than the flattering person, and what he gets is not as much as the flattering person.

The reality is so cruel.

Some people are subordinates who like to flatter.

At this time, in the third combat brigade, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura in the truck headquarters was actually angry.

His anger is not his own loss.

It was Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who didn't listen to his opinion, which led to such a big loss this time.

Major Mizushima Kimura thought, if Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki at that time could listen to his advice.

The two of you have a good discussion and make a corresponding plan.

Perhaps, this loss can be avoided completely.

In the end, it won't be what it is now.

At this time, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura was angry about this.


"Hegang Yuki is trash, trash!"

"Unfortunately, I thought that he took the position of captain of the first brigade based on his own ability!"

"Looking at it now, that's not the case. This guy is just an idiot, just an idiot!"

"Damn things!"

"Damn things!"

"If it weren't for not following my own opinion this time, the loss would definitely not be so big, it wouldn't be so big!"

"Damn it, bastard!"

At this moment, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura in the truck headquarters roared angrily.

This was because of the intense gunfire outside, and his angry voice could not be conveyed.

Otherwise, once his angry and roaring scolding is heard by the people of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, it will reach the ears of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

The angry Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo will definitely put on shoes for him in front of the regimental captain, Hiraga Kusao, and find him something to do.

That's right, Nakasa Mizushima Kimura is very smart, he did it because he knew this.

But the two major squadron leaders beside them didn't say a word.

After all, this is the matter of the two captains and the two lieutenant officers.

It's not that they, the Major Squadron Leader, can participate in it.

Once it is involved, what will the consequences be?
Anyway, it won't be good.

The method of the lieutenant commander is simply not something they, the minor officers, can bear!



After yelling and cursing for a while, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura was also tired and stopped.

He looked at the major officer next to him, and asked directly, "How about the loss?"

Although the loss is not big, he needs to understand more or less.

"Your Excellency, Squadron Leader, our loss is not very big, the strength of a squadron, the baggage of a squadron!"

The major officer directly reported the loss to him.


Hearing this report, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura still felt pain in his teeth.

The strength of a squadron is the baggage of a squadron.

This loss is not small.

In this comparison, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's loss was greater than his loss.

(End of this chapter)

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