Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3480 Turning grief into strength

Chapter 3480 Turning grief into strength
At this time, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura didn't feel gloating because of Tsuruoka Yuki's heavy loss.

First of all, he himself is not that kind of person at all.

Another reason is that he and Hegang Youji Zhongzuo both belong to the third regiment.

It doesn't matter if it's his third brigade or the first brigade of Lieutenant Zuo Tsuruoka Yuki.

It's all the strength of the third wing, and if they lose a little, that's the loss of the third wing, and what they lose is their own strength.

In view of this situation, at this time, Mizushima Kimura Lieutenant, only regretted in his heart, not gloating.

He doesn't care what others think about this matter, anyway, that's how he is now.

What is lost is one's own strength, so there is no need to gloat over others' misfortune.

The loss of the third wing, their overall combat power, etc., will all decline.

This is a matter of prosperity and loss in an instant.

Instead of saying, seeing that your loss is greater than mine, and you are more unlucky than me, I will be happy when I see it.

Actually, that's not the case.

At the moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura didn't think about that at all.


In desperation, Major Mizushima Kimura could only sigh, and murmured:

"This is just the beginning of this task. In the next time, if the loss is too large, then the next task will not be so easy to complete!"

"The loss of troops, how to besiege? How to encircle and suppress?"

"The next journey is still so far away, no one can guarantee whether there will be an ambush in the next journey!"

"Difficult to do!"

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, at this moment, really felt that it was difficult to do so.

If a commander can accept other people's opinions, it will be easy to get along with each other, and it will be easy to solve the current problem.

It's a pity that the captain of the first brigade, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, simply ignored his tricks.

This makes it difficult for him.

If in the past, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo had understood his tricks, it would definitely not be the current situation.

It is absolutely impossible to encounter the current situation.

"Next, after the battle is over, do I still have to discuss it with Mr. Hegang?"

This question formed a huge question mark in Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura's mind.

Can I go?
At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura couldn't make this decision in his heart.

He was really worried, with Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's character, with such a loss in front of him, he felt that he had lost face, and he would be even less likely to discuss this matter with him.

Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura knew that Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang could do such a thing.

He is such a person.

Even if he didn't know much about him, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura knew this. From the previous conversation, he could tell from the attitude of Nakazu Tsuruoka Yuki.

So, at this moment, he was worried about this.

In the end how to do it?

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura hesitated.

At this time, he really couldn't make up his mind.

"Let's talk about it after the battle is over!"

"Whether it's okay or not, I'd better wait for me to go, first bring it up and then talk about it!"

"If Mr. Hegang really doesn't listen to my opinion, then I have to make plans earlier."

In the end, Major Mizushima Kimura still made this decision in his heart.

Anyway, he's going to try it.

Just like last time, if Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't listen to his opinion, that's another story.

It would be best if this guy could accept the lesson this time and listen to what he said.

"Da da da!"


At this moment, the gunfire outside was not as intense as before.

Hearing this undoubtedly gave Major Mizushima Kimura some comfort in his heart.

The gunfire was not intense, which meant that the counterattack of their imperial army had begun.

The loss will not be as big as before.

For the strength of the imperial army, he still has this spectrum in his heart.


This is indeed the case outside at this moment.

After the little devil's counterattack started, the situation changed.

On this point, it is impossible to be unconvinced.

The fighting power of these little devils is indeed strong.

In such adversity, it can be reversed life and death.

One, the strength of the soldiers is indeed not as many as these little devils.

The other thing, I have to admit, is that the fighting power of these little devils is really strong.

As long as it is not completely crushed, then these beasts can slowly reverse the difficult situation.

At this moment, the gunfire gradually dissipated.

Under Song Qingyu's order, the soldiers had already begun to retreat.

Because of the plan, the retreat of the soldiers went smoothly.

These little devils wanted to pursue them, but they were unsuccessful.

If it weren't for a perfect retreat plan, the soldiers' retreat would not have been so smooth.

With a perfect plan, these little devils wanted to pursue them, but they couldn't pursue them.


Plan gathering points.

Song Qingyu retreated here with the soldiers.

At this moment, Song Qingyu's complexion was not very good-looking.

Because, in this blocking battle, their losses were not small.

"Has the battle damage been calculated?"

Song Qingyu looked at the soldiers beside him and asked.

"Company commander, the statistics are out, our guard company, sixteen soldiers died!"

"Over 100 soldiers were sacrificed to strengthen the battalion!"

The soldier in charge of statistics doesn't look good at the moment.

There is sadness in the eyes.

After all, during the battle, when comrades sacrificed, their hearts also ached.

Before the battle, the soldiers who were still chatting and laughing, now their corpses were cold, separated forever.

Whoever puts it on will feel uncomfortable.

You know, comrades-in-arms are closer than brothers.

Between brothers, it is impossible to stay together all day, or even sleep in the same bed and wear a pair of pants.

War friendship, that's it.


Hearing this loss, Song Qingyu also sighed in grief.

Even though, before the battle started, he had expected that the soldiers would die in this first battle against the devils.

However, there were too many sacrifices. In total, more than 120 soldiers were sacrificed.

This is a company of troops.

The loss is really too great.

However, Song Qingyu was very clear in his heart.

On the battlefield, that's it.

If you want to achieve results in the battle with the little devil, it is impossible not to sacrifice.

Bullets don't have eyes. Sometimes, stray bullets can kill you.

However, after all, Song Qingyu had experienced many battles with Yang Fei.

He restrained his emotions, and comforted the soldier immersed in grief next to him:

"War is like this. Maybe, in tomorrow's battle, I will be sacrificed, or it may be you!"

"So, brother, it is best to turn grief into strength. In this way, try to perform better in the next battle and kill more little devils. In this way, you can avenge your sacrificed comrades. Do you understand?"

To comfort people, Song Qingyu will not.

However, he still has experience in turning grief into strength for the soldiers.

This was given to them by Yang Fei before.

"Yes, company commander!"

Hearing Song Qingyu's words, the soldier cheered up immediately.

In this way, in the following time, Song Qingyu taught the soldiers a good lesson and gave a speech.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers who were immersed in grief all cheered up.

According to what Song Qingyu said, turn grief into strength.

into combat power.

Try to annihilate more little devils in the next battle and avenge your comrades.

"Go, go to the second blocking point!"

After rectifying the emotions of the soldiers, Song Qingyu directly issued an order to lead the soldiers towards the second blocking point.

After all, the little devil has learned the lesson of being blocked for the first time. Once he encounters a block for the second time, it will be difficult to fight!

Therefore, it is necessary to go to the second blocking position to support!
(End of this chapter)

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