Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3481 Unwilling to bow your head

Chapter 3481 Unwilling to bow your head
Support is a must.

However, battlefield support is not something that can be done casually and casually.

Under the circumstances planned by the other party, if you don't support, maybe there will be no accidents.

Once you go directly to support and destroy the original battle plan, the consequences will probably be devastating.

this point is very important.

In the past, this kind of example did not happen.

When supporting, the original plan was broken, which led to mistakes in all aspects, and was defeated by the enemy with heavy losses.

Because of this, even though Song Qingyu had issued a support mission, he would not blindly provide support in this way.

After he went, he had to observe the battlefield first before speaking.

If the second blocking position needed support, then the soldiers he led could go to support immediately.

If you don't need support, then you don't have to.

Just wait in the dark.

Wait until the retreat of the battle, so that no unexpected special situation will happen.

For this kind of situation, Song Qingyu is quite experienced.

He has followed Yang Fei for so long, and he has changed himself and made himself better.

After all, he is not a blind man.

Not a reckless person.


The first blocking position.

After Song Qingyu evacuated with the soldiers.

The battlefield calmed down.

One by one, the little devils also gathered the wounded soldiers and corpses under the order, and began to clean the battlefield.

This is the most basic skill, even if there is no order from the officer, these little devils will do it like this.

Soon, the battle losses on the little devil's side were also counted.

The first combat brigade lost one and a half squadrons.

The second combat brigade lost a squadron of troops.

Looking at it this way, the losses of the First Combat Brigade were actually not as heavy as imagined.

However, so many troops have been lost, but the luggage is also counted.

As for the truck, it is an important means of transportation during the march at this time.

All in all, if the loss of troops, plus the loss of supplies, the losses of the little devil's first combat brigade and second combat brigade are indeed not small.


The moment the gunfire stopped, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura jumped off the truck.

He looked at the battlefield in front of him with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Your Excellency, Captain, the danger has not been lifted yet, why did you come out at this time?"

The major officer who was in charge of guarding next to him waved his hand and brought in two little devils, and put Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura under his guard.

This is indeed the case. When the battle is just over, the danger is not lifted.

On one side of the position, it is very likely that there will be enemy soldiers in ambush to shoot and kill.

In the past, such things happened a lot.

They can't help but be vigilant.


Nakasa Mizushima Kimura waved his hand.

He didn't care about that.

Danger does not only exist after the crisis is resolved.

On the battlefield, danger exists at all times.

Even when you look at the safest time, there may be a gun pointed at you and a shot is fired.

Therefore, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura didn't care about this at this time.

"I'll go to the First Combat Brigade to have a look!"

"You guys go ahead!"

"Remember, you must put the wounded soldiers first!"

Regarding this point, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura urged him again.

Since he became an officer leading the team, he has always paid attention to this aspect.

Wounded soldiers, as long as they can be rescued in a timely manner, lightly wounded soldiers can recover in a very short period of time.

So, he has always paid attention to this point.

Only in this way can the loss be minimized.

Slightly wounded soldiers can fight directly on the battlefield after treatment and display their combat effectiveness.

If it is not treated well, it may be another result.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain, please rest assured!"

The major officer next to him immediately promised.

Because it has always been like this before, so now that I receive the order, it is not abrupt, and I am very confident that I can complete this task.


After Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura nodded, he turned and walked towards the place where the First Combat Battalion was located.

He wanted to discuss with Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, and talk about the encounter with blocking this time.

Regardless of whether it is successful or not, whether it can make Hegang Youji Zhongzuo pay attention to it, he wants to mention it.

It's his responsibility to mention it, as for whether Zhongzuo Hegang Youji listens or not, it doesn't matter to him.

It is enough for him to do what he can do well.

He can't control anything else.

He is not Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's father.

You can't take care of him and pay attention to him everywhere.

As far as what he is doing now, as a colleague, he is already doing very well.

Soon, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura came to the station of the First Combat Battalion.

"Your Excellency Captain!"

"Your Excellency Captain!"


These little devil soldiers of the First Combat Brigade are still very familiar with Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura.

The little devil soldiers they met greeted Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa one after another.



Nakamura Mizushima Kimura also nodded in response.

Just like that, Mizushima Kimura saw Lieutenant Tsuruoka Yuki who was also in the truck headquarters and jumped down.


Similarly, Tsuruoka Yuki, who just jumped off the truck, also saw Mizushima Kimura.

Greeted immediately.

It's just that at this moment, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang, his face is a little embarrassed.

After all, what happened this time was his fault.

Although, he didn't want to admit it, but a fault is a fault, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn't admit it.

In the end, if he didn't admit it, he could only save his previous face.


Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura nodded, came to Tsuruoka Yuki, and said with a sigh: "This time, the loss is huge!"


Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded: "The loss is huge!"

"I really didn't expect that these hateful Huaxia soldiers would ambush here and stop us!"

"I didn't expect that they actually grasped the direction of our progress!"

"Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to carry out an accurate blocking battle here!"

"These guys are really hateful and cunning!"

"They will only play with such means!"

"Otherwise, if they directly confront the imperial army, they will definitely die!"

"These bastards!"

Speaking of which, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang at this moment is also extremely angry.

The words were full of scolding.


And Mizushima Kimura Nakamura, who heard Tsuruoka Yuki Nakazuo's words, sighed helplessly in his heart.

He knew that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't dare to face up to his mistakes, but chose to escape.

"This bastard thing, why didn't he accept the lesson?"

"Why can't you let go of your face that you don't want money?"

"Why can't you think about it and reflect on your own mistakes?"

Mizushima Kimura thought in his heart, he was really angry and hated that iron could not be made into steel.

However, at this time, he has no choice but to endure the anger in his heart and directly point out this matter.

"Mr. Hegang, we need to make a good plan, otherwise, I feel that we will still be blocked by this kind of sudden resistance in the next journey!"

"Don't forget, we are still far away from Jiuping Town."

"Hegang-jun, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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