Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3484 Liu Zhiyun's plan

Chapter 3484 Liu Zhiyun's plan
Don't look at them as fighting a blocking war.

It sounds easy.

After all, the blocking battles in the past were all on the way that the little devil must pass, and after finding a favorable terrain, he would ambush the little devil.

In this case, you will have the upper hand, and you can be one step ahead of the little devil, thus inflicting a heavier blow on the devil.

However, the blocking battle ordered by Yang Fei this time was not the case.

The distance between Liude City and Jiuping Town does not have any good terrain at all.

They are all plains, even if there are a few raised places on both sides of the main road, they are still very small places, and they cannot be used to block or ambush these little devils at all.

So, this time the blocking battle is the plain blocking war.

Under such circumstances, if the operation is not good, let alone blocking and attacking the little devil.

It's a little bit unexpected, if the little devil found out in advance, it would be another version and ending.

This is why Yang Fei arranged it this way.

Similarly, it was the reason why Liu Zhiyun immediately felt relieved.

With the arrival of Song Qingyu and this group of soldiers, it really gave Liu Zhiyun confidence.

At the very least, someone has backed Li Zhiyun.

Needless to say, that's how it is sometimes.

When doing something, if someone backs you up, and if no one backs you up, the probability of what you do is also different.

When you have no one to back you up, you will feel unconfident and have no confidence.

And after someone backs you up, you have this confidence, this confidence, and you can directly determine whether you will be successful or not.

This is the gap.

It was also at this time, how important Song Qingyu and the soldiers who came were to Liu Zhiyun.

"In that case, the deployment here, you see?"

In terms of experience, Liu Zhiyun knew that he stepped into Song Qingyu, so he still had to ask Song Qingyu for his opinion on how to deploy.

In addition, in the past, although there was a perfect plan.

However, Song Qingyu and the soldiers came, so there must be a reasonable arrangement, right?

Otherwise, without a reasonable arrangement, the combat power of Song Qingyu and the soldiers he brought would be wasted.

"In terms of deployment, you can figure it out!"

Hearing this, Song Qingyu smiled and said, "I'm here to support you, and likewise, I'm here to obey your arrangement!"

"So, I'm your soldier now. Whatever you say I'm in charge of, I'll be in charge of it?"

"No, don't you want to prove yourself?"

"Now that the opportunity comes, you can arrange tasks for me and just prove yourself well!"

When Song Qingyu received the order, in this blocking battle, only the first blocking battle was directed by himself.

For the rest, the second blocking position, he had to follow Liu Zhiyun's arrangement.

As for the third blocking position, he had to follow Staff Officer Chen's arrangement.

For the fourth blocking position, they must follow Zhao Yili's arrangement.

Yang Fei's order was clear at a glance.

It was to use this mission to test Staff Officer Chen, Zhao Yili and Liu Zhiyun.

Look at the three of them, how did they perform in this blocking battle?

Is it true that I have learned all the things Yang Fei taught, and they can all be integrated!

Yang Fei's purpose is this one.

Song Qingyu was very clear in his heart, so at this moment, he would never go beyond this order.

"Let me deploy the command."

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Song Qingyu doesn't want to be in command.

As long as the command is in his hands, then he can deploy and arrange according to what he thinks and plans in his heart!

"Yes, you direct the deployment!"

Song Qingyu made sure again.

"Hey, that's fine!"

Liu Zhiyun was determined and laughed again.


Seeing Liu Zhiyun's appearance, Song Qingyu laughed and cursed.

"Hey, if that's the case, how about I tell you about my plan and deployment while there is still enough time?"

Liu Zhiyun said to Song Qingyu with a smile.

In fact, he also wanted to hear Song Qingyu's opinion on his plan in this regard.

After all, only by absorbing favorable opinions can one make progress.

Liu Zhiyun is very clear about this aspect.

Otherwise, there is no great prospect for a person to keep working behind closed doors.

"Tell me!"

Song Qingyu also had some expectations in his heart at the moment.

Liu Zhiyun's progress can be said to have been witnessed by him.

He wanted to see what kind of surprise Liu Zhiyun could bring him in this blocking battle.

You must know that a good battle plan can completely determine the victory of the battle, and it is also the most critical factor for the victory of the battle.

"In this way, my plan is very simple!"

Liu Zhiyun was not polite, and said directly:

"Where we are at the moment is more than two miles away from the main road that the devils passed by, and nearly three miles away!"

"Look, here!"

Liu Zhiyun picked up a stick on the ground and drew the surrounding terrain.

"This is where we are, the bombardment position!"

"In this way, move forward in a straight line for two miles on the right side of the artillery position."

"After the devils arrive, fire first!"

"The shelling started, and the soldiers who were moving two miles away began to rush towards the road where the devils were shelled!"

"Two minutes, that is, two minutes, no more than five minutes!"

"The soldiers can run close to the convoy of the devils under shelling and start shooting immediately!"

"In this way, these little devils can be completely avoided. After accepting the lesson from last time, we searched both sides of the road properly!"

"Otherwise, once we lead the ambush on both sides of the main road, after experiencing the last attack and ambush, these little devils will definitely make corresponding countermeasures!"

"Once we follow the old rules, the chances of being discovered by the little devil will be very high!"

"At that time, once the little devil finds out, then we will all be finished!"

"So, I came up with this method. The moment the bombardment started, I started to attack!"

Liu Zhiyun directly told Song Qingyu the method he thought of.

Very detailed.

"Okay, you boy!"

Hearing Liu Zhiyun's battle plan, Song Qingyu's eyes lit up, and he slapped Liu Zhiyun directly.

And said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that you kid would surprise me at this time!"

"Your plan is good, very good, very good!"

"Similarly, you can think that the little devils will have countermeasures, which is very good!"

"Predict the enemy's practices and plans in advance, so that we can avoid our mistakes as much as possible!"

"This is very good. Once successful, greater losses are avoided!"

"Your plan is very good. Even if it is me, facing such a situation, I may not be able to think of such a perfect and unexpected plan!"

"I believe that our style of play must be able to fool these little devils, haha!"

"Thinking of this, Comrade Xiao Liu, my heart is agitated!"

What Song Qingyu said was true, he really did not expect that Liu Zhiyun's progress could be so great.

This kid did not disappoint him and Lao Yang!
Progress is too fast.

Looking at it now, he is much stronger than Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili!

(End of this chapter)

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