Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3485 Devils discuss countermeasures

Chapter 3485 Devils discuss countermeasures

Song Qingyu could see Liu Zhiyun's progress.

For Staff Officer Chen, Liu Zhiyun, and Zhao Yili.

In fact, Song Qingyu and Yang Fei were optimistic about Zhao Yili at the beginning.

Because Yang Fei is particularly optimistic, Song Qingyu is also optimistic.

But, who knew that Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen got together later, and even reached a consensus that the two of them became the same kind of people.

As for Liu Zhiyun, at this moment, it was as if a sudden force suddenly emerged, surpassing them among the three of them.

The level of progress is much better than Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

So, at this moment, Song Qingyu is so optimistic about Liu Zhiyun.

And Liu Zhiyun did not disappoint him, at this moment, he directly revealed his new plan.

I have to say that this kid really surprised Song Qingyu, and the new plan he made is undoubtedly the most suitable for the current situation.

After thinking about it in his mind, Song Qingyu found that even if he was allowed to make the plan that Liu Zhiyun had in mind, it would not exceed Liu Zhiyun's.

At most, it is to formulate a plan similar to Liu Zhiyun's.

"Old Liu, just do as you say!"

Song Qingyu said excitedly: "As for me, I will be with you and be responsible for hearing the shelling, and just charge and shoot the devils!"

"And you, if you want to stay in the artillery position, stay in the artillery position."

"After all, at this time, you are the commander of this second blocking battle. You need to command the battle. Charge over there, or leave it to me, how about it?"

Song Qingyu thought very well, if Liu Zhiyun could agree, he would be the commander of the charge and fight.

However, upon hearing Song Qingyu's words, Liu Zhiyun immediately widened his eyes and said:

Liu Zhiyun was not a fool, so he immediately understood what Song Qingyu meant.

This guy wants to open up the plank road and secretly hide Chencang.

It is obvious that he wants to participate in the battle, but secretly, he wants to gain the command of the charge battle.

This will not work.

He presided over this battle, and he had to enjoy it.

This Song Qingyu, at this time, is not authentic.

"Old Song, I thought you were an authentic person?"

"At this moment, it seems that you are so unreasonable!"

"What? At this time, what do you want to do? You want to take away my command right directly."

"You really know how to think."

"Let me sit on the side of the artillery position and be in charge of commanding the battle!"

"Let me ask you, an artillery position, what do I need to command?"

"In the early stage, I arranged these things. In the later stage, the artillery soldiers just follow the orders. What's the point of commanding, let me sit here!"

"I figured it out, you old boy, it's really like what Lao Yang said, at some point, you're really not a thing."

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun was not polite, and laughed and cursed at Song Qingyu.

Song Qingyu was just thinking about good things, the more he was like this, the less he would agree to this at this moment.


Hearing Liu Zhiyun's scolding, Song Qingyu didn't feel embarrassed at all:
"Look, I'm not here to share with you."

"I'm also kind, Lao Liu, don't get it wrong, you understand?"

"This matter, follow your arrangement, let's do it!"

"Look at you, what are you thinking about?"

Song Qingyu is actually so shameless.

He didn't feel embarrassed at all when Liu Zhiyun said that about him.

Instead, he smiled again and handed the initiative to Liu Zhiyun.

"You ah you!"

Liu Zhiyun smiled, no longer wasting time, and directly arranged: "Well, you don't care about anything, and when the gunshots sound, you can charge with the soldiers, that's all right."

To be honest, his plan is very simple and does not require any skills at all.

As long as the order is heard, the shelling of the shelling, the charge of the charge.

Fight according to the rules and listen to the retreat order.

Others are not so troublesome at all.

So, there is nothing to arrange at all.

"how about you?"

Song Qingyu nodded, looked at Liu Zhiyun and asked.

"I am in charge of retreating!"

Liu Zhiyun said: "You have to fight, but I still have to make good arrangements for the retreat. Otherwise, if there are so many soldiers like us, if we are entangled by little devils because of the retreat, then we will be in great danger. It's big!"

"In the end, if we can't get away, our soldiers will suffer a lot!"

"Old Song, we can't afford such a loss at this moment!"

Liu Zhiyun made the distinction very clearly.

The battle ahead has begun, and there is nothing to command.

The most important thing in the blocking war is how to retreat safely after the blocking mission is over.

How to minimize losses while retreating.

At this moment, he is responsible for this aspect.


Song Qingyu nodded directly and agreed.

"Then do this, there is nothing to say, you hurry up and make arrangements!"

"I believe that after such a long time, these little devils should have finished planning how to deal with us."

"Calculate the time, the time left for us is running out, you go!"

Song Qingyu didn't waste any more time and just nodded in agreement.


After Liu Zhiyun nodded, he turned around and went to make arrangements.

Soon, on the second blocking battlefield, the soldiers were ready to fight.

The battle is ready, and all that remains is to wait and look forward to the arrival of the little devils.



At this moment, Tsuruoka Yuki and Mizushima Kimura, both of them, have already made a corresponding preparedness plan based on the situation at the scene, as well as their speculation and deduction.

"Hegang-jun, if there are no accidents, if we do this, we will be able to guard against ambushes on both sides of the road!"

Seeing the plan made, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura breathed a sigh of relief.

In my heart, I no longer have the worry I had before.

He believed that as long as he followed the plan made this time, he would definitely save a lot of trouble on the road ahead.

"Well, it's alright, Mizushima-kun!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded with a smile, and said with some embarrassment: "I was wrong before, Mizushima-kun!"

"For my so-called face, I don't want to bow to you!"

"Now, I think about it, it's not what I thought at all!"

"So, Mizushima-kun, at this time, I apologize to you!"

After Hegang Youji Zhongzuo finished speaking, he directly lowered his head, which he thought he was extremely noble.

"Hey, He Gang-jun, what are you doing?"

As for Major Mizushima Kimura, he did not dare to accept the big gift from Tsuruoka Yuki in the slightest.

He got out of the way and pulled Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo up.

He solemnly said: "Mr. Hegang, I didn't think so. Really, I didn't do this for myself, but for the third alliance, for our own!"

This is indeed the case, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura has no selfishness in this matter.

It's just that Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo himself was wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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