Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3486 Satisfied devil

Chapter 3486 Satisfied devil

Indeed, regarding this matter, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura was really selfless.

If he had selfish intentions, it was that he didn't want his Third Combat Brigade to suffer too much damage.


For him, this is the only selfishness.

In the same way, to worry about the loss of his third team is to worry about the loss of the third wing.

In the same way, among these points, there is a connection.

In the final analysis, he was still worried about the heavy losses of the third wing.

Once that's the case, it's over.

His future, his everything, is over.

This is his selfishness.

For the selfishness of the entire third wing.

But is this selfish?

Not at all.

"Mizushima-kun, I was thinking too much, and I was wrong, but I still want to apologize to you here, after all, I misunderstood you!"

At this time, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, his attitude and so on, seemed to be a completely different person.

In the past, he was very stubborn. Regarding his mistakes, he resolutely didn't want to admit it, and couldn't realize his own shortcomings.

So ah, this also led to a series of subsequent things.

And at this time, Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang obviously seemed to have come to his senses.

Stop being obsessed with your own face.

Instead, he humbly admitted his mistake directly.

And, at this time, Nakasa Mizushima Kimura directly apologized.

This shows what?
It means he has reformed himself.

But is this really the case?
Actually not.

Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo really, was still frightened by death.

He got to where he is today, not because of his ability, but because of his good words.

This is especially true in front of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain.

It is because he knows how to do things and has a good mouth that he has come to where he is today.

And after he came out, if he left Colonel Hiraga Kusao, he would be a little drifting.

His current attitude at this time was not that he really realized his mistake.

After all, he was afraid of death.

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura told him before that if he didn't pay attention, the consequence would probably be death.

Cut belly!

Hearing this, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was really frightened and made the current decision.

Otherwise, he still wouldn't let go of his face, and would be stubborn to the end.

Fear of death is something that everyone is afraid of.

It's just that some people can face death and fear directly.

And some people, in the face of death, are so scared that they pee their pants.

This is the gap.

Similarly, it is also the gap between Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura and Nakazu Tsuruoka Yuki.

"Hegang-jun, let's stop talking about anything else!"

"At this moment, the most important thing for us is to go to Jiuping Town and carry out our mission!"

Nakamura Mizushima Kimura didn't want to waste time here with Nakazu Tsuruoka Yuki.

What he thought in his heart was that after he had a coping plan, he shouldn't waste time.

As for the virtue of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he also knew very well in his heart.

Just a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

As for what he did before, it was actually for Zhongzuo Hegang Youji to see.

The purpose is to let Hegang Youji Zhongzuo not hold him back in the next time, marching and performing missions.

Otherwise, bigger troubles must be yet to come.

This point, Mizushima Kimura at this time, was very clear in his heart.

"Well, just as you said, Mizushima-kun, let's march quickly!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't want to waste any more time, so he agreed directly.

"it is good!"

In this way, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura gave the order.

After cleaning the battlefield, arranged for the little devil convoy of wounded soldiers, and set off again.

This time, the little devil's convoy was different from before. On both sides of the convoy, on both sides of the main road, there were two teams of little devils in charge of scouting.

It is five or six meters away from the convoy, probably close to ten meters away.

They are responsible for clearing the dangers on both sides of the convoy's way forward.

Once there is danger, they are the first to spot it.

In this way, people who were ambushed on both sides of the road before were prevented from being ambushed.

It has to be said that the method these little devils thought of is indeed an effective method for ambushes and blocking.

If these little devils had done this before, it would be very difficult for Song Qingyu's guard company and reinforcement battalion to complete the blocking battle against these little devils so smoothly.

Even, it will be discovered by the little devil in advance, which will lead to a failure of success.

This is the benefit of planning in advance and preventing in advance.


time flies.

The little devils who have been rectified, the speed of the convoy is very fast.

In addition, in front and on both sides, there are little devils who are responsible for investigation and cleaning.

The little devil on the truck, and the little devil running behind, felt more at ease.


These little devils came to a place five miles away from the blocking position.

"Stop moving forward!"

Looking at the distance, under the order of Zhongzuo Hegang Youji, the little devil's convoy stopped again.

"Camp in place and cook!"

"After dinner, march at night, and strive to reach Jiuping Town early tomorrow morning!"

The orders of Tsuruoka Yuki and Mizushima Kimura were delivered.

"Imperial soldiers in charge of reconnaissance, don't stop, bring cans, eat while advancing, remember, all potential dangers must be wiped out!"

The convoy stopped, but the little devils who were in charge of cleaning up potential dangers couldn't stop to rest.

Under the order of Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, these little devils who were in charge of cleaning had to move forward again to find out the potential dangers in advance.

In this way, it just happens to allow the team to move forward at full speed in the next time.

"Haha, Mizushima-kun, the journey in the afternoon was really smooth!"

"There is no danger at all!"

"I feel that the plan we discussed should work!"

"These Huaxia soldiers who wanted to ambush us, after seeing our investigative imperial army, knew that the ambush would not work, so they retreated immediately!"

"it is good!"

"It's really good!"

"Mizushima-kun, you are right, you are right!"

At this time, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was very excited.

Note, he is not a fool, there are some potential dangers, and after taking measures, he did not encounter any dangers during this march, which is a good thing.

In this way, in the next time, he can be completely at ease.

This is also the reason why Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was happy and excited at this time.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo firmly believes that as long as they can reach Jiuping Town smoothly.

Then, this victory belongs to them.

"Mr. Hegang, this is the credit of the two of us. The response plan was discussed by the two of us. How can I take the credit alone?"

For this, the clever Mizushima Kimura directly attributed the credit to the two of them.

Although, he is the leader and takes the main credit.

But, being human is not like that.

Sometimes, you can't take all the credit for yourself.

Otherwise, it will lead to unfavorable results for you.

This point, in Mizushima Kimura's heart, is very clear, very clear.

Not to mention, what he was facing right now was Yuki Hegang who was like a villain.

In his heart, he can understand clearly.

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, Tsuruoka Yuki, who heard what Mizushima Kimura said, burst into a hearty laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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