Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3487 Camping At Night

Chapter 3487 Camping At Night
At this time, Zhongzuo Youji in Hegang felt very comfortable after listening to Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura.

He felt that all the face he lost before was recovered from Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo's words at this time and his attitude towards him.

At this moment, he felt that he seemed to have returned to his original state.

"Yes, Mizushima-san, you are right!"

"If you say that, then I'm not humble."

"This time, it is indeed the credit of the two of us."

"Otherwise, if it weren't for the two of us working together to discuss and deduce, we wouldn't be able to make such a good plan!"

At this moment, Youji Zhongzuo of Hegang really didn't want Bilian, so he just gave him the credit.

For him, as long as he can get the credit he wants, he will never be polite, just take it!

This is the case now, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura has already said that it is the credit of the two of them, so why is he still hesitating, just accept it directly.

You are welcome.

In Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's life dictionary, there is no such word as polite at all.

"By the way, Mizushima-san, tell me, won't it be bad for us if we march at night?"

"After all, at night, even the imperial soldiers who are searching, their vision will be affected!"

At this time, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang expressed his worries again.

Indeed it is.

If they were marching during the day, the imperial soldiers they were in charge of scouting could see far away at a glance.

If there is an enemy situation, it will be discovered very early.

But at night, it's not like that.

At night, it was dark all around, even if they had imperial soldiers in charge of investigation.

Then there will be accidents.


Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura heard the words of Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki, nodded directly, and said, "Mr. Tsuruoka, I know this!"

"As for whether we want to march at night or not, the two of us can still discuss this!"

"If you don't support marching at night, then we can march again tomorrow morning after dawn!"

"Besides, I told the imperial soldiers in charge of the investigation to let them go directly to investigate. There are two purposes!"

"First, it is for them to investigate and see if there are any Chinese soldiers in ambush. If there are any, they can find out in advance and make preparations in advance!"

"Secondly, is there a chance for these imperial soldiers in charge of scouting to exercise?"

"After all, after they have advanced and scouted for a period of time, we can send someone to call them back, or let them camp directly in front!"

At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura expressed his thoughts.

He did think so.

Besides, Moen is really not good at marching at night for their imperial army.

Not only night marches, but even night battles are not the battles their imperial army is good at.

At night, it is best to find a suitable place and set up camp directly.


"So this is ah!"

"Mizushima-kun, you are indeed more thoughtful than me!"

"In terms of these military skills, I am really not as good as you, and I am so much worse than you!"

"In this case, let's stop marching at night and set up camp here!"

Hegang Yuki Zorba had no choice but to march at night. At this moment, he directly made a decision.

Anyway, in his opinion, the risk of marching at night is too great.

Just stay here honestly.

Although camping here, there is also the danger of being raided.

However, they have built fortifications, even if there is a surprise attack, they can resist, or even counterattack.

Unless the opponent has heavy artillery, they can control their camp with artillery fire.

Otherwise, even if there was a surprise attack, it would still be their imperial army who won the victory.

Besides, they set up camp suddenly, even if it was the Huaxia soldiers who were ambushing ahead, they might not be able to react.

At that time, even if they react, it will be too late.

"Okay, Mr. Hegang, since you have decided, let's do it!"

For this, Nakazu Mizushima Kimura has no objection at the moment.

Compared with the risks of marching during the day and marching at night, the risk of marching at night is indeed greater.

To be on the safe side, this time, he listened to Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, so there was no problem.

Besides, this can be regarded as a face for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

It would make Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, a fool, happier in his heart.

In this way, it is beneficial to him for the next fortification.

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, it can be said that he thinks clearly about these things.

If it is beneficial to him, then it is no problem for him to relax once.

In this way, in the following time, these little devils received orders from Lieutenants Mizushima Kimura and Lieutenants Tsuruoka Yuki.

Start camping directly and build fortifications.

Moreover, the troops of the two squadrons began to search directly in all directions, completely eliminating the risk of camping at night.

At night, they will leave guard posts in advance in these places.

In order not to be touched at night.

In this regard, these little devils are very experienced.

time flies.

Night falls.

In the camp of the little devils, it was very quiet.

Little devils in twos and threes gathered together, smoking and talking.

Of course, none of them spoke loudly.

It has to be said that these beasts lived a very good life indeed.

Even on the battlefield, they all smoke and eat meat.

Comparing their words, Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu's soldiers suffered much more.

Not too many cans of the little devils were seized.

Only a few soldiers can eat one can.

This is still eaten with the bun.

With such conditions, if it is placed on the little devil's side.

These bastards will definitely go crazy.


Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu sat together.

"Attack the camp at night, what do you think are the chances of success?"

Song Qingyu gnawed on the corn bread and asked Liu Zhiyun.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Song Qingyu's words, Liu Zhiyun smiled and shook his head directly: "Don't talk about the probability of success, just say that reality is unrealistic!"

"Look, at this moment, if we rely on heavy firepower, there are only a dozen small-caliber mortars.

and several infantry guns.

If we really want to succeed in attacking the camp of the little devils, without the attack and suppression of the shelling, we will not be able to succeed at all.

So, under such circumstances, I feel that raiding the camp at night is not a reliable decision! "

For this point, Liu Zhiyun at the moment still has a clear understanding.

Raiding the camp at night is indeed beneficial and has advantages.

But, don't forget, what they are facing is a little devil with extremely rich combat experience.

Now that people are ready for night camp.

Then maybe, they are specially prepared, waiting for them to attack at night.

If you have a lot of guns, you can try it.

There is no artillery fire to suppress the devil's firepower. If you try, you will be courting death.

This point was mentioned by Yang Fei when he explained the battle examples to them before.

"Well, you're right!"

Song Qingyu swallowed the wowotou, and said: "That's true. Night attack is very enjoyable, but if one is not good, it is easy to confess yourself to the devil. It is not advisable, not advisable!"

Song Qingyu also stopped talking about the night attack on the devil's barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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