Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3488 The battle is about to start

Chapter 3488 The battle is about to start
In fact, there are many, many examples of successful night raids.

There are also many successful battles, such as small and big.

But success is success.

The loss is still great.

If there is heavy firepower to suppress, then the attack on the camp will have a high success rate and at the same time minimize the battle damage.

Song Qingyu thought of this at the beginning.

However, he didn't have much hope for the night attack.

So, with this result at the moment, he is not disappointed at all.

Just put this topic down and veto it.

"Night attack is definitely not allowed!"

Liu Zhiyun said: "Tonight, let's get a good night's sleep, recharge our energy, and wait for the little devil to arrive tomorrow!"

"Anyway, if we don't go, it's the little devil who should be worried, not us!"

"I bet these little devils, even if it's a night camp, they will think about it and be on guard against us, afraid that we will attack them."

"In this case, the little devil must have a lot of bad rest tonight!"

"For us, the little devils who don't have a good rest will have their combat effectiveness affected. We will be able to catch them tomorrow!"

What Liu Zhiyun said is also true, it is true.

The little devil camped at night, he must be worried about this, and more troops will patrol the realm at night and so on.

Even if it's a change of guard, a kid who doesn't get enough rest will be depressed if he waits for the next day.

this is normal phenomenon.

Anyway, what they knew was that they would not attack at night.

Instead, I can sleep well tonight.

"Hey, it must be so!"

Song Qingyu also said with a smile: "From last night to now, I haven't had a good rest yet!"

"I have been marching fast, and my legs are still sore!"

"Now, I'm going to take a good rest!"

Since receiving Yang Fei's order, Song Qingyu led the soldiers to the first blocking position at the fastest speed overnight.

During the period, I just took a nap while waiting for the little devil.

Didn't get a good rest at all.

Tonight, I can just take advantage of this opportunity to have a good rest and nourish my spirit.

"Well, who's to say no? We are the same as soldiers. We haven't had a good rest since we received the order. Tonight is a good opportunity to rest!"

"Damn, rest well tonight, get up tomorrow and fight devils!"

"Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Liu Zhiyun immediately burst into laughter.

The soldiers who heard Liu Zhiyun's words also burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, I'm sleepy now!"

Song Qingyu waved his hand directly, quickly ate the corn bread in his hand, took a sip of water, and went to rest.

"Well, you go to sleep first, I'll sleep later!"

Liu Zhiyun responded with a smile.

He will go to see the soldiers later and inspect the battlefield.

He can't sleep.

Song Qingyu is not the person in charge of tomorrow's battle, so he can go to sleep well.

And he is the person in charge of tomorrow's battle, so he can't go to sleep directly, he has to go to inspect it.

For this aspect, Liu Zhiyun has always been conscientious.

Similarly, this is what he learned from Yang Fei.

It directly deepened his previous good habit.


time flies.

The night passed like this.

As for the little devil, it was true that Song Qingyu and the others had expected that he didn't sleep well all night.

Even though I changed shifts, I have rested.

However, after going through the blocking battle during the day, I saw with my own eyes that so many comrades around me died.

Under such circumstances, they are afraid that they will be attacked in the next moment.

So, they want to sleep, but they can't sleep well.

This also caused these little devils to not be in a good spirit after waking up this morning.

Of course, except for officers.

The little devil's officer mentality is quite strong.

So, they had a good night's rest.

In this way, the little devils who had eaten breakfast, under the orders of Nakamura Mizushima Kimura and Nakamura Tsuruoka, started to advance directly.

Similarly, the little devils in charge of the investigation started a quick investigation on both sides of the road at one time, eliminating the hidden dangers for the large team.


On Liu Zhiyun's side, the soldiers had a good night's sleep.

There are no disturbing dreams, and the soldiers are directly refreshed.

At dawn, Song Qingyu found Liu Zhiyun.

"Haha, Old Liu, it was so beautiful to sleep this night!"

"The sky is like a blanket, and the ground is like a quilt, it's so cool!"

"I haven't slept so well in a long time!"

Song Qingyu stretched his waist, looking nostalgic.


Liu Zhiyun laughed directly, and said: "If you are willing to go to sleep like this, then after the battle is over, you will be in the headquarters and sleep in the yard every day!"

Judging by Liu Zhiyun's mental state, he also slept well.

At this time, he directly made a joke of Song Qingyu.

"Damn you."

Song Qingyu directly embraced Liu Zhiyun: "Even if you sleep in the headquarters courtyard, I will take you with you."

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble!"

Liu Zhiyun waved his hand directly: "Hurry up and eat breakfast, prepare quickly after breakfast, and get on your seats, the little devils in the province will also surprise us, it would be bad to just rush over!"

Liu Zhiyun is actually really worried about this.

If this little devil went crazy and got up and marched in the middle of the night, he might have rushed past their second blocking position.

So ah, now they can't waste this time.

You have to prepare quickly.

"Well, you're right!"

Song Qingyu nodded: "Hurry up and eat, and everyone will take their seats after the meal."

"After the battle is over, let's have a good joke!"

In this way, in the next moment, Liu Zhiyun, Song Qingyu, and the soldiers all finished their meal as quickly as possible.

After that, everyone took their positions and began to wait in their own positions.

In the hearts of the soldiers, they are looking forward to it, waiting for the arrival of the little devils, and annihilating as many of these little devils as possible.


time flies.


"battalion commander!"

"battalion commander!"


In the temporary headquarters where Liu Zhiyun was, a panting soldier rushed in.

"What are you panicking about?"

Seeing this, Liu Zhiyun immediately scolded him.

"Battalion Commander, the devil is here, the little devil is here!"

The soldier reported directly to Liu Zhiyun.

"it is good."

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun immediately burst out laughing.

After waiting for so long, these little devils finally arrived.

"Pass down the order, everyone is ready to fight!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Liu Zhiyun gave the order directly.

"Yes, battalion commander!"

The soldier immediately took orders, turned around and ran out of the temporary headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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