Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3490 3 Gunshots

Chapter 3490 Three Gunshots
So, this is why Liu Zhiyun is so serious at the moment.

Anyway, no matter what, he didn't want any accidents to happen in this blocking battle.

Even if the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, he would not allow this.

Sacrifice is fine, but the ratio of battle damage to the little devil must not exceed three to one.

Otherwise, no matter how successful the second blocking battle he commanded this time, it would be a failure.

"Yes, Battalion Commander, don't worry, if there is a mistake this time, if there is an accident, you don't need to deal with me, I will enforce the military law myself!"

The artillery company commander also became serious at this moment.

He knew that Liu Zhiyun wanted an attitude from him.

Otherwise, Liu Zhiyun would continue to urge him.

That's actually it.

The same is true for the role of military order provenance.

It's about your own wealth and life, if you don't try your best, you will be sorry for yourself.

This is actually the essence of the military order.

Let the task relate to your own life.

As a result, a heavier focus and energy broke out than before, thus ensuring the victory of the task.

That's what I mean.

Liu Zhiyun is actually the same.

Of course, it was also because of this battle that the artillery positions were so important.

It completely played a decisive role in this blocking battle.

If the artillery positions weren't so important, Liu Zhiyun wouldn't need to be like this at all.

"Well, remember your words!"

Liu Zhiyun nodded, patted the shoulder of the artillery company commander heavily, and walked towards the charge position.

"Don't worry, Battalion Commander!"

The artillery company commander nodded again.




The devil's convoy is getting closer and closer to the blocking position.

The roar of the truck was deafening.

But this time the devil's advance is completely different from the previous devil's advance.

Before the first attack, these little devils moved forward in a straight line.

On the lead truck, there is a machine gunner watching, the realm.

There are no little devils with warning on both sides.

But at this moment, there is a team of little devil soldiers on each side.

These little devil soldiers directly opened a distance of 200 meters from the main road, and searched forward.

It has to be said that the military quality of these little devils is very good.

Even in such a situation, he could maintain a corresponding speed and keep following the truck.

In this case, just to ensure that there is no ambush ahead.

This is also the reason why these little devils are advancing at a much faster speed at this time.

Otherwise, their forward speed would not be able to reach the current speed.

What these little devils didn't realize was that there were hidden warriors on the big tree beside them, watching them through binoculars.

Under the tree, there is also a hidden pothole.

There is a warrior hidden in the pit.

There are many such big trees and potholes on this road.

This is the sentry point that Liu Zhiyun arranged to monitor the little devils.

Not enough radio stations, and unable to monitor the little devil at close range, Liu Zhiyun could only think of this way.

Otherwise, it would be easy for little devils to find out by ambushing and monitoring at close range.

At that time, once the little devil finds out, then this time's blocking battle will be in vain.

Therefore, although the method that Liu Zhiyun thought of took a lot of troops and time, the effect and safety were very good.

Gradually, the front row of the little devil convoy scouted the troops, and walked over more than 500 meters in front of the charge position.

If these little devils expand their search range by one mile again, the soldiers in the charge position will definitely be exposed.

It's a pity that these little devils don't have so many troops, so they can't do this step at all.

Otherwise, it would be enough for Liu Zhiyun, Song Qingyu and the soldiers to drink a pot.

At this moment, on top of a big tree 100 meters away from the main road.

A warrior calculates the distance.




While looking into the distance, the soldier drew out the pistol from his waist.

During this period, two little devils walked under the big tree.

There was also a little devil soldier who urinated under the big tree.

None of them found the warrior hidden above the big tree.

After three seconds.

Seeing that the distance had been reached, the soldier pointed directly at the sky and pulled the trigger of the pistol.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this moment, three shots were fired in succession.

At this moment, the sudden sound of gunfire completely broke the surrounding peace.


"Where was the shot?"

"Shoot in this direction, look for it quickly!"

"There may be an ambush!"


And these little devils reacted very quickly at this moment.

His eyes fell directly on the big tree where the soldier was.

Quite a few little devils immediately picked up their guns and were about to pull the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


However, at this moment, two miles away, the sound of intensive shelling directly sounded.

This scene completely shocked these little devils.

It made the kid who wanted to pull the trigger forget to pull the trigger.



"Get down!"

"Get down!"


At this moment, most of the little devils were terrified, screaming and lying down to find a place to escape.

Of course, there are also many experienced devil soldiers who immediately started to set up mortars and counterattack.

In fact, these little devils are also very clear in their hearts that their chances of success in such a counterattack are not very high.

And by making such actions, they also gave up their hope of life.

However, some things have to be done by someone.

What if it works.





In just a split second, the fierce artillery fire directly enveloped the devil convoy.




The screams of the devil were endless.

Of course, this is artillery suppression, and not many little devils were actually killed.


Two miles away.

The moment of three gunshots.

Before the shelling started, Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu roared angrily and gave the order to charge!





In this way, under the leadership of Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu, the soldiers began to charge towards the main road two miles away.


"Chinese soldiers!"

"Chinese soldiers!"


Similarly, the little devils who were in charge of searching in front also discovered the charging soldiers.

These little devils were so angry that they raised their guns and were about to shoot.

"Da da da!"


However, there have long been soldiers in charge of this area, staring at these little devils.

The machine gun rang out.

These little devils who wanted to fight back splashed bright red one after another and fell to the ground.

At this moment, it is impossible for them to fight back.

Losing the initiative, these little devils in charge of the search are only doomed to perish.

(End of this chapter)

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