Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3491 The Enlightened Devil Lieutenant

Chapter 3491 The Enlightened Devil Lieutenant

The soldiers who were specially in charge of this area wiped out all the devils searched within a radius of one mile outside the main road with the fastest speed.

The fighters in charge of this aspect are very fast.

It directly cleared the safe charging path for the soldiers who were concentrating on charging.

This was arranged by Liu Zhiyun in advance.

He had already expected the devil's reconnaissance team.

When charging, it was these little devils who blocked them first.

Therefore, the method Liu Zhiyun arranged in advance directly killed the only risk on the way to charge.

Otherwise, once these scouting little devils persisted for a little longer, it would be a blow like death to the charging soldiers.

Don't forget, once the little devils on the road react, they will be able to counterattack and kill them.

So, from this point of view, Liu Zhiyun's progress is really great.

It can be seen from the arrangement of all aspects.




The shelling continued.

The little devils on the main road were basically lying on the ground.

Several trucks were blown up.

Under such circumstances, although not many little devils were killed.

However, he really suppressed the little devil.

Let these little devils not dare to stand up and fight back under the artillery fire.

"Bagaya Road!"



"Get up quickly, rush out of the road, find the enemy's artillery positions, kill, kill!"



The officers of these little devils were also yelling and ordering at this moment.

However, the effect is not very good.

At this time, there are not many little devils who dare to stand up and fight back under artillery fire.

And the devil officer who witnessed this scene also had nothing to do with these little devil soldiers.

Of course, there were also little devil soldiers who dared to take risks, and gradually began to move.

Seeing this scene, these little devil officers felt a little better.

Inside the truck headquarters.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and Mizushima Kimura Zhongzuo both had gloomy faces.

The smooth departure after the first blockade made their hearts feel much smoother.

I thought there was no danger on the next journey to Jiuping Town.

After all, according to their understanding, the Huaxia soldiers did not have enough weapons and ammunition, nor were they wealthy.

It is already very good to be able to stop a blocking battle.

If it comes a second time, the guns and ammunition consumed are not what these Huaxia soldiers can have.

After formulating the corresponding targeted plans, Tsuruoka Yuki and Mizushima Kimura both felt a lot more relaxed.

It's a pity that the cruelty of reality, at this time, once again dealt them a severe blow.

Moreover, it was the kind that directly hit their hearts.

"Mizushima-kun, tell me, what should we do now?"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of anger and aggrieved.

He really couldn't imagine how the Chinese soldiers in the Liude war zone could be so stubborn.

You know, when they were in other theaters, the Chinese soldiers they faced were not so tough, and they were not so difficult to defeat.

Victory basically belongs to them.

But at this moment, it is not the case.

He only felt that the Huaxia soldiers in the Liude war zone were really too difficult to deal with.

This time, they can't be wiped out again and again, they will keep harassing you on the road and draining your strength.

This made Hegang Youji Zhongzuo at this moment really angry.

If possible, he really wanted to let himself not receive the mission to go to Jiuping Town this time.

If this is the case, it will not be in the current situation.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

At this moment, there is Ji Zhongzuo in Hegang, even if he regrets, it is useless.

"Hegang-jun, it's okay!"

Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura shook his head and said, "Look, although the enemy's artillery fire is very powerful, the impact points of the shells are not dense at all. They are suppressing our firepower."

"So, what we have to think about now is, what are these Chinese soldiers doing? Why is the purpose of suppressing us with artillery fire at this time?"

"I think it should be a charge!"

At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, after thinking of these, his eyes widened instantly.

He thought about it.

Thinking of the purpose of these Chinese soldiers.

"Not good, Mr. Hegang!"

After Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura thought of this, before he had time to speak to Nakazu Tsuruoka Yuki, he turned over and jumped into the truck compartment.

Because, Zhong Zuo Mizushima Kimura knew in his heart that if he didn't arrange the response plan as soon as possible in the next time, then their loss this time would be even more serious.


As for Yuki Tsuruoka, who saw Mizushima Kimura jumping off the truck, don't be surprised.

It was obvious that there was already fear in his eyes at this moment.

Because, he heard what Mizushima Kimura said, no, Hegang-kun.

Tsuruoka Yuki, who was frightened, thought that the truck was about to be shelled.

So, at this moment, Zhongzuo Yuki, who was terrified in his heart, didn't dare to think too much, followed in the footsteps of Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura, turned over and jumped off the truck.

And when he rolled over, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura was no longer in sight.


Moreover, he also saw the truck that had nothing to do with it. Immediately afterwards, Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki, who was terrified in his heart, climbed into the truck compartment again in a hurry.

For him, only this truck with thicker steel plates is the safest.

Even if the fuel tank was blown up, or the undercarriage of the truck exploded, he could still survive.

Because, his feet are also steel plates.

The explosion of the fuel tank couldn't penetrate it at all, at most it would injure him.

So, at this moment, for Zhongzuo Hegang Youji, the truck compartment is the safest.

As for the battle, he thought, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura had already gone, that was enough.

After all, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura's ability is even better than him.

Just like that, Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki started to think wildly in the truck headquarters.

The question is still the same, why are the Huaxia soldiers in the Liude theater so difficult to fight and defeat compared to other theaters?
Could it be that the Imperial Army has become weaker?

Thinking of this, Zhongzuo Yuji, Hegang, was directly in the truck compartment, doubting himself!

Let's talk about Nakazu Mizushima Kimura.

His speed was very fast. After jumping out of the truck compartment, he rolled a few times and rolled towards the edge of the road.

When he came to the edge of the road, he looked directly into the distance.

Sure enough, he saw the Huaxia soldiers who had already charged and were about 200 meters away from them.


"Quick, quick!"

"Huaxia soldiers are charging up, quickly build fortifications!"

"Quick, build the fortifications, set up heavy machine guns, quick!"

"Quick, those who violate the order will be shot!"


Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who observed this scene, directly gave the death order to the little devils around him.

If anyone disobeys the order, it will be liquidated after the war.

For this, these little devil soldiers are still very afraid.

Therefore, next to Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, the little devil soldiers who could hear the sound under the artillery fire basically all took orders and began to prepare as quickly as possible.

However, it is very difficult to set up a heavy machine gun under such a situation surrounded by artillery fire.

After all, a heavy machine gun is so heavy that one or two people can easily handle it under such circumstances.

However, these little devils did take orders and started to act.

And the devil with a rifle had already climbed up to both sides of the road and raised the [-] cap in his hand.

As for the devil soldiers in Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo Yuanyuan, they couldn't hear his orders because of the artillery fire.

This made Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura anxious instantly.

He directly pulled over the two devil soldiers next to him, and ordered directly: "Hurry up, go and convey my order, hurry up!"

"Hi Yi!"

The two devil soldiers also took orders immediately, and quickly rolled and crawled towards the two sides shrouded in artillery fire, and went to pass on the orders of Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa!

(End of this chapter)

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