Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3492 Roaring Devil Lieutenant

Chapter 3492 Roaring Devil Lieutenant

It has to be said that the reaction speed of the little devil is very fast.

Under such circumstances, Mizushima Kimura's orders were quickly issued.

The little devil soldiers who were shrouded in the artillery fire all began to prepare for battle after receiving the order.

After all, in the hearts of these little devil soldiers, they knew better than anyone else that in the situation in front of them and their own being surrounded by artillery fire.

Once these Huaxia soldiers charge forward, if they can't make an effective counterattack, then they are really finished.

So, in such a life-threatening situation, the reaction speed of these little devils is very fast.

Seeing that many little devil soldiers are about to prepare for a counterattack.

"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"



However, Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun, who had already charged, had already led the soldiers to counterattack after the charge.

At this moment, the dense rain of bullets poured down on these little devils like raindrops.





At this moment, many little devil soldiers were directly covered by the rain of bullets, and fell to the ground, losing their fighting power.

Some were directly shot to death by the soldiers' bullets.

In fact, until now, don't look at the counterattack speed of these little devils.

However, the fighters have the upper hand, and the advantage is there.

Under such circumstances, whoever shoots first will have an absolute advantage on the battlefield.

Therefore, at the moment when the soldiers fired, it would be very difficult for these little devils in the early stage to fight back again.

Only in the middle and late stages can they organize again, which belongs to their counterattack.

"Da da da!"


The battle continues.

A famous little devil was shot and killed by soldiers.

Similarly, the little devil's counterattack from time to time also caused many soldiers to be injured and sacrificed.

This situation is inevitable.

Because, this is the battlefield, this is war.

As long as gunshots sound, there will be casualties and sacrifices.

time flies.

Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu felt the little devils who were fighting back more and more fiercely.

On their side, due to the consumption of a large amount of ammunition, the battle has begun to show fatigue.


Under such circumstances, Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun gave the order to retreat without the slightest hesitation.

Although, if they continue to fight, they can persist and wipe out many little devils.

However, once they did that, they would undoubtedly give up the opportunity to retreat.

Don't look at their first blocking battle and the second blocking battle, they killed a lot of little devils.

Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun made an estimate. Even so, if they could kill one-third of the two devils' brigade, that would be good.

So, the troops of these little devils are still abundant at the moment.

This means that these little devils have little chance at this moment.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Song Qingyu, Liu Zhiyun, and the soldiers to retreat once these little devils fought back with all their strength.

So, before these little devils could react, they had to retreat immediately.

There should be no hesitation or delay.

Otherwise, the consequences of fighting will be greater losses.

Even, it was directly annihilated by the little devil here.

Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun would not let the soldiers take this risk here.

Otherwise, the difficulty of fighting between the third blocking position and the fourth blocking position will increase.

"Company commander, battalion commander, the minefield is buried!"

"I'm fine here too!"


Moreover, at this time, the soldiers responsible for laying the mines also returned one after another.

"Okay, quickly retreat!"



In this way, Liu Zhiyun and Song Qingyu led the soldiers and retreated while fighting, and quickly disappeared in this area.

"Da da da!"


Of course, the gunshots from the little devil's counterattack did not stop.

Because, under the situation in front of them, these little devils are not sure whether the Huaxia soldiers on the opposite side are doing something tricky.

If the gunshots stopped on the Huaxia soldiers side, it would be wrong to think that they have no power to fight back.

Once the imperial army stops shooting, they will probably be ambushed once again and be hit again.

Therefore, these little devils who have learned the previous lesson directly accepted the previous lesson and dare not repeat the same mistakes.

They would rather shoot again for a while than stop the gunfire easily at this time.

5 minutes later.

The little devil, who hadn't heard the gunshots, felt that he was almost done, and stopped shooting.

This time, they found out.

The Huaxia soldiers on the opposite side really didn't fight back again.

Instead, they all evacuated.

For some reason, after confirming this situation, these little devils were not angry, but breathed a sigh of relief.

It is learned that this has been hit one after another.

Coupled with the demise of the Devil's Independent Brigade and the Ninth Regiment, these little devils have already feared in their hearts.




At this moment, the gunfire stopped, and Lieutenant Zuo Hegang Yuki, who was hiding in the truck headquarters, screamed angrily and jumped to Xiaolai.

Especially when he saw the loss in front of him, he was even more furious. The anger in his chest was like a volcano about to erupt.

"Hegang-jun, don't be angry!"

However, Mizushima Kimura Zhongzuo next to him was not angry, and he persuaded Hegang Youji Zhongzuo not to be angry.

"Mizushima-kun, these hateful Chinese soldiers are too rampant, so hateful!"

"How dare they come here and block us twice in a row!"

"You bastard, bastard!"

"Damn things!"

"These Huaxia soldiers should all die!"

Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo roared.

In his heart at the moment, that was the case, and he was about to be blown up.

"Hegang-jun, our loss this time is about the same as last time!"

"Above the total force, we have lost a little more than one-third!"

"However, through these two battles, we also have to learn the lesson, that is, the road leading to Jiuping Town is still not safe!"

"As expected, there will still be Huaxia soldiers ambushing us, and then ambush us!"

"This point, no matter how well we plan and deal with it, we cannot avoid it!"

"So, Mr. Hegang, you should not be angry and roaring now, but discuss with me to decide whether we should continue to Jiuping Town and carry out the mission assigned to us by Your Excellency the Alliance Captain!"

"This is the most important thing in front of me!"

Anger, in Mizushima Kimura's heart, was also extremely angry.

However, Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura knew very well that now was not the time to be angry at all.

Anger is useless.

So, under such circumstances, they must first suppress their anger.

And, think about it carefully, whether they will execute the next task or not.

This is the most important.

Anger is useless.


Hearing Mizushima Kimura's words, Tsuruoka Yuki gave a cold snort, and forced himself to calm down.

After all, he knew in his heart that the anger at this moment was useless.

Even, when Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa said this, a subconscious voice roared in his heart, telling him not to carry out the mission, not to carry out the mission.

Go back quickly, or the jade will probably be broken on the way to perform the task.

However, this was just a thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it directly at this moment.

He believed that if he said this idea directly at this time, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura in front of him would definitely look down on him and even reprimand him.

"I see, Mizushima-kun!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo took a deep breath: "Mizushima-san, I want to confirm, what are the chances of us going to Jiuping Town to carry out the mission successfully?"

Now, he wants to know this before making a decision!
(End of this chapter)

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