Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3493 You Can't Take This Responsibility

Chapter 3493 You Can't Take This Responsibility
Before this point is clarified, he will not make a decision easily.

Otherwise, it would be too hasty to directly express the decision in my heart at this time.

Even if the result is like this, there must be a process.

And when many people settle accounts after autumn, they watch this process.

With and without, the result is completely different.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo may not be clear about other things, but he is clear about this kind of thing.

He was able to get to where he is today, all thanks to such prudence.

Without such caution, he would not have made it to where he is today.

So, at this time, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo first asked such a question.

Similarly, he was very clear in his heart, Nakazu Mizushima Kimura was also very clear about this point.

Let's see if this guy will truthfully tell him the answer in his heart at this time.

However, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo felt that there was no problem.

After all, from the previous conversation, he knew that Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura hadn't concealed anything from him regarding this combat mission.

Always open and honest.

And this answer, he believed, as long as he asked the question at this moment.

Then the answer will be given to him.

"Ha ha!"

Mizushima Kimura, who heard Tsuruoka Yuki's words, first smiled wryly, then shook his head, and said:
"Hegang-jun, since you asked this question at this time, let me ask you, tell me, do you want to hear the truth, or do you want to hear what I said to make you happy!"

I have to say that Mizushima Kimura Nakamura is also very smart.

At this time, he directly asked a question, and threw the question to Zhong Zuo Hegang Youji again.

The meaning of his words is also obvious.

In front of you, at this moment, I can say whatever you want to hear, it's that simple.

From this point, it can also be seen how Nakazu Mizushima Kimura is feeling.

Otherwise, at this time, he would not have Ji Zhongzuo against Hegang, and turn against the army.


Sure enough, when he heard Mizushima Kimura's words, Tsuruoka Yuki's eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart grew even more angry.

Of course, for the sake of the future, he still suppressed the anger rising in his heart, and said: "Mizushima-kun, tell me, what is the truth? What makes me happy? You say it all Well, in this case, just let me choose among them, I believe, for such multiple-choice questions, I can easily do it!"

In the confrontation of words, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't give in at all, and directly turned back.

In the confrontation of words, he has never experienced it on any occasion.

So, he felt that Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura was no match for him in this kind of skill.

"Ha ha!"

This time, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura, who heard Tsuruoka Yuki Nakazuo's words, didn't want to waste his tongue anymore, so he decided to tell the truth.

After all, in this situation in front of him, he has already encountered two blocking battles.

In the next journey, when they reach Jiuping Town, there will definitely be obstacles.

Therefore, under such circumstances, you have to make a choice quickly. It is useless to waste your tongue.

Similarly, he also believed that as long as he spoke the answer in his heart, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo would not choose to leave.

The reason is that if he chooses to leave at this time, he will not be able to bear the responsibility of the battle mission in Jiuping Town this time.

For Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, taking responsibility was not something he allowed.

It's not what he wants either.

Since this is the case, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura immediately knew what this guy's choice was.

"Mr. Hegang, the truth is, this time we go to Jiuping Town to carry out the mission, the chance of success is already less than half, [-]-[-]!"

"And say what you want to hear, that is, if you want to evacuate, I will evacuate with you."

Speaking of this, Mizushima Kimura's zhongzuo changed the subject and said directly: "But, this time, the person in charge of the mission to Jiuping Town is you!"

"Once you take us back like this, you won't get any results, and you even caused such serious losses to the First Battle Group and the Third Battle Group!"

"Think about it, can you bear this responsibility, your Excellency, the captain, will you spare you?"

"Although I will also take part of the responsibility, but compared with your responsibilities, the responsibilities I bear are nothing more than a drop in the bucket. At most, I was reprimanded by Your Excellency, the captain, and deducted some of my previous military achievements. That's all worth it!"

"Hegang-jun, what about you?"

Originally, Tsuruoka Yuki was pleased when he heard Mizushima Kimura's second sentence.

However, what Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura said afterwards was like a basin of cold water poured on his head so fiercely that he woke up instantly.

Before, he only thought about other things, but he didn't think about it.

What he thought was, how to do it safely.

And now, after hearing what Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura said, none of the things he was thinking just now are safe.

All are not safe.

Even if the operation is not good, it will be directly ordered to be killed by the captain of the regiment, Mr. Hiraga Kusao.

Thinking of this, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo shuddered in his heart.

The fear of darkness directly enveloped his heart.

He doesn't want to take responsibility.

I don't even want to die and lose everything now.

If he led the team to evacuate for the sake of temporary safety, the captain of the regiment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, would definitely hold him accountable after returning.

This responsibility, as Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura said, he really can't afford it.

"Mizushima-san, you are joking, how could I choose such a path, it's impossible!"

"As an officer of the Imperial Army, I would not make such a choice!"

"For us, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, we have to overcome obstacles and directly crush the difficulties, so as to win the battle!"

"Victory belongs to the empire!"

I have to say that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo is also very shameless.

At this time, he directly put on a big hat for himself.

Mistakes, he will not make.

He knows a lot.

"Ha ha!"

And Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa, who heard Hegang Yuki Zhongsao's words, just sneered in his heart, and didn't show it on the surface. On the contrary, he said seriously:

"Hegang-jun is right. Your spirit is worth learning from me, and it is even more worthy of promoting it in our regiment, so that all imperial soldiers and officers in the third regiment can learn from it!"

"Hegang-jun, my opinion of you has really changed a lot. In the future, I will definitely learn from you!"

Do not wear flattery.

Nakamura Mizushima Kimura said something nice to Tsuruoka Yuki directly.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who was depressed in his heart, instantly became happy, and his vanity was greatly satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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