Chapter 3494
Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang just likes to listen to good things.

Because he often flatters Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

So, he also likes others to say good things to him, and to support him.

And at this time, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura spoke nice words to him directly, which made him very happy in his heart.

This made him think, even if Nakazu Mizushima Kimura is more capable than him, so what?
As long as he is in the third team, as long as Yuki Tsuruoka is the captain of the first team, then Mizushima Kimura will always support him like this.

If the status is not as good as his own, then he will always be suppressed by himself in the third team.

Otherwise, why is Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura complimenting him at this time?
Not just for that.

He is not really a fool, he is still clear about this point in his heart.

It's just that he just wants to listen to good things.

Now that Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura bowed his head and said good things to him at this moment, then he will listen to Nakazu Mizushima Kimura again in the next time, and discuss with him what is the next plan for Jiuping Town , that is also possible.

After all, the plan this time must be decided by him in the end.

"Mizushima-san, tell me, what should we do in this situation in front of us this time?"

Tsuruoka Yuki sat down, intending to listen to Mizushima Kimura first.

"Mr. Hegang, in our current situation, I feel that before we reach Jiuping Town, we will encounter at least one blocking battle!"

"Otherwise, these hateful Chinese soldiers will not let us reach Jiuping Town easily!"

"Because, they know in their hearts that as long as they can't stop us in advance, once the imperial army reaches Jiuping Town, they will all be finished!"

"Plunge straight into despair."

"So, it is because of this situation that these Chinese soldiers who are hiding in the dark, even in Jiuping Town, are afraid, which will cause them to go crazy at this time, yes, facing us , There have been two blocking battles in a row!"

"Based on this analysis, Mr. Hegang, as long as we can reach Jiuping Town smoothly in the next period of time, if we arrive at Jiuping Town, the victory will still belong to us and the empire!"

"Mr. Hegang, what I want to ask you is, in the next period of time, if the loss is too large, but you can win the final battle, can you accept this?"

A plan is to be made, but before making a plan, he also has to ask Zhongzuo Hegang Youji about this point.

Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura knew in his heart that at this time, Zhongzuo Youji in Hegang, no matter how thick the mud was, he had to hold it up with both hands.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, he may not be able to command the first brigade.

At that time, if he loses the help of the first combat brigade, then in the next combat mission, his third combat brigade alone will not be able to complete this task and win the battle!
Therefore, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura, who knew this in his heart, backed away again and again against Tsuruoka Yuki at this time.

However, Nakazu Mizushima Kimura had already made up his mind.

Once he completes this mission and returns, he will report all the details of this mission to Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

He believed that after the captain of the alliance, Mr. Hiraga Kusao, knew about this matter, he would definitely not let Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki go.

Otherwise, their third unit would really be doomed.

Faced with such a situation, Colonel Hiraga Kusao must have made the right choice.

Get rid of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, a shit-stirring stick that only flatters.

"You said."

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't know what Mizushima Kimura was thinking.

Instead, agree directly.

"This time, if we want to win this battle, the price we have to pay may be that you and I will lose one of the two battle brigades!"

"It's even impossible to maintain the strength of a combat brigade. After the battle, our two combat brigades will be completely disabled!"

"Hegang-jun, this ending, the result, can you accept it?"

"If you can accept this, then let's continue to discuss the next battle plan."

"If you can't accept this, then let's make another plan!"

Mizushima Kimura's meaning is very clear.

If you can accept the loss and battle damage, then discuss the next plan carefully.

If you can't accept the battle damage, then there is no need to discuss it.

Just follow Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's own thoughts and leave directly.


Tsuruoka Yuki was silent for a while after hearing what Mizushima Kimura said.

Thinking quickly in my mind.

He compared the results of the two choices and made a decision directly.

"Mizushima-kun, for the sake of the empire, I can accept it!"

"Even, I was crushed on the battlefield of Jiuping Town, this is acceptable to me!"

Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo, to put it bluntly, is very beautiful.

Even he himself is willing to be on the battlefield, so he said it all.

It seems that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo really doesn't know how to write the word shameless.

"That's good, Mr. Hegang!"

Hearing Tsuruoka Yuki's decision, Mizushima Kimura was undoubtedly relieved.

After all, if Hegang Youji Zhongzuo can't agree and go against him, then things will be really difficult!

"Hegang-jun, for this combat mission, I think so in my heart, let me tell you, listen first!"

In this way, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura spoke out the plan he had in mind.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he listened patiently.

He is not good at making battle plans.

What he is good at is to have an overview of the overall situation, let his subordinates carry out tasks and execute plans.

It didn't take long for Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura to speak out the plan in his heart.

"Hegang-jun, what do you see?"

After Mizushima Kimura finished speaking, he looked at Tsuruoka Yuki.


Hegang Youji Zhongzuo nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Mizushima-san, your plan is good, it just coincides with mine. At this time, the two of us actually thought of the plan together. Alright, alright, Mizushima-kun, from the looks of it now, the tacit understanding between the two of us is still very good!"

After hearing Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa's words, Tsuruoka Yuki Nakazusa shamelessly took the plan into himself.

As he said that, what came to his mind was also such a plan.

How shameless this is.

"Ha ha!"

Faced with this, Mizushima Kimura Nakasa didn't say anything, and he didn't show any dissatisfaction on the surface.

On the contrary, he said with a smile on his face: "That's good, Mr. Hegang, I just thought of your fur, and I still want to learn a lot from you in the future!"

Lieutenant Zuo Mizushima Kimura, at this time, once again complimented Lieutenant Tsuruoka Yuki.

"Ha ha!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was even more happy when he heard this!
(End of this chapter)

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