Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3496 Song Qingyu's anger

Chapter 3496 Song Qingyu's anger

At this time, Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun led the soldiers to the third blocking battlefield at the fastest speed.

The battlefield of the third block at this moment is very quiet.

The terrain of the third sniper battlefield is somewhat special.

On both sides of the road, there is a dense forest.

The main road leading to Jiuping Town passes through this dense forest.

"Tap Tap!"


At this moment, a large number of footsteps came from the dense forest.

It alarmed the guard soldiers who had already ambushed.


"The movement is so loud? Could it be that the little devil touched it!"


At the edge of the blocking battlefield, the soldiers in charge of guarding were shocked and looked directly behind.

At this moment, their hearts are very worried.

After all, if the place where they were ambushing was touched from behind by a little devil, the consequences would be very serious.

Not to mention whether they can complete their blocking mission this time, once the little devil touches it, whether they can retreat is a question.

"It's my own!"

"Huh, scared me to death!"


Fortunately, after these soldiers stood up and looked back to see who was coming, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that the person here is one of us.

Just now, the sudden sound of a large number of footsteps frightened them.

"Look, are they Battalion Commander Liu and Company Commander Song?"

"It's them."

"According to the time, they are here now. Could it be that the previous blocking battle is over and the task is completed?"

"However, according to the previous arrangement, without this one, even after completing the combat mission, they still need to return to the team and go back to Jiuping Town!"

"Yeah, at this time, they came to us, is there any accident?"


Suddenly, thinking of the soldiers here, I became nervous again.

After all, the battlefield that has been arranged is afraid of such a sudden accident.

Once an uncontrollable accident really happened, all the arrangements they had made before would be wasted.

Time wasted too.

"Company Commander Song!"

"Captain Liu!"


In this way, these soldiers stepped forward one after another, and came in front of Song Qingyu, Liu Zhiyun, and the soldiers.

"Where is your Battalion Commander Chen!"

Seeing these soldiers, Song Qingyu asked directly.

Although Staff Officer Chen bears the title of regimental staff officer.

But, he is actually the battalion commander of this battalion on the third blocking position.

"Our battalion commander is in the temporary command post in the dense forest opposite."

The soldier in charge of security replied without the slightest hesitation.

"it is good!"

Song Qingyu nodded, looked at Liu Zhiyun, and said, "Arrange the soldiers and I'll go and have a look first."


Liu Zhiyun nodded: "Well, you go first, after I arrange the soldiers, I will go find you!"

"it is good!"

After Song Qingyu responded, he patted the shoulders of these guard soldiers, and walked through the fortifications where the soldiers were hidden, and came to the dense forest on the opposite side of the road.

"Company Commander Song!"

"Company Commander Song!"


These soldiers were still very familiar with Song Qingyu.

Seeing Song Qingyu coming, they all greeted each other.


Song Qingyu responded with a smile.

Soon, he came to the temporary headquarters deep in the dense forest.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen was looking at the map in the temporary headquarters.

Of course, it is said to be a temporary headquarters, but it is actually a place that is slightly hidden with tree branches.

Song Qingyu spotted this place at a glance and entered the temporary headquarters.

"Company Commander Song!"


The soldiers next to him immediately saluted and greeted Song Qingyu when they saw Song Qingyu coming.


After Song Qingyu responded, Staff Officer Chen had already looked up at him.

Moreover, Lian Xiang showed a smile and puzzled: "Old Song, why are you here at this time, your first blocking combat mission has been completed?"

Staff Officer Chen couldn't figure out the reason, so he could only ask like this.

After all, when he accepted the blocking mission, Yang Fei didn't tell him that Song Qingyu came to him for a meeting after completing the blocking mission.

So, he was also very puzzled about this point in his heart.

"Ha ha!"

Song Qingyu smiled directly: "Didn't you look at your watch, what time is it now?"

"It's already the second day, and the mission of the second blocking battlefield is over, Lao Chen, your time concept is still not good!"

Song Qingyu had to sigh in his heart that Staff Officer Chen, the former staff officer of the [-]th Brigade, still really lacked actual combat experience.

That's not to say he didn't have military command capabilities.

It's just that this guy doesn't have enough experience in the field situation on the battlefield.

Otherwise, at this moment, when he saw Song Qingyu coming, he shouldn't have behaved like this and asked such a question.


Hearing what Song Qingyu said, Staff Officer Chen was a little embarrassed.

In fact, Staff Officer Chen knew this very well.

He just lacks field experience.

You know, when he was in the regiment headquarters before, he was a staff officer, and he only commanded the headquarters to formulate combat plans and so on.

As for personally going to the battlefield to command the battle, he really has no chance.

After all, there are very few opportunities for the staff of the regiment headquarters to fight in person, and they are also not allowed.

After all, the staff officers of the regiment headquarters have all gone to command the battle, and the regiment headquarters is about to perish.

So, regarding this point, Staff Officer Chen felt a little embarrassed, and he knew it well.

"Old Song, you also know about my situation."

Staff Officer Chen shook his head and said: "When I was valuable, I was in the regiment headquarters, but I don't have much experience like this. No, I have made all the arrangements that should be done. I just wait for the little devil to come!"

As for the deployment, Staff Officer Chen felt that there was no problem with what he did.


Song Qingyu shook his head: "With the blocking position you have set up like this, do you want to give all the soldiers in this battalion to the little devil?"

Along the way, Song Qingyu was very angry when he saw Staff Officer Chen's arrangement.

How is this set up?
Without any decent cover, the soldiers directly ambush in the dense forest.

Is this waiting to be bombarded by the little devils, or even covered by firepower?

Once such a situation occurs, it is possible for the soldiers to suffer heavy losses, or even be completely wiped out.

This is the so-called arrangement of Staff Officer Chen.

Song Qingyu suppressed the anger in his heart, calmed himself down, and said this matter.

"What? Old Song, is there something wrong with my arrangement?"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen still didn't know where he was wrong.

From his point of view, there was nothing wrong with his arrangement.

When he was at the regiment headquarters before, he made deployment plans with other staff officers, and that was how it was.

"Your deployment is completely wrong!"

Song Qingyu didn't hold back at this moment, and directly said angrily: "Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with your arrangement. Even if you are discovered by a little devil, you will have the strength to fight."

"And at this moment, what situation are you facing?"

"No entry in the forest, no entry in the forest, you know?"

Song Qingyu said angrily.


This time, Staff Officer Chen was stunned by Song Qingyu's sudden anger.

My heart is full of doubts!

(End of this chapter)

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