Chapter 3497

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen was really stunned in the face of Song Qingyu who suddenly lost his temper.

Full of doubts, he couldn't figure out why Song Qingyu came suddenly at this moment and got angry afterwards.
Did he really do something wrong?
However, he feels that there is no problem with his deployment.

This time, Song Qingyu's anger made Staff Chen doubt himself.

"What's the matter, Old Song?"

At this time, Liu Zhiyun walked in.

In his heart, he had some understanding of why Song Qingyu got angry.

There is nothing he can do about it.

After all, he also saw Staff Chen's arrangement just now, and he was also angry.

Didn't this guy analyze the battlefield situation properly?

Such a deployment was made in this way. He was really the staff officer of the regiment headquarters, and he didn't know the actual situation on the battlefield.

For this, Liu Zhiyun also understands.

At the same time, he also fully understood why Yang Fei arranged for Song Qingyu to follow them.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyun felt a little scared in his heart.

If Song Qingyu did not come to the three blocking positions this time, the loss would be enormous.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhiyun admired Yang Fei's advance arrangements and Yang Fei's overall planning in his heart.

Yang Fei is really amazing.

"Old Liu, you're here too!"

Seeing Liu Zhiyun's arrival, at this moment Staff Officer Chen seemed to see a relative.

He directly said to Liu Zhiyun: "Look, after Lao Song came here, he got angry with me. I think there is no problem with my arrangement and deployment. Tell me, what's wrong with it?"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen still hoped that Liu Zhiyun would agree with his plan, or that Liu Zhiyun could tell him the reason for this.

However, Liu Zhiyun ignored Staff Officer Chen, took out a cigarette, handed one to Song Qingyu, and another to Staff Officer Chen:
"Old Song, calm down first. After all, Lao Chen is the staff officer of the regiment headquarters. It's his first time serving as a battalion commander. We have to understand this. Besides, Lao Chen is also a person with real skills!"

When Liu Zhiyun said this, he turned around and said to Staff Officer Chen:
"You too, why can't you think about it, deduce the situation on the battlefield, and analyze your three blocking battles from the first blocking battle?"

Liu Zhiyun said to Song Qingyu again:

"Old Liu, no, we are here, we can completely avoid the loss this time, so, while you have time, you and Lao Chen have a good talk, don't be angry!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun has become a peacemaker, making peace in the middle.

In fact, Song Qingyu was not really angry with Staff Officer Chen.

He just thought that according to Staff Officer Chen's arrangement, if something really happened, the soldiers would be sacrificed.

After thinking of that scene, his heart was full of fear.

"Old Chen, I'm not talking about you. You can't just look at the situation in front of you and make deployments. Such deployments are not acceptable!"

After suppressing the anger and fear in his heart, Song Qingyu spoke to Staff Officer Chen while smoking a cigarette.

As for Staff Officer Chen, he also clearly felt that his deployment this time might really be wrong.

So, listen carefully.

After all, he himself wants to improve.

"First, tell me about your deployment!"

"Just talking about deployment, there is no problem!"

"If, this time, you are the only one on the blocking mission, your deployment is also fine, quite satisfactory!"

"But, have you ever thought about it, this time it's not one blocking mission, but four blocking missions!"

"Me, Lao Liu, you, and Lao Zhao!"

"Now, Lao Liu and I have completed the blocking mission, and successfully attacked the little devil twice!"

"Of course, I'm not saying this now to show credit."

"I want to tell you that these two successes in blocking the little devil also raised the vigilance of the little devil to the highest level."

"This is in response to that sentence, there is no way to enter the forest."

"Originally, during the march, no matter whether it is day or night, after encountering woods, dense forests or even mountain forests, if you can not enter, you will not enter."

"No one knows if there is an ambush!"

"As for the situation you are facing at this moment, what about the little devil you are facing, but the little devil who has been ambushed twice."

"Under such circumstances, think about it for yourself, what will the little devils do if they find out that there is a dense forest on the road they must pass through?"

"Don't talk about the little devil, just talk about yourself. If you were in such a situation with your soldiers, what would you do? How would you choose?"

At this time, Song Qingyu threw this question to Staff Officer Chen.

He wanted Staff Chen to think about the power of this for himself.

Only in this way can Staff Officer Chen firmly remember and accept the lesson this time.

Otherwise, after Song Qingyu told everything, Staff Officer Chen's memories and lessons would not have been so profound.

"According to your analysis, this is the only way for the little devil. If the little devil really wants to take this road, he will definitely attack this dense forest with firepower!"

Thinking of this, Staff Officer Chen was completely filled with fear at this moment.

If such a situation really happens, then his mission this time is not just a failure.

Even the soldiers will be lost here.

Thinking of this, the fear in Staff Officer Chen's heart was even more difficult to suppress.



He lacked the analysis of the situation and before and after this mission.

He only deployed in accordance with conventional blocking warfare.

Instead of using his brain well, he deduced the front and rear blocking battles.

Otherwise, he would not have made such a mistake.

"Old Song, I was wrong!"

"This time, you really saved me and these soldiers!"

"Otherwise, my crime and responsibility this time will be really great!"

Staff Officer Chen looked terrified, and grabbed Song Qingyu's hand, feeling even more terrified in his heart.

"This is what I should do!"

Song Qingyu said: "It's good if you can think of this. After Lao Yang sent me to complete the first blocking mission, I immediately rushed back to the second blocking battlefield, and then to your blocking battlefield, for this one!"

"To put it bluntly, although your [-]th Brigade was good at fighting, but in the hands of the little devil, you lost more than you won!"

"Under such circumstances, it is enough to show that the fighting style of your [-]th Brigade is totally wrong!"

"So, progress is needed, improvement is needed!"

"I hope you can accept the lesson of this time, only in this way can you improve!"

"In this regard, Lao Liu's progress is acceptable, and his second blocking battlefield took this into consideration."

"According to this situation, a corresponding deployment was made!"

"Successfully stopped the little devil, and caused the little devil to lose a lot!"

"Old Chen, you should remember this lesson well this time. Lao Yang has been thinking about the three of you all the time, you understand?"

What Song Qingyu said made Staff Chen feel warm and ashamed at the same time!

Almost made an irreparable mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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