Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3498 Song Qingyu's doing the opposite

Chapter 3498 Song Qingyu's doing the opposite

He was indeed ashamed.

In the past, because I was a staff officer in the regiment headquarters.

He felt that his ability was pretty good.

He has always thought so.

But at this moment, Song Qingyu's words made him completely sober.

It's like being awakened from a maze.

Staff Officer Chen felt that because of his experience as a staff officer in the regiment headquarters earlier, he had an illusion, and this illusion enveloped him like a fog.

On his own words, he can't get out no matter what.

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't get out.

Rather, if he wants to come out on his own, he will not wake up without receiving enough lessons.

But at this moment, Song Qingyu's words completely woke him up from the fog.

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen was extremely grateful to Song Qingyu.

"Old Chen, don't give birth to me either!"

Song Qingyu waved his hand and continued: "I was really worried about the soldiers before, and my attitude was a bit bad. You have to understand this."

In fact, Song Qingyu couldn't control his emotions during this time of anger.

On this point, he himself has to self-examine.

You know, he has also been learning from Yang Fei, and Yang Fei told him at that time, on the battlefield, never be swayed by emotions.

Only in this way can you truly progress and complete your transformation.

No matter what the situation is, you must stay calm.

Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

That's what they need to learn, what they need to do.

It doesn't matter when or what situation you encounter, as long as you can learn this point, then it will be fine.

So, at this moment, Song Qingyu felt that what he did was not good enough.

"Old Song, it's my fault this time, why did you make a mistake?"

Hearing Song Qingyu's words, Staff Chen smiled wryly and said, "If you say that, then I'm sorry, it should be me. You know, if you hadn't woken me up this time, the soldiers I led would not be here. In a blocking battle, there will definitely be heavy losses!"

"So, it's completely normal for you to lose your temper at this time!"

"You know, under such circumstances, anyone who meets me, a person who doesn't understand the situation on the battlefield, has made such a deployment and arrangement, why should he be angry, he will get angry!"

"This is human nature, and more importantly, this is a real person with flesh and blood, Lao Song!"

"This time it was me who was wrong, so don't think about it like this!"

"If you still think like this, then really, it's my fault!"

"It's me who should review and meditate!"

Song Qingyu's attitude made Staff Chen even more uncomfortable.

To be honest, he was responsible for the mistake he almost made this time.

Staff Officer Chen blamed himself very much.

"OK OK."

As for Liu Zhiyun, he walked over directly at this time and handed cigarettes to Song Qingyu and Staff Officer Chen again:

"You two, I asked if we could stop doing this. We are all good brothers, comrades-in-arms. If you are still like this at this time, then you are really hypocritical!"

"Don't forget what time it is, you still have time to play here, so, put away your tricks, and quickly formulate a third plan to stop the devils based on the current situation, which is the most important thing. Do you understand?"

What Liu Zhiyun said at this moment made Song Qingyu and Staff Officer Chen immediately bring all the negative emotions out of their minds.

Yes, the most important thing now is not to argue about this, nor who is right and who is wrong.

Instead, hurry up and formulate a blocking plan against the vigilant little devils in the shortest possible time.

That's the most important thing.

Otherwise, if they didn't formulate this plan before the arrival of the little devils, then this time's blocking combat mission will fail.

For Liu Zhiyun and the others, such a thing would never happen.

So, hurry up.

"Let me first talk about the situation of the little devils we are facing!"

Liu Zhiyun came to the map with a serious expression.


"you say!"

Song Qingyu and Staff Officer Chen nodded and began to listen.

"This time, it's the battle brigade of two devils, and the fighting power is not weak!"

"And at this moment, they have gone through two ambushes before and after. Not to mention whether the loss is big or not, the first point is that the vigilance of these little devils has been raised to the highest level!"

"And under such circumstances, their vigilance has been raised to such a high level, it is us who are difficult to do."

"In the next time, how should we ambush, without being discovered by the little devil in advance, so as to achieve the purpose of suddenly appearing and blocking the little devil!"

"Now, what we want to discuss is this!"

Liu Zhiyun spoke out all the words in his heart and the situation they were facing now.

"Well, for this situation, if these little devils are not vigilant, it's easy to do!"

"At this time, since they are already vigilant, if it makes it difficult for us, then we will do the opposite!"

For this, Song Qingyu still has experience.

After all, he has learned a lot from being with Yang Fei for so long.

"Do the opposite?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen did not react, and asked directly: "Old Song, tell me!"

The two of them wanted to hear what Song Qingyu meant by doing the opposite!

"It's easy!"

Song Qingyu smiled directly: "Isn't our purpose a blocking war, and what these little devils want to guard against must be our blocking and ambush!"

"Under such circumstances, we can actually take the initiative directly!"

"As long as we take the initiative to attack, if we do this, the plans and discussions made by these little devils themselves will be completely useless!"

"If we do this, it is tantamount to directly breaking the vigilance of these little devils."

Song Qingyu said with a smile.

"Tell me specifically, what is the specific operation?"

Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen still hadn't figured out what Song Qingyu meant by doing the opposite.

"Let's take the initiative!"

"You don't need to block the battle, and you don't need to perform blocking missions!"

"Call Lao Zhao directly, let's integrate our forces, attack directly, and deal a sudden blow to the little devil."

"Anyway, I've made up my mind. Even if we fight another ambush, these little devils will continue to go to Jiuping Town!"

"And in the previous battle, although the little devils were not really hit hard, their losses were also great!"

"So, this time, let's attack directly and completely annihilate them here before entering Jiuping Town, how about it?"

At this moment, Song Qingyu finally expressed what he thought in his heart.

It has to be said that he was really courageous. At this moment, he did not carry out the blocking mission, but took the initiative to attack and annihilate these little devils.

If they do this, they will actually run counter to Yang Fei's mission.

However, Song Qingyu didn't care about this, he knew in his heart that as long as he could achieve the goal of fighting and annihilate the little devils, even if he didn't perform the blocking task.

In this regard, he still knows Yang Fei.

So, at this time, he directly put forward this opinion!
And his opinion, after Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen heard his opinion, they were stunned for a moment!
Because, in the hearts of the two of them, it never occurred to them that Song Qingyu would have such courage at this moment.

This can't help but make the two of them think in their hearts, is the method Song Qingyu said feasible?

(End of this chapter)

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