Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3499 Song Qingyu's Secret Arrangement

Chapter 3499 Song Qingyu's Secret Arrangement
Is it possible to give up the blocking combat mission and do the opposite directly?

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen had no bottom in their hearts.

Even if Liu Zhiyun has made great progress, and his ability on the battlefield has begun to surpass that of Staff Officer Chen, at this point, he has no idea for a while.

As for Staff Officer Chen, he was even more uncertain about this point in his heart.

Both of them set their eyes on Song Qingyu's face.

Want to hear what Song Qingyu will say next?
"I know you have no idea about this!"

"However, I can tell you that compared to the next two blocking battles, the counter-battle can achieve more effective combat effects, and even directly divide the small forces of the two brigades. It is also possible to wipe out the devils!"

"So, you two don't think too much, just follow what I said!"

"It doesn't matter whether you can figure it out or not, you have to be clear in your mind, that is, in the next two blocking battles, under the situation that the little devil is very vigilant, the battalion of your old Chen and Lao Zhao This battalion is likely to be wiped out by the little devil!"

"Don't deny this. I can tell you clearly that the fighting power displayed by the little devils whose vigilance has been completely raised is completely different from that of those whose vigilance has not been raised!"

"So, you can imagine, what is the final result?"

"Of course, I am also a suggestion now. As for what to do, you two still need to think about it and meditate!"

"As far as time is concerned, there is still 10 minutes left!"

"After 10 minutes, you must make a decision. Otherwise, if you make a decision late and the order cannot reach Lao Zhao, and Lao Zhao cannot arrive in time, then we will not be able to complete the plan I mentioned. , you two understand now."

At this moment, don't care what you say, don't care what the final result is, Song Qingyu has already said everything.

Next, it depends on what kind of decision Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen will make.

He could only give Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen two or ten minutes. If there was too much, he couldn't give more than one minute.

Hearing Song Qingyu's words, Liu Zhiyun and Chen Staff immediately began to ponder and think.

Song Qingyu waited patiently.

Similarly, he was also perfecting the plan he had just thought of in his heart.

After all, the time was short, and the counter-plan that I just thought of was not so perfect.

It just so happened that he was able to perfect his plan during the 10 to [-] minutes that Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen spent contemplating.

As time passed, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen, through their own personal thinking, gradually began to discuss in a low voice.

With the discussion, the confidence on the faces of the two of them became stronger and stronger.

There are more and more smiles.

Time passes quickly.

After 10 minutes passed, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen came to Song Qingyu's side with smiles.

The two of them didn't spend 10 minutes at all.

This time will be done in 10 minutes.

Under such circumstances, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen really saved time.

"Old Song, we two have made up our minds, so let's do what you said!"

Liu Zhiyun said directly: "What you said is correct. Under the current situation, even if we continue to stop the little devil, the possibility of winning the battle is the smallest, and the loss will even be greater."

"The tone is like this, it is really as you said, integrate all our current forces, fight with the little devils, and directly disrupt all the arrangements of the little devils!"

"This time, we all listen to you!"

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun directly expressed his attitude.

"Yes, Lao Song, this time we are listening to you, we believe that you will be able to do it, and believe in your plan, there is absolutely no problem!"

At this moment, Staff Officer Chen also made a direct statement.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Song Qingyu was very happy when he heard this.

After all, it was the first time he had made such a big plan after leaving Yang Fei, and he wanted to play a big one.

The risks involved are very clear in his mind.

So, this time, he actually used the skills he learned from Yang Fei to gamble.

At the same time, it is also to prove myself, to see if I can do it.

You must know that Song Qingyu also wanted to prove himself in the past.

Let's see if he can use what he learned from Yang Fei flexibly, and this time is a good opportunity.

He completed the first blocking battle before, and he had a goal in mind, but the first blocking battle was a failure, of course it was a failure for him, and for the soldiers, they completed the blocking task, So, under such circumstances, there is another opportunity in front of him. Since he has such an opportunity, Song Qingyu will never let it go, so he decided to take a risk and do the opposite. All the plans of the little devils were disrupted. In his opinion, the only way to have a chance.

Otherwise, according to how vigilant these little devils are now, it will undoubtedly be very difficult for them to carry out the third blocking battle.

That's why Song Qingyu had such a plan in his heart. Of course, his plan didn't come into being at this time, nor after seeing Staff Chen's deployment, but after seeing the second blocking battle After seeing the situation, he understood in his heart that this must not continue like this. If he continues to carry out the third blocking battle, it will really be as he imagined. Although he will not fail, the losses of the soldiers will definitely be huge. It is very big, and if a battalion can survive in the end, half a battalion will be very good.

It was at that time that Song Qingyu had such an idea in his heart, and decided to take a risk. After coming to Staff Chen's third blocking battlefield, he saw Staff Chen's deployment, and he made this decision thoroughly in his heart, and directly He denied all the deployments of Staff Officer Chen.

Of course, this can't be blamed on Song Qingyu but Staff Officer Chen. His own ability is not good. He didn't do this. Once he encounters the little devil, then his victory, not to mention the completion of the third blocking mission, may even be in danger of being completely wiped out by the little devil.

At that time, he made this decision thoroughly in his heart.

"Haha, okay, old Liu and old Chen, you must trust me. You made this decision this time. It is undoubtedly the best and most correct decision you made during this period of time. Don't worry. , in the coming time, my plan will definitely not let you down, the final result will definitely make you excited, it is definitely the one you want."

As for other promises, Song Qingyu didn't dare to promise or promise at the moment, but he felt that he still had the confidence that this mission could be successful.

"Okay, don't say more, Lao Song, I believe in you, because from the very beginning, you have planted the whole world to complete the first theme task, and also helped me complete the second theme task, your experience I believe that your decision this time is correct, of course, no matter what the result is, even if we fail, we will bear the responsibility together, and we will definitely not let you bear this responsibility."

Liu Zhiyun directly made a guarantee at this time. Although Song Qingyu himself proposed the plan this time, they have already agreed. If the battle fails and the loss is too large, they will not let Song Qingyu himself take responsibility for this. To take responsibility, but to say that the three of them bear a responsibility together.It would be too unfair to Song Qingyu if Song Qingyu was allowed to bear this responsibility by himself.

"Yeah, Lao Song, don't say too much at this time. I'm just like what Lao Liu thought. Once the mission fails, we will bear the responsibility together. Don't forget the mission battle you proposed. The plan, etc., once it is successful, then we will enjoy the fruits of victory together. Under such circumstances, we have to bear the responsibility together. For the responsibility that did not happen, Lao Song, you still have to rest assured about this point of."

Staff Officer Chen also made a promise at this time. For him to command the battle, his ability may not be as good as Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun, but he is still good at being a human being.

In fact, this is the case. When he was in the 359 brigade, he was the best person in the end when he was silent, and his moral character was undisputed. Therefore, Liu Zhiyun and Zhao Yili knew that he was very popular in the 359 brigade.

"Okay, since you all said that, then I won't refuse. Just like what Old Chen said, everyone enjoys the fruits of victory, and everyone also bears the responsibility for failure."

At this time, Song Qingyu was actually very happy after hearing what Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen said. After all, there were not many people who could take responsibility together at this time.

You must know that before following Yang Fei, he was also a member of the brother army, and many officers in the brother army would shirk their responsibilities. Let others take responsibility, so this is why Song Qingyu left the brother army.

Song Xingyu is actually very simple. He doesn't have too many demands on becoming an officer or military industry, etc. He doesn't care too much. What he pursues is to fight devils, kill more devils, and win more battles. This is Song Qingyu's very simple idea, and it is also what he has always insisted on in his heart.

"Okay, Lao Song, let's not talk nonsense. You can talk about it in the next time. You can make arrangements for what we should do. Don't worry, as long as it is arranged by you, then we will definitely do our best to complete it. There will be absolutely no surprises or mistakes.”

Liu Zhiyun said again.

Staff Officer Chen next to him also nodded when he heard what he said, agreeing very much.


At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps, and a big man with a head full of dirt and dirt all over his body entered the command post.

"Company Commander Song, Commander Liu, Commander Chen, I'm back."

After the soldier came back, he immediately gave a military salute to the three of Song Qingyu.

Seeing the soldier's embarrassed appearance, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen were full of doubts.

"Company Commander Song, all the tasks you entrusted to me have been completed."

The soldier reported to Song Qingyuhui.

"Okay, take your brothers to rest."

Song Qingyu nodded with a smile, and directly ordered: "The canned meat of the devils was seized, you all have enough to eat, and you have enough energy. In the next time, you need to complete other tasks. Now, hurry up and eat and rest. Gather up your energy and go."

Song Qingyu waved his hands at this rather embarrassed soldier.


Hearing Song Qingyu's words, the soldier immediately took the order and saluted before turning around and leaving the temporary headquarters.

After the soldier left, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen looked at Song Qingyu full of doubts. They didn't know what Song Qingyu had done.

"Don't look at me with this look, it's about this plan. I already had this plan in my mind during the second blocking battle, so after the second battle, when I retreated, I I arranged for the soldiers of this company to complete the task of laying mines, the purpose is to give us this plan, gain time in the early stage, and disrupt the deployment and rhythm of these little devils."

Song Qingyu explained to Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen with a smile.

Time was running fast during the retreat, and Liu Zhiyun didn't notice this, and a company of soldiers just disappeared slowly behind, just to complete this task.

Of course, Liu Zhiyun was completely focused on the retreat of the soldiers at that time, and did not observe this step.

It's not that he didn't see it, he thought it was Song Qingyu's arrangement at the time, and he didn't say much or ask too much, but now when he heard Song Qingyu say that, he immediately understood, it turned out to be like this.

"Lao Song, Lao Song, I really didn't expect that you would start to plan this step at that time. I have to say that your plan for a rainy day is so right. I thought I had made great progress. Fast, but compared to you, my progress is still too small, it's really too slow, and I didn't see your intention."

Liu Zhiyun looked at Song Qingyu with admiration in his eyes, and continued: "In the future, Lao Song, you still have to remind me more, after all, your experience is much richer than ours, and this point I'm counting on you."

What Liu Zhiyun said came from the heart and was very serious.

After Liu Zhiyun finished speaking, Staff Officer Chen also smiled and said: "Lao Song, since Lao Liu said so, don't forget me when you support him in the future. After all, my military theory is still very rich, but, My experience in this kind of actual combat is still very lacking, even Lao Liu can't compare, so you have to remind me, don't forget me, I'll leave this to you, Lao Song."

Regarding his own situation, Staff Officer Chen did not discover his own problems before, but at this time he has seen through all the problems. He himself is indeed too inexperienced in actual combat, so after Liu Zhiyun said, he himself It was also to Song Qingyu, please.

"Hey, these are all small things, don't worry, in the future, as long as there is a chance, then I will tell you the knowledge and my experience, so you can rest assured Well, I won't be stingy about this one, after all, only when we are all stronger can we exert stronger fighting power and wipe out more little devils."

Hearing the words of the two of them, he was also happy to promise to send the couple off. After all, this was also the situation he wanted to see the most.

(End of this chapter)

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