Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3500 The Difficult Devil

Chapter 3500 The Difficult Devil

For Song Qingyu, the soldiers below love to study, and the officers around him also love to study. This is what he wants to see most.

He has always kept Yang Fei's words in mind, a person's strength is not strong, no matter how powerful a person is, you can wipe out countless devils, and if you make the people around you stronger, then everyone will work together to kill the little devil. Only by meeting more people can we achieve more victories.

Yang Fei had told him about this point more than once before, which was why he agreed without any hesitation after hearing Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen's words.

"Then we won't say thank you."

Liu Zhiyun asked: "Then, what is the purpose of sending these soldiers to plant mines? You can talk about this now."

For this answer, Liu Zhiyun was not so clear in his heart. Although Song Qingyu had said before that it was to slow down the little devil's pace and disrupt the little devil's deployment, he still wanted to hear the details. After all, there is still time now. .

Officer Chen at the side was also very curious about this.

"The purpose of the wood is very simple. As I said just now, it is to delay the little devil's pace."

"You have to know that we need time to arrange it if we want to complete the opposite plan I just mentioned."

"At this time, the importance of mine-laying is highlighted. There are constant mine harassment and booby-mine explosions on the devil's only way, so these little devils will spend more time clearing mines. Under such circumstances, we have more time to improve our layout and deploy our deployment."

Without the slightest hesitation, Song Qingyu expressed his thoughts in more detail.

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun and Staff Officer Chen came to a complete realization.

They also knew Song Qingyu's good intentions.

In their hearts, at this time, their admiration for Song Qingyu was growing.

They also reflected on it, and thought about it in another place. If they were facing this situation at that time, they would not have thought that what Song Qingyu thought of would not be like what Song Qingyu did. What they couldn't think of, and what they lacked in combat experience.

In this way, in the following time, Song Qingyu made a more perfect arrangement, and all the soldiers who received the order began to act.

Zhao Yili, who was also waiting on the fourth blocking position, also received the order to assemble.

Zhao Yili was very puzzled about this order of assembly. Of course, the order had already been issued, so he had to execute the order without the slightest hesitation. Song Qingyunyu rushed towards where they were.

The battlefield is like this, after the order is issued, no matter how much doubts you have in your heart, you must immediately execute the order.

Doubts in the heart, wait until after the order is executed and the task is completed before going to understand.

Zhao Yili also knew this in his heart, he did a very good job.


At the same time, after the little devils had progressed smoothly for more than three miles, they began to encounter explosions and booby-mine attacks one after another.

Although these booby-trapped mine attacks did not cause them great losses, they made it difficult for them to move forward, greatly delaying their progress and time.

At this moment, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji, who was in the truck headquarters, was extremely angry and furious in his heart.

Originally, he thought that after handing over all the command power to Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, he would be safe and free.

However, the result in front of him seemed to be completely different from what he had imagined.

Sanli Duolu, there is only Sanli Duolu, after this Sanli Duolu, every explosion is like an explosion in his heart, making him more and more afraid.

Don't look at him as the captain of the First Combat Brigade. In fact, his nature is very afraid of death.

Including when he was ambushed before, he felt that his mentality was good enough and he didn't have too much fear.

Even if it was bombardment, he wasn't too scared, but it was different at this time. You must know that every explosion of a landmine, every explosion of a booby trap, was all under the truck.

People who have never experienced the battlefield do not know that this kind of thing is the most frightening thing.

At this time, there was Ji Zhongzuo in Hegang, and that was it.

He was yelling in the headquarters truck. Of course, there were no other devil officers and devil soldiers in his headquarters truck at this time, only himself. He cursed angrily here, and only he could hear it. In fact, this is also a way for him to express the fear in his heart and evaporate the fear in his heart.Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo knew in his heart that no one could help him at this time, because the command power was no longer with him, but with Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa.

Of course, it was also because of this that he didn't want to lose face in Mizushima Kimura.

Once he told Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura what he was afraid of at this time, then he believed that Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura would definitely look down on him in his heart and laugh at him.

So, in such a situation, he couldn't tell anyone about this strange action anyway, he could only bear it silently in the headquarters truck.

He was terrified in his heart, and at this time, whose Nakamura Mizushima Kimura was also very troubled and angry.

The repeated explosions on the main road also disrupted the plan in his mind and greatly slowed down their progress.

But for this situation, he also has nothing to do, because there is only such a small road to Jiuping Town, but it is impossible for them to go to Jiuping Town through the small road, because all those small roads have to be walked, and trucks cannot He couldn't get through, and if the truck couldn't get through, their heavy weapons couldn't reach them. Without the suppression of heavy weapons, he didn't even have the confidence to face those Huaxia soldiers.

So under such circumstances, he could only endure the situation silently, and dispatched deminers to remove all the mines on the road before moving forward.

"These Huaxia soldiers are simply bastards. It's really abominable. I never thought that they would have expected this step again, and the preparations they made in advance are really abominable."

"Who is the commander of these Huaxia soldiers? It's terrible that he hides so deeply. This time, the opponent we are facing is too strong and too deep."

This situation made Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura feel very difficult at this time.

However, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the troops forward slowly.

He was angry, and the little devil soldiers were also extremely angry in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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