Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3501 The battle is over, the prisoners

Chapter 3501 The battle is over, the prisoners

Explosions again and again made their mentality almost burst.

These little devils are worried every time they take a step forward. They are afraid that the next place will explode directly, and they will be seriously injured.

Under such circumstances, even if there are deminers at the front, they cannot completely remove the fear in their hearts.

But, there is no way, these little devils can only suppress the fear in their hearts, and continue to move forward with secret hatred in their hearts.

At the same time, these little devils also vowed in their hearts that as long as they can successfully reach Jiuping Town, they must kill all the Huaxia soldiers in Jiuping Town, leaving no one behind.

They want to force back all the blows, fears, and injuries in their hearts along the way, and completely release them in the final battle.


At this moment, a violent explosion occurred at the deminers in front of them.

This is another booby trap, which was not successfully eliminated by the little devil's deminers. On the contrary, it triggered the trigger of the booby trap and exploded directly.

In fact, for this kind of situation, the little devils in the back are no strangers to it, and they are getting used to it.

After all, in the past, this kind of explosion was a frequent problem at the beginning.

This time has been much less.

Even Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to issue orders to let the deminers advance.

Time passed like this, and on the second morning, these little devils received the first blow after two blocking battles.

Faced with such a sudden blow, these little devils suffered a great loss. What made them resentful was that the Chinese soldiers who attacked them retreated immediately after a round of fierce shooting, making them want to chase, but there was no way to pursue them.

In this way, no accidents occurred in the result of the battle in the following time, just as Song Qingyu planned, after he brought all the soldiers together, he followed the plan step by step to lure them into battle, and finally to annihilate them , Successfully captured the captain of the first brigade and the captain of the third brigade, the lieutenant officers of the two brats.

As for the Zhongzuo officers of these two little devils, Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili all wanted to bring back the two captured devils as Zhongzuo officers. After all, Yang Fei had subdued many such Devil officers, let these devil officers do things for them.

If it is successful, it may bring them greater gains. After all, this time, they captured two devil lieutenants.

"Your ideas are good, and they coincide with the ideas in my heart."

In the temporary headquarters, Song Qingyu smiled and said to Liu Zhiyun and the three of them: "Since you have thought of this, let's take these two little devils back. As for how to subdue them? It's up to Lao Yang." After all, Lao Yang is a professional in subduing little devils and doing things for us, but we are not good at it."

Song Qingyu is also very clear about this point in his heart. It is okay for them to use their skills for fighting and commanding, but with these captive little devil officers, they still have to rely on Yang Fei to play psychological tactics. After all, they are not very good at psychological tactics. No research.

"Well, you can just follow the arrangement. We also listen to you in this matter. After all, you commanded the battle this time. We just played a supporting role."

The three of Liu Zhiyun are also very clear about this point.

So, just let Song Qingyu make the decision.

And they obey orders, obey orders just fine.

After all, compared to Song Qingyu, their skills are still a bit worse.

"Well, since this is the case, I will make arrangements to bring the two officers back first, so as to avoid any accidents during the period."

Song Qingyu made a decision and dared not delay the slightest
You know, there have been examples of this before.

The little devil's officer was very tough, even if he was captured, he was not afraid of death, so he committed suicide directly.

At this time, Song Qingyu could not allow this to happen.

After all, dead captives are worthless compared to living captives.

Now that you have decided to do something, you must do it beautifully.

This is the style that Song Qingyu has always insisted on since he started working.

Now that a decision has been made, if you want to do it well, you must do it well, and there can be no surprises.

Otherwise, all the work done in the early stage may be wasted. This is what Song Qingyu has always insisted on.

Song Qingyu kept admonishing himself that he must maintain this persistence, and only by maintaining this persistence would it be impossible for him to stop his progress.

Otherwise, if he wants to move on and lose this persistence, it will be very difficult.

This point is very clear in his heart.

Similarly, he also told Yang Fei about this problem at that time, and Yang Fei also told him to stick to the one in his heart.

Only in this way can you have the motivation to move forward and be more full.

Otherwise, it is like a wooden house without support, which may collapse at any time.

"Old Song, from this battle, we can clearly see the gap between us and you. Although we can understand many things in it, there are still many things that are not detailed, so Said that if there is time in the next time, then we must discuss it carefully, and you must also guide us well."

At this moment, Liu Zhiyun directly said what was in his heart. After all, among the three people present, only he knew that he must make progress, must make progress, and his star of progress was very strong.

He could also tell that Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili wanted to make progress, but their desire to make progress was not as strong as his.

Especially Staff Officer Chen, although he said that he wanted to change, he also made a decision in his heart.

His movements are still very slow.

In fact, Zhao Yili is also like this, and he is not as fast on the road to progress.

And now?

He just wanted to take this opportunity to give the two of them a hand and let Song Qingyu guide the three of them well.

Otherwise, once Song Qingyu gets busy after returning home, there will be very few such opportunities.

So, for their short time at this moment, he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

"Haha, that's no problem. I've already planned it before. When I have time, we can just recall the battle process this time and deepen it. This way, it will be better for you Make progress, if you don't ask me about this, I will bring it up, so you can rest assured, old Liu!"

Song Qingyu said with a smile, he had indeed thought about this before, and he was also learning from Yang Fei.

As much as possible, let the people around you become stronger and play their own role.

Song Qingyu felt that if he could do this, then his value would be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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