Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3502 Staff Chen's fear

Chapter 3502 Staff Chen's fear

He has been learning from Yang Fei, it can be said that it is like this all the time.

Because he was able to get to this day, everything was given to him by Yang Fei. If Yang Fei didn't take him with him, then it would be impossible for him to make such great progress.

So, under such circumstances, he chose to do this, which can be regarded as reciprocating.

It is enough to help Yang Fei train more officers who can lead soldiers to fight.

This is what he thinks he is worth.

"Haha, that would be great."

Hearing this, Liu Zhiyun immediately burst out laughing.

The same goes for Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili.

With a smile on his face, he was actually very excited in his heart.

After all, Song Qingyu can lead them to progress, which is already giving them a lot of face.

In fact, they also knew in their hearts that as long as they could bring it up, Song Qingyu would directly agree.

Because, they are all Yang Fei's people now.

So, under such circumstances, Song Qingyu would not refuse.

"Old Song, you don't know. When I was in the fourth blocking position, I was actually very surprised when I received your order. I didn't expect you to make such a decision at all. At that time, I also hesitated for a long time, whether I should follow your order and come directly. After all, if we do this, the possibility of failure is still very high. But, in the end, I still made a decision to gamble with you once, and now It seems that I made the right decision."

At this time, Zhao Yili said with emotion: "At that time, I felt that the probability of success of your plan was about [-]-[-] compared with failure."

"The chance of failure is very high, but what surprised me is that the deployment and arrangement you made were so perfect that you directly increased the chance of success once, allowing us to win this battle. "

"From now on, just like what Old Liu said, your ability is really much better than ours."

Having said that, Zhao Yili looked at Staff Officer Chen again and continued:
"Old Chen, we have to admit this point. Some of the results you thought you had in the conversation with me were actually wrong. Our view of the problem is too superficial, and we don't see things through at all. This time, we must accept this lesson, don’t you think?”

As Zhao Yili said, he thought of his and Staff Officer Chen's analysis of Liu Zhiyun in his mind.

At that time they thought it was correct, but after going through such a battle in front of him at this moment, he woke up in his heart, thinking how ridiculous his previous analysis was.

Regarding Liu Zhiyun, they didn't analyze it thoroughly at all, and they never thought that Liu Zhiyun was not as unbearable as they imagined before.

His personality is also not a burden to him, on the contrary, it is the driving force behind all his current progress.


Hearing this, Staff Officer Chen also sighed and said: "As for Lao Liu's analysis, our analysis was indeed wrong before. I want to apologize to Lao Liu on this point."

"Haha, it's okay."

However, Liu Zhiyun laughed out loud and waved his hands, not caring about this at all.

He said: "Actually, I also know about my analysis. After all, you were doing it for my own good and persuaded me to change my own personality. So I don't think it's normal for this. Once you If the analysis is correct, then the role you play will also allow me to make more progress."

Regarding this point, Liu Zhiyun was actually very clear in his heart.

If someone analyzes it for you, it means that those people treat you well.

It also wants to make you progress and make corrections.

It’s not that analyzing you is for the purpose of ruining your business, that’s impossible.

After all, they are good brothers fighting side by side.

"Haha, Lao Liu, it's good that you can understand. We really mean that, not for anything else. The reason why Lao Zhao and I analyzed you at the time was because Lao Zhao and I saw the flaws in your character. Of course, your defect is what we think is a defect, but looking at it now, your personality is not a defect, so we say that we are doing it for your own good, but, um, the analysis was wrong, and we told you at the time, then It was also our fault, and we have to admit that."

To be honest, Staff Officer Chen really felt embarrassed about this matter. After all, he was the one who found Zhao Yili and told Zhao Yili about this matter.

"Okay, Lao Chen, Lao Liu knew that we were doing it for his own good, at least our starting point was good, regardless of the result, as long as our starting point was good and we didn't give Lao Liu wrong guidance. ,That's good."

"So, what Lao Liu is saying now is also correct. We are doing it for his own good. In the future, the three of us must supervise each other, learn from each other, improve each other, and deepen our actual combat experience."

"Especially you, Old Chen, you must strengthen your actual combat experience and turn all the theories you learned when you were a staff officer in the regiment headquarters into actual combat experience, otherwise you will make mistakes like this time again. Do you understand that?"

Thinking of this, Zhao Yili spoke again to Staff Officer Chen with a serious expression.

After all, when he first heard about it, he was also terrified.

Because, based on the situation at the time, the deployment made by Staff Officer Chen was completely wrong. Once a real battle broke out, then Staff Officer Chen and the soldiers of the battalion he led.

At this moment, whether he is alive or not is a question, so Zhao Yili, thinking of this, is also very scared.

His feeling at this time was the same as Song Qingyu's feeling at that time, that is, he was worried that Staff Officer Chen would die, and the soldiers he led would all be wiped out by the little devils because of this accident and his mistake.

If this kind of thing really happened, then their responsibility this time is too great.

You know, if Staff Officer Chen paid the price for his mistakes, all of them are responsible.

Especially Zhao Yili, you must know that what he is in charge of is the fourth blocking position, the third blocking position, once it is finished, then his fourth blocking position will also be affected.

And this impact will be very great, if he can't get the information of the third blocking position in the fastest time, then the situation he faces is likely to follow in the footsteps of Chen Shenwu's third blocking position.

So these are all related, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"When I think about it now, I feel terrified in my heart."

Staff Officer Chen said with fear in his eyes: "If Lao Song hadn't arrived early, then I wouldn't be here to talk to you at this moment. I feel that the result must be like this."

"So when I think about it now, I'm very scared in my heart, and I'm terrified. Because of my lack of experience, a battalion of soldiers was wiped out. Then my crime is really great. Even if I go down, There is no face to face the sacrificed soldiers."

"Fortunately, Lao Song came in time, pointed out my mistake in time, and made corrections, so that this tragedy was avoided."

Staff Officer Chen understood this in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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