Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3504 The devil who wants to escape

Chapter 3504 The devil who wants to escape

Because of this, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo directly said loudly: "I expected it, from the first time I was blocked, I had already expected this result!"

"But so what?"

"So what if I could have predicted it? Didn't I get locked up here and become a prisoner of war!"

"Mizushima, let's just talk about you, aren't you very capable? How did you become such a miserable prisoner in the end!"

"The plan is so perfect, as long as you don't succeed, then you are a waste, a waste!"

Although at the moment, Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki still maintains some rationality.

However, he still couldn't bear the fear and anger, and completely vented his anger at Nakasa Mizushima Kimura.

Only in this way can the fear in his heart dissipate and make him feel better.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo thought in his heart, otherwise, if it goes on like this, he will be forced to collapse by this fear.

He didn't want to collapse and become a lunatic.

Before the final result is settled, if he becomes a lunatic, then any hope will be lost.

Now it seems that there is still a fluke in his heart.

He still wants to live.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"


It's just that Mizushima Kimura, who heard Hegang Yuki's words at this moment, was full of disdain and laughed.

For Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he still knows very well, and he is very clear that he is a virtuous person.

You have to listen to what he said.

This is true of people who care about face-saving.

What he said now meant that he never thought of this result before, that he would end up in such a desperate situation.

Because even he hadn't thought of this.

He has always been thinking about formulating a perfect plan, and after implementing it strictly and resolutely, he will definitely be able to win Jiuping Town and become the victor in the battle.

Who knew that this time the opponent was so terrifying, he didn't play cards according to common sense at all, and did the opposite, disrupting all his plans, which led to his defeat, and ended up in his current fate.

Therefore, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura knew that Yuki Tsuruoka was lying at this moment.

This is a gutless, eggless thing that has no commitment and responsibility.


After the laughter stopped, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura, who was also full of unwillingness to kill Tsuruoka Yuki, spit a mouthful of thick phlegm on Tsuruoka Yuki's face.

At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura did not hide the murderous intent in his eyes.

To be honest, Mizushima Kimura Nakamura really wanted to kill Tsuruoka Yuki.

He thought, if it wasn't for this waste to hold him back, he would definitely not have the current result if he went out to perform a combat mission this time.

At least, there is hope for fleeing back after failing.

Even if they had a perfect plan from the beginning and didn't even have the first blocking battle, then they might win the battle in Jiuping Town.

It's a pity, it's because of Hegang Youji's trash that he's in this situation.

Prisoner of war.

In the past, this was something Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura never even thought about.

In his whole life, he would also be a prisoner of war and become a prisoner.


Originally, Tsuruoka Yuki, who was also angry, flinched after seeing the murderous intent in Mizushima Kimura Nakasa's eyes.

Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura gave him the feeling at this moment, just like a bad wolf.

He may come up at any time and bite him.

And it's the feeling of being killed.

He can't be wrong.

He walked step by step to where he is today, and he also killed a lot of people along the way, even the imperial soldiers killed a lot.

Those who are disobedient, those who bump into him, etc., he has killed them all before.

It was because of this situation that he could feel the deadly killing intent from Mizushima Kimura Nakasa at this moment.

It was this deadly killing intent that made all the anger in his heart recede.

Even the fear that almost drove him crazy, the feeling at this moment is not as strong as it was for him before.


"Ha ha!"

After Hegang Youji Zhongzuo laughed awkwardly, he turned around and walked to the place where he was just now, calm down.

After that, resisting the nausea in his heart, he wiped off the phlegm on his face.



Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura snorted coldly, and ignored the useless Nakazuo Tsuruoka Yuki.

In fact, he was also thinking in his heart, in the next time, would there be a chance to survive and find a chance to escape.

He knew that there was little hope.

However, he still wanted to try.

If there is no hope, he must find a way to create hope.

He is not willing to end his life like this, he still has his own dream, and he wants to be promoted to the Imperial Commander, or even the Imperial Major General.

Not like this now.

He must find a way, even find a chance to escape the truck.

Moreover, this step can only be done before the truck reaches Jiuping Town.

Otherwise, in the current situation, once the truck entered Jiuping Town, even if he wanted to escape, he would not be able to get it out.

He believes that there are definitely a lot of Chinese soldiers in Jiuping Town at this time.

As long as he is escorted in, it will completely cut off the chance and hope of coming out.

Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura scanned the interior of the truck with his eyes, looked at the four Chinese soldiers sitting at the door of the carriage, and began to calculate in his mind.

"You bastard, what are you looking at, I can tell you are not a good thing just by looking at your eyes!"

This time, the tall and thin soldier yelled coldly: "Let me tell you, I've seen you a little devil and bastard a lot, and I know what you're thinking now!"

"I warn you, don't think about running away, don't even think about it, otherwise, bullets are waiting for you, if you don't believe me, you can try!"

After the thin and tall soldier finished speaking, he ignored Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, but looked at Lieutenant Tsuruoka Yuki, who was wiping thick phlegm, and said with a sneer:

"I think you are still a devil's lieutenant officer, you are so cowardly!"

"He just scares you like that, you don't even dare to fart. Didn't you exchange like a mad dog before?"

"At this moment, why are you so depressed, you have become a sick dog!"

"Sure enough, you are a waste, waste thing!"

As for Mizushima Kimura Lieutenant Zuo, Hegang Youji Lieutenant Zuo, this thin and tall soldier didn't show any mercy, and just started yelling like this.

That's right, this is a normal situation, who made these little devils worse than animals.

Otherwise, they would not be able to fall into the current situation.

Their regiment leader Yang said, don't take any chances when dealing with a bastard like a little devil.

Be sure to give it your all.

Not to have the slightest mercy.

Because they are inferior to animals, like poisonous snakes.

When you were strong, he deliberately wagged his tail and begged for mercy.

However, I found your weakness silently in the dark.

When you relax, these brutes will kill you in an instant.

This is the virtue of the little devils, and this is where they are inferior to animals.

Therefore, the four fighters, including the tall and thin one, did not relax in the slightest when dealing with Mizushima Kimura and Tsuruoka Yuki.

Always on the alert.

"Okay, skinny, stop talking!"

"That's right, what are you talking about with a bastard?"

"Let's just wait like this, with our eyes open, if he dares to make a small move, we'll kill him right away!"

"Yeah, this is what Lianchang Song and Battalion Commander Liu ordered directly. If these two beasts dare to mess around on the road, they will be killed immediately!"

"Hey, skinny man, don't say it. You know, I wish they could escape now. In this case, I can just kill them two beasts. When you say that, the hearts of these two beasts instantly I have already counted, and I will not run away, how do you let me find this opportunity!"


At this moment, the three guard soldiers next to him also spoke to the thin and tall soldier.

"Oh shit, that's the truth!"

Hearing this, the thin and tall soldier patted himself on the head suddenly, and said, "I forgot about this, shit, otherwise, I could really take this opportunity to kill these two bastards." Ah ha ha!"

After the tall and thin man finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

The same is true for the three fighters next to them.

"Did you two bastards hear that?"

"Run away, run away, now I'll give you a chance, you can just run, just run away!"



The tall and thin man laughed, returned to his seat, and stopped talking.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo who heard this, he didn't dare to move, and closed his eyes and began to wait.

This is another statement, saying that he will not escape or move around.

He wants to live.



As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, he spit out a mouthful of phlegm again with a grim expression.

He doesn't care.

For him, staying here is the real death.

Even if there is such a threat, he will flee, flee from here.

Definitely can't stay here.

Stay here without any hope.

Just like that, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura also closed his eyes.

He wasn't sleeping, but his mind was spinning quickly, thinking of a way, how to escape.

Facing the four Huaxia warriors guarding him, he must not be able to beat him himself.

This one is directly abolished.

But how exactly?
After becoming a prisoner of war, how to escape is a skill.

As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, he is not very good at this.

In the end how to do it?

At this moment, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura is racking his brains!


And just like that, time passed.

Trucks roared on the road.

There are still five miles away from Jiuping Town.



At this moment, a truck running in the front broke down on the road after a sudden sound.



This also caused the truck behind to slam on the brakes and stop.

As for Mizushima Kimura Nakasao, who was on the third truck, he opened his eyes when he heard this.

He thought: "Great opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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