Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3505 You are the prey

Chapter 3505 You are the prey

The truck broke down, causing the convoy to stop. This is indeed a good opportunity for Nakazu Mizushima Kimura.

Otherwise, if the truck doesn't break down or stop on the road, it will be very difficult for him to create opportunities.

So, feeling the truck stop, Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at the four soldiers who were also looking out because the truck stopped.

"This is the moment!"

When Mizushima Kimura saw this, he was immediately overjoyed and excited.

Because, the opportunity has come.

At this moment, like a wild cat out of a hole, he moved very nimbly, directly hitting a soldier on the edge at the entrance of the truck compartment.


The soldier cried out in pain when he was hit.

The body fell to the bottom of the car.

However, he did not forget his duty, and wanted to grab Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura who also fell with him.

It's a pity that he was put down by Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, and his body has lost his balance.

Even if he moved quickly, it would be impossible to catch Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura.

As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who rolled down on purpose, he stamped his foot on the soldier's body, and after another roll, he changed his face and rolled towards the side of the road, turned around and fled with all his might.

It has to be said that Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura can really hide.

As far as his skillful and agile skills are concerned, even Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki doesn't know about him.

Don't say you don't know, it's the kind that doesn't understand at all.

You can tell by his expression in the carriage at the moment, he opened his eyes stupidly, as if he saw something strange and interesting.


"Just escape!"

Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo really did not expect that Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo would dare to escape directly at this time.

Moreover, with such good skills, he escaped directly.

How is this possible?

He also wanted to escape.

At this moment, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji really had this idea in his mind.

Seeing Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura fled so easily.

He also wants to escape.

Perhaps, if he really escaped, then everything will be fine.

Who knows what the next road will be like.

If he arrived at Jiuping Town and was shot directly, it would be over.

Thinking of this, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo immediately got up and was about to flee.


However, when he saw the two soldiers who were getting along with each other in the truck and looked at him expectantly, he immediately stopped.

"Ha ha!"

"I won't run away!"

"My legs are numb and I want to stand up and move around!"



"I'll sit down now!"

Seeing the smiling soldiers, Zhongzuo Yuji of Hegang at this moment, can be said to be a second in love.

He was so concerned about escaping just now that he forgot a very important point.

That is, these Huaxia soldiers in front of them are all eager for them to escape.

In this case, you can take advantage of this opportunity and kill him directly.

Thinking of this, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang, whose whole body was cold, froze instantly.

Nothing is as safe as he thought.

It's okay to live first, even for a while.

He didn't want to die.

"Ha ha!"


"One of those bastards!"

"You run away, try, in case you are lucky, you can run away!"

"Try it!"

The two soldiers with guns in their hands said to Zhongzuo Hegang Youji with a smile on their faces.

It's a pity that there is Ji Zhongzuo in Hegang at this moment, and he is not fooled at all.

He just shut his mouth and eyes, neither looking nor speaking.

Anyway, at this time, no matter what, he will not escape.

Or close your eyes and sleep, at least you won't die now.

As for the future, he doesn't have the ability to take care of it now, and he will talk about it after reaching Jiuping Town alive first.

Just like that, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo closed his eyes and began to take a contented nap.




As for the soldier next to him, he cursed a few times in a low voice with disdain.

These soldiers did not expect that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, a devil officer, would be so cowardly.

You know, he is the little devil, the captain of the First Combat Brigade in the Third Wing.

Just this virtue.

And what a captain.

This really opened the eyes of these two fighters.


Just then, gunshots rang out.

As for Zhongzuo Yuji, who was in the truck compartment, he trembled twice when he heard the gunshot.

As if frightened.

He thought in his heart: "Mizushima, Mizushima, why are you running away at this moment, you are a fool!"

"Your fucking mind has always been abnormal. People have said that if you dare to run, you dare to kill. You really ran away. Now you are dead!"

"Even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured, haha!"

"It feels really good to see you seriously injured or dead!"

"You bastard, you dared to look down on me before, you are really a murderous thing!"

"Among the third team, you bastard is the first to look down on me!"

"That's it, you're dead, I'm still alive, haha!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who had his eyes closed, looked forward with such joy in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Mizushima Kimura's luck is indeed good.

Because the truck was broken, he hit the truck immediately and escaped from the main road smoothly.

Moreover, he ran wildly towards the grass in front of him like a plain.

He thought, trucks couldn't get in these bushes.

As long as his speed is fast enough, there is absolutely no problem with his safety.

Just like that, he started running wildly without his life.

As far as his current speed is concerned, that is definitely the limit of his life.

What's more, with the corner of his eye, he didn't see the Chinese soldiers chasing him at all.

This made him even more excited.

He believed that his speed was too fast, so that these Huaxia soldiers didn't react at all.

This time, he was able to escape.

As long as he fled back to Liude City and reported all the circumstances this time, he was still a hero.

After all, he has some important information.

And this important information is what the Third Wing needs most.

With this, even if he can't restore his previous status, it won't be too bad.




Just like that, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura ran with all his might.

However, what he didn't know was that for this mission, Song Qingyu specially sent the two unique sharpshooters in his guard company.

As for the two sharpshooters, they have been on guard above the truck.

No, at the moment Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura fled, the two sharpshooters climbed onto the front of the car and picked up the [-] cover in their hands.

"Left and right, let's see who can hit it right, how about it?"

These two sharpshooter fighters are not in a hurry at all.


In this way, the two sharpshooters discussed how to shoot.

At this moment, they didn't treat the escaped Mizushima Kimura as a person at all.

In their eyes, Mizushima Kimura at this moment is a running prey.

(End of this chapter)

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