Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3506 Dead dog-like devil lieutenant

Chapter 3506 Dead Dog-like Devil Lieutenant
Indeed it is.

After the two sharpshooters took aim, they pulled the triggers almost at the same time.


Two gunshots sounded almost at the same time, stopping in the ears, just like a single gunshot.

"Tap Tap!"


But at this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who was running wildly, had bright red splashes directly on his legs, and two wound holes appeared.


Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who ran a few steps forward again according to inertia, directly lost his center of gravity and fell hard to the ground.

Moreover, it was still mouth-to-mouth, and a dog gnawed mud directly.

If you observe carefully, several of his teeth have fallen out under such circumstances.

Mouth full of bright red.




At this moment, the severe pain in both legs made Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo scream in pain.

In addition to falling to the ground, the pain in his teeth and head made him feel that his pain at this time would be better than dying directly.

He really didn't want to bear this kind of pain.

Don't look at him as extremely strong, his heart is also very strong, but when facing pain, he also feels the impact of pain on his mind.

It was because of this shock that he felt unbearable.



"Why don't you kill me!"

"Why didn't you kill me? Damn Chinese soldiers!"

After Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo moved forward in fear and wrote it down, he couldn't move at all, and roared in despair and fury again.

He knew in his heart that at this moment, if he wanted to escape again, there was really no hope.

There was no hope of any kind.

Both legs were pierced by bullets, even if these Chinese soldiers were given a chance to run, he wouldn't be able to run away.

So, at this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura felt completely hopeless in his heart.

Even at this moment, he felt a little envious of Zhongzuo Hegang Youji who had been silent all this time.

No matter what, although Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't escape, he is safe now, with no injuries at all.

And right now, he was completely useless.

At this time, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura thought of this, and it was even more difficult for him to accept it.

His thoughts are typical now, if you are better than me, I feel uncomfortable.

That's how he is at this time.

After all, Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo is in a much better situation than him now.



Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura screamed like this.

And a dozen soldiers also ran at the fastest speed, and came to the side of the screaming Mizushima Kimura Nakazusa.

"Not killed!"

"Hey, I thought I was killed!"

"Grandma, this little devil and bastard still wants to run away, so he should be killed!"

"Yeah, just kill him!"

"Hey, I'll take another shot now, how do you guys feel?"

"You make it up, you make it up, and I will follow you to make up a shot!"

"Forget it, since the two specially arranged sharpshooters didn't do this, then let's not do it. I heard that Company Commander Song specially arranged for this aspect, and he can't be killed. So, this That's why I didn't kill this bastard!"

"Forget it!"


At this moment, the soldiers who came here, looking at the screaming Mizushima Kimura, began to discuss.

According to their opinion, the escaped Nakazu Mizushima Kimura just now should be killed directly.

Instead of now, I still want to keep this beast.

However, since they kept it, there was nothing they could do now.

After all, Song Qingyu specially arranged for this, so they couldn't really kill Nakazu Mizushima Kimura without permission.



Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura screamed, looked at the soldiers who surrounded him in front of him, and yelled at the soldiers in broken Chinese language, cursing:
"Kill me!"

"You damn Chinese soldiers, kill me."

"You bastards, why don't you beat me to death now?"

"You have to know that before, I led my brigade, but I killed countless civilians and soldiers, you killed me!"

"Kill me!"

"You look at me at this time, if you don't kill me, can you be worthy of the civilians killed by our Japanese imperial army?"


At this moment, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura, in order not to bear this pain.

And, with nothing to escape, there is no hope.

He is begging to die.

He wanted to anger the soldiers with words, and let the soldiers shoot him in anger.

However, Mizushima Kimura's wishful thinking was wrong.

"Call it!"

"You can scold now!"

"We're not angry."

"That's right, you have fallen into our hands anyway, I tell you, when you arrive in Jiuping Town, you will die in the most painful way!"

"So, you scold now, the harder you scold now, the more intense the pain you will suffer!"


For this, the soldiers were very angry.

However, the soldiers knew better in their hearts that even if they killed Mizushima Kimura now, it would be of no use.

It will only make Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura die happily.

This will not work.

They are not stupid.



When Mizushima Kimura heard this, he almost went crazy.

It's just that he has no choice but to endure it.

Even, at this moment, he feels the pain all over his body, and he has regrets and remorse in his heart for coming to the land of China to kill and invade.

He regretted that if he hadn't come to China to cause slaughter and aggression, then he wouldn't have encountered the painful situation today.

So, he regretted it.

The so-called jihad of the empire, coming to China to invade and kill, wanting to greedily occupy China, this is wrong.

It was a mistake to the end.

The empire shouldn't invade, and the invaders are doomed to end badly.

However, at this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, even if he regretted it, it would be of no use at all.

Because, at this time, there are still many little devils on the land of China, causing massacres and murders,

"take away!"

"Take it back!"


Just like that, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura was brought back by the soldiers.

Like carrying a dead dog, it was carried back.

"Ha ha!"

"The beast is back."

"Look, when this devil bastard ran just now, he was like a crazy wild dog, making it impossible for us to catch up with him!"

"that is!"

"Now, he has become a dead dog directly, haha."

"Run still, run again."


At this moment, when the soldiers beside the truck saw Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura being carried back like a dead dog, they all burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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