Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3507 Reaching Jiuping Town

Chapter 3507 Arrive at Jiuping Town

It was because of the retribution that he had ended up like this now.

Otherwise, it is definitely not the current situation.

Retribution, this is retribution.

It was the price he had to pay for doing something wrong.


He was wrong.

Their Imperial Army was wrong.

Their empire was wrong.

It was their fault to invade China.

At this moment, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura is fully aware of this.

Wrong, they are really wrong.

Of course, it was only when he was in pain that he realized this.

If he hadn't experienced all these past few days and the pain this time, he would not have realized this.

Of course, people like Nakasa Mizushima Kimura are actually just exceptions.

The rest of the little devils, don't they know that it is wrong to invade the land of China, cause shocking killings on the land of China, massacre the common people, etc.?
They know it.

Some people understand better than anyone else.

But, they are willing to fall asleep like this, and they don't want to wake up.

Because these little devils knew in their hearts that they needed military merit.

They came to the land of China to kill, for military merit.

Only by accumulating more military merits can their status be improved.

So, still greedy.

It is because of this that these little devils are determined to invade the land of China, killing the common people and the soldiers and fighters who resisted them!
Are these little devils clear about this?Obviously they know better than anyone else, understand better than anyone else.

However, they are unwilling to admit it, and the purpose of their unwillingness to admit it is for military merit, because they are soldiers, and only by obtaining enough military merit can they improve their status.

Under such circumstances, these brats have also been caused. You know it is wrong, but they still want to continue doing this.

Going further and further down the wrong path.

Even after the defeat, they still stubbornly refused to admit and deny the invasion of China, and denied the massacre of the people on the land of China.

So, for these little devils, for these things that are not even as good as animals.

Never be softhearted, never forgive them, never feel pity for them.

Because these beasts are like poisonous snakes, they will learn when you are strong, and you will wag your tail and beg for mercy.

And once he becomes stronger and you fall into weakness, then he will bite his fangs into your body fiercely, kill you, and plunder everything from you.

This is exactly the purpose of the little devil's invasion of China.

They are greedy demons, blood-sucking demons.

They want to occupy the land of China and plunder the rich resources on the land of China.

Thus, using the land of China as a springboard to occupy more countries, in an attempt to become the real hegemon in the world.

These things are all clear in the hearts of many little devils.

As for the little devil soldiers, they are completely brainwashed, brainwashed by the ****, brainwashed by what they call a disgusting jihad, a jihad full of evil.

However, their officers are not their officers, and they are very clear in their hearts. What is the purpose of coming to the land of China to start a war and kill the people?
They are very clear in their hearts, but they don't want to admit it at all, so these little devils are beasts, even worse than beasts.

You know, some animals know how to be grateful.

And what about the little devil?
No matter how nice you are to him, he will kill you and occupy everything in you at a certain opportunity.

As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura at this time, he came to his senses, and he was completely eroded by pain before he made such a decision.

Without this conscious experience, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura would not have realized this at all, and he would still be immersed in that aggressive dream, unwilling to wake up.

Don't forget his goal, but to become a major general officer of the Imperial Army.

With such a big ambition, he can imagine how many Chinese people he would have to kill to achieve this step.

This is the truth that one will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up.


For Nakazu Mizushima Kimura, the soldiers showed no mercy and threw him into the carriage he was in before.


And Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who was pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes immediately after hearing this movement.

When he saw Mizushima Kimura's situation, he immediately gasped.

He was very grateful in his heart, and couldn't help thinking, fortunately, fortunately, he didn't turn the idea of ​​running away into an actual action just now.

Otherwise, the fate of Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura is his fate.

Thinking of this, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang was filled with joy and fear.


Just now, it was really close.

Thankfully I didn't take that step.

Didn't take that step.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Looking at Nakamura Mizushima Kimura who was humming in pain, Nakasa Tsuruoka Yuki shook his head and stopped looking at him.

Because, seeing Mizushima Kimura's appearance, he felt even more frightened.

It's still not good to see.

"Come on, bandage him, don't really die!"

A soldier threw a medical kit onto the carriage.

"Hey, it's just this bastard, what's the point of bandaging him up!"

"That's right, if you die, you will die. I wish this beast would die."

"Okay, okay, let's bandage it up, maybe after taking it back, Commander Yang can still interrogate this devil with useful information from his mouth."

"All right!"


Just like that, the four soldiers in the carriage picked up the medical kit and began to bandage Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura.


Immediately, Mizushima Kimura Nakazuo screamed in an instant.

Because, the bandaging of the soldiers was directly pulling up his injured leg, after pouring the gunshot wound medicine, wrapping it in a bandage and leaving it alone.

The bleeding is over.

For the rest, as for whether it hurts or not, they don't care about it.

It's fine if you can't die.

Just like that, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who was in a coma from the pain, was immediately bandaged by the soldiers and left in the carriage.

The four fighters retreated to the edge of the carriage and began to rest.

As for the guards, they were not worried about escaping.

After what happened this time, they believed that these two little devil officers would no longer have the idea of ​​running away.

One was beaten crippled.

The other was so cowardly that he didn't dare to run away at all.

Let him run, he dare not run.

What are you worried about?


The truck roared, and the distance between the convoy and Jiuping Town was getting closer and closer.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, his heart became more and more uneasy.

Because, after arriving in Jiuping Town, it's time to decide his fate.


time flies.

In the evening, the truck slowly entered Jiuping Town.



The piercing sound of brakes broke the tranquility of Jiuping Town.


With a loud bang, the back door of the truck was opened.

The four soldiers stood up straight away, and one came in front of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, and kicked him awake: "Okay, get off!"

Of course, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo was not asleep at all.

After he got up straight away, he walked out of the truck as fast as he could and jumped off the truck.

That speed is very fast.


And Nakamura Mizushima Kimura, who was in a coma, was also kicked awake and pulled out of the truck.

In this way, these soldiers, with the fearful Zhongzuo Hegang Youji in their hearts.

Pulling Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura who was like a dead dog, he walked towards the headquarters of Jiuping Town.


At this moment, Yang Fei is in the headquarters, looking at a telegram.

And this telegram is the summary of this blocking battle.

This telegram was sent by Song Qingyu.

"Hehe, not bad, not bad!"

Looking at the contents of the telegram, Yang Fei said with a smile.

He is very satisfied and very happy.

"Lao Song didn't let me down, he put everything I taught him into practice!"

For Song Qingyu, Yang Fei is very optimistic.

After all, this guy was brought up by himself during this time.

As for progress, Yang Fei has been watching.

This time he sent Song Qingyu there to practice Song Qingyu, see if Song Qingyu can complete this test, and apply what he has learned during this period of time.

Didn't let him down, Song Kyung Woo did a great job.

At the same time, Song Qingyu also realized his intentions.

Helping Liu Zhiyun in the second blocking position.

Similarly, the contents of the telegram also introduced Liu Zhiyun's deployment and so on.

Under the deployment of Liu Zhiyun, the second blocking position was successfully completed.

No accidents happened.

Under such circumstances, Yang Fei was very happy and satisfied.

Liu Zhiyun did not disappoint him either.

"Old Chen, Old Zhao, these two guys, hehe!"

However, after seeing the performance of Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili, Yang Fei smiled lightly, feeling very disappointed.

However, it is not very disappointing.

Because, after gathering Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili, he could see it at that time.

Among these three people, only Liu Zhiyun is truly self-motivated, dedicated to making progress, and making progress.

As for Zhao Yili, he also has skills, but he is not as motivated as Liu Zhiyun.

Some conservative.

As for Staff Officer Chen, to be honest, Yang Fei didn't like him from the very beginning.

After all, he was just a staff officer of a regiment.

It's not that he looks down on the staff.

But the overall military theory of the [-]th Brigade is backward.

Under such circumstances, the staff of the brigade headquarters were almost useless, lacked actual combat experience, made mistakes in judgment, and so on.

Everyone in the brigade headquarters is like this, let alone his staff officer in the regiment headquarters.

From the beginning, Yang Fei saw this clearly.

Therefore, he was not disappointed with Staff Officer Chen.

This is also the reason why he defaulted to Staff Officer Chen and went to the third blocking position.

Otherwise, he would not let Song Qingyu command the battle in the first blocking position.

Let Liu Zhiyun command the task of the second blocking position.

This is the reason.

"The bottom line is that there is still too little actual combat experience. In terms of self-motivation, it can be forced out!"

Yang Fei nodded. He is very good at this aspect.


Just then, a report came from outside the office.

(End of this chapter)

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