Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3508 The devil's lieutenant with soft bones

Chapter 3508 The devil's lieutenant with soft bones
The sound of reports outside the office interrupted Yang Fei's meditation.

He smiled and said, "Come in!"

Suddenly, a soldier walked in with a smile on his face.

"Commander, the prisoners of war have been escorted back!"

"Among them, there are several large trucks of seized materials!"

The soldier reported with a smile.

"it is good!"

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Let the interrogation office interrogate first, and see if we can find any useful information from the interrogation."

Yang Fei didn't want to see the devil captive this time.

no need.

It's just the lieutenant officer of the two little devils.

For this level of devils and beasts, he still knows very well in his heart.

Guizi lieutenant-level officers and major-level officers, if they want to make them completely surrender, give the information to them, and subdue them to do things, there is hope.

And, there is little hope.

However, this is not the case with the lieutenant officer.

Beasts of this level have hard mouths.

So, Yang Fei didn't have much expectations for the two beasts captured this time.

It would be best if information can be obtained through interrogation.

If you can't get it out through interrogation, then kill it.

There is no need to keep it.

He doesn't want to keep these beasts now either.

There are a few little devil officers who work as prisoners, and that's fine.

There are too many of them, and they are not used at all.

Keeping it will only waste food.

Of course, he was happy that Song Qingyu and others were able to capture the two devil Zhongzuo officers.

This represents their own ability.

Of course, Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun contributed the most to this battle.

As for Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen, they deserve credit.

However, compared to Song Qingyu and Liu Zhiyun, their contributions are really too small.

"By the way, you go and tell them to integrate the materials this time as quickly as possible, and let the soldiers use them."

"Remember, the materials cannot be left alone, they must be used."

"Our reserves at this time are sufficient. If we continue to reserve the materials this time, it will be a bit of a waste!"

After thinking for a while, Yang Fei said to the soldier in support.

"Okay, that's all!"

As Yang Fei said, he threw the telegram in his hand on the table.


After receiving Yang Fei's order, the soldier turned and left with a smile on his face.

In fact, at this moment, not only this soldier is so happy.

All the fighters in Jiuping Town are very happy.

Because they won the battle again.

In the past, after winning several battles, their training was able to keep up, and there was no shortage of guns and ammunition at all.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the soldiers feel that their combat effectiveness has increased, can they be unhappy?

But at this time, another victory was won and a batch of supplies were seized.

In this way, their training can increase the training of shooting.

With sufficient ammunition, the soldiers will train harder.

After the soldier left.

Yang Fei took out a piece of paper, and began to analyze and write down all the combat performances of Song Qingyu, Liu Zhiyun, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen this time, their shortcomings, etc.

At that time, after the four of Song Qingyu came back, he would give the result to the four of them, and let them take a good look at it.

In this way, the four of them will make changes and improvements based on his analysis, thereby enhancing their combat effectiveness!

At this time, Mizushima Kimura Zhongzuo and Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo were directly brought to the interrogation office under Yang Fei's order.

"Hehe, brought it back!"

The chief of the interrogation department immediately cheered up when he saw Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura and Nakazuo Gang mailing Nakazuo.

After all, in the past, he was interrogating some little devil soldiers, traitors and bandits.

Now, the Zhongzuo officer who captured the devil alive, he can finally use his true skills.

"No, did I bring it to you just after I came back!"

"Yeah, we didn't delay at all!"

The soldiers who came with Nakazuo Mizushima Kimura also said with a smile immediately.

"Why is there a cripple?"

The head of the interrogation department was puzzled.

"This guy!"

"He wanted to run away before, no, he was shot directly by our soldiers!"

"Hey, you didn't see it, the little devil officer at that time, he ran straight away, the speed was fast, tsk tsk tsk, he couldn't catch up, unfortunately, it was still not as fast as the bullets of our soldiers !"

"Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, these soldiers suddenly laughed.

On the other hand, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who lowered his head next to him, lowered his head deeply, not daring to make a sound.

Likewise, he's glad he didn't run away.

Otherwise, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura's fate will be his fate.

As for Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura at this time, the pain in his legs, as well as his own reasons in his mind, were moaning.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, the director of the interrogation department sneered directly:
"What the hell, if you want to run, why don't you kill this bastard!"

"This bastard, who has done such a beastly thing and has the face to run away, is really a damn thing!"

"Bring it in for me, today I will personally interrogate these two beasts!"

Hearing this, the chief of the interrogation department ordered in a cold voice.

You know, the family of the director of the interrogation department all died at the hands of the little devil.

So, he hated these little devils very much.

I can't wait to kill all the little devils who come to China.

No, he was also thinking at this time, Mizushima Kimura dared to escape, so he just killed him.

What are you still doing?
He felt a pity in his heart.



After receiving the order from the head of the interrogation department, these fighters directly brought Lieutenant Zuo Tsuruoka Yuki and Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura into the interrogation room.

As soon as he entered the interrogation room, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji yelled loudly:
"I say!"

"I say!"

"I'll tell you everything!"

"Whatever you ask, I will say."

"As long as I know, as long as you don't hit me, I will tell you everything!"

"I'll tell you everything!"

The current performance of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo is entirely due to his psychological quality.

Because he thought of the interrogation office of their empire, the instruments of torture and so on, it was really terrible.

That thing is used on the body, that pain.

He can't take it.

However, what Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't discover was that there were no interrogation tools, instruments of torture, etc. in the interrogation room where he was.

Yes, just a chair.

He is just his own psychological effect, and he is just scaring himself.

The performance of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo made the corners of the mouths of the director of the interrogation department and the guarding soldiers twitch.

They are thinking in their hearts:


"Aren't these little devils and bastards all tough-tongued!"

"This bastard, why did he recruit all of them directly!"

"What the hell is a devil's lieutenant officer, this is a fake!"

"Maybe it's really a fake!"

The director of the interrogation department and the soldiers can only think of it this way.

However, the chief of the interrogation department quickly nodded with a smile.

He said: "Okay, you go ahead and tell me all the information you know!"

"In that case, maybe you'll be fine!"

Although the director of the interrogation department really wanted to, he killed Zhongzuo Hegang Youji.

However, he has his own professional ethics.

I still remember Yang Fei's words.

Do something in its place.

Now that he has taken the position of chief of the interrogation department, he must let go of the hatred in his heart and so on.

Of course, this letting go of hatred is under interrogation.

After the interrogation, going to the battlefield is completely different.

So, at this time, the director of the interrogation department is very calm.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"I said, I will tell you all the information I know!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was overjoyed when he heard this.

The worry in my heart was relaxed a lot at this moment.


"Hegang Yuki, you coward!"

"You scum of the empire!"

"I didn't expect you to be so unbearable!"

"You are going to betray the empire."

"Damn it, you can't do that."

"You can't do that!"

And beside him humming and humming, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who seemed to be half dead, roared angrily at this moment.

At other times, he can play dead.

But, at this moment, that's completely unacceptable.

Because, Hegang Yuki wants to betray the interests of the empire.

More importantly, Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura knew clearly.

Once Hegang Yuki gave the information at this time, the third regiment in Liude City would be finished!
(End of this chapter)

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