Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3509 Mizushima Kimura is crazy

Chapter 3509 Mizushima Kimura is crazy
So, at this time, Mizushima Kimura Nakasawa's eyes were shattered, and he roared angrily at Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongsao.

He wanted to wake up Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, through his roar.

In any case, it is impossible to tell all the information about the Third Wing in Liude City.

Otherwise, the end of the third alliance will definitely not be good.

Even, it will step into the fate of the Imperial Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing.

By then, the Liude theater will be completely finished.

At this time, he absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen.

However, his hysterical roar at this moment.

For Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo, it was of no use at all.

Zhongzuo Hegang Youji didn't want to pay attention to him.

At this time, there is only one thing in his mind, and that is to survive.

Survival is the most important thing.

Everything else is secondary.

As for the interests of what empire?

What third wing, etc.?
In the face of death, these are all farts.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't want to die here.

From the day he joined the imperial army, he firmly believed in one truth.

That is, to live is to have hope.

No matter when this hope will come, live it.

As long as you are alive, hope will come sooner or later.

As for when hope will come?
This is completely unimportant to Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo.

He can wait.

As long as he is alive, he can wait.

Hope, sooner or later it will come.

dead, but nothing left.

Hope is shattered immediately.

Human beings cannot be resurrected after death.

Even their mighty Imperial Army soldiers, that's the same.

So, under such circumstances.

No matter how much Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura roared, no matter how much he scolded.

For Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, they are all useless,

He was already determined to tell all the information he knew in order to survive.


To be honest, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji was also very angry at the moment.

In order to survive, he had already discarded everything about himself.

Dignity and so on, nothing more.

And also betrayed his empire.

He is here to survive.

However, he also felt uncomfortable.

But at this moment, Nakamura Mizushima Kimura was still scolding him and provoking him like this.

How could this be accepted in his heart.

Therefore, the anger in his heart at this moment is like a volcanic eruption.

If he hadn't suppressed it forcibly by himself, he would definitely beat up Mizushima Kimura Satou at this moment.

However, in the current situation, he dared not be presumptuous.

After all, there are so many Huaxia soldiers around.

He didn't dare to act rashly.

He was beaten to death for fear of offending these Huaxia soldiers.

Therefore, he could only spit thick phlegm at Mizushima Kimura, who was lying on the ground and screaming furiously at him.

I don't know if it's a coincidence.

The phlegm spit out by Hegang Youji Zhongzuo just happened to fall into the mouth of Mizushima Kimura who opened his mouth to curse.

"You bloody bastard!"


"Cough cough!"


However, Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura, who was cursing at the moment, didn't care about the thick phlegm or not, and was still yelling and cursing angrily.

He felt thick phlegm.

If he hadn't had anything to do before, he would have felt very sick, very sick.

But this time, there is no such feeling at all.

Everything in his heart was filled with fear and worry.

Didn't care about that at all.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to him.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he just vomited on him and then stopped talking to him.

In Hegang Yuki's opinion, even if he beat up Mizushima Kimura, it would be meaningless.



And at this moment, he wants to tell all the information he knows.

In this case, use these information in exchange for a direct life.

So, under such circumstances, he survived, but Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura could not survive.

This guy is very stubborn, it is impossible to betray the empire at this time.

And in this way, the chance to survive is naturally his.

It is for this reason that at this moment, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo simply doesn't pay attention to this guy.

His own life is the most important thing.

At this time, he wanted to tell all the information he knew, everything he knew, as quickly as possible.

Only in this way can he truly grasp this chance of survival.

Otherwise, it is still illusory.

If he doesn't seize this chance to survive, he will still die.

Therefore, he can't waste time at this time.

"Ha ha!"

The soldiers next to them just watched this scene with a sneer.

Of course, seeing such a scene where a dog bites a dog.

The scene where the little devil fights the little devil.

This made the soldiers feel extremely happy.

You know, this feeling is much more enjoyable than killing devils with their own hands.

Therefore, in the hearts of the soldiers, this scene is actually what they most want to see.

They can't wait for these little devils to eat dogs like dogs.

It would be better if they all beat each other to death.

"Hegang, I beg you!"

At this time, Mizushima Kimura, looking at the figure of Tsuruoka Yuki, begged like weeping blood.

Lieutenant Mizushima Kimura really didn't want the information leaked, which would lead to the annihilation of the Third Wing.

After all, at this moment in Liude City, there are only two combat squadrons that can actually fight.

The Second Combat Brigade has been disabled.

As for the supply team, although it also has combat effectiveness.

But facing their opponent this time, he couldn't see hope.

So, at this moment, he really didn't want to see this scene happen.

However, that is often the case.

It will not develop in the direction he wants.

What he finally saw was the back of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo leaving.

Didn't even get a response.


Nakazusa Mizushima Kimura is going crazy.

Unfortunately, at this time, he has nothing to do.

He knew that he already knew the answer from Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who didn't look back.

Liude theater, it's over.

The third wing is also finished.

He was not reconciled.

Not reconciled.

Unfortunately, there is no way.

"Ha ha!"

"Little devil, what did you bother to do?"

"I regret it at this time, it's too late!"

"Ha ha!"


The guarding soldiers immediately burst into laughter.

These soldiers at this moment are looking forward to the director of the interrogation department giving them a direct order to kill this devil officer.

After all, they have a deep hatred with the little devils.

All relatives and family members died at the hands of the little devils.

Therefore, it is completely understandable that the soldiers have this idea in their hearts.


Next room.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo sat on the chair, began to meditate, sorted out his thoughts in his heart, and thought about how to tell the information.

(End of this chapter)

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