Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3510 New order, new task

Chapter 3510 New order, new task

He needs to organize his thoughts.

To organize what you said.

Otherwise, what he said would be confusing.

That is to lose the chance of surviving in front of him.


After the chief of the interrogation department sat down, he lit a cigarette and smoked.

He just looked at Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki who was silent in front of him, and didn't speak.

No urging either.

After working for so long, he has a lot of experience.

The little devil in front of him, with such a performance, is completely organizing his thoughts.

Think about what you should say in the next time.

So, knowing this, the director of the interrogation department did not speak, but just waited quietly.

The soldiers standing next to them were also very patient at the moment.

After all, it wasn't the first time for them to experience such a thing, and they all had a lot of experience.

After a while, Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki still didn't speak.

The chief of the interrogation department stood up and took out two cigarettes from the cigarette case on the table.

Putting the two together in his mouth, he drew out the match and lit it.


After exhaling the smoke, the head of the interrogation department handed the lit cigarette to Lieutenant Tsuruoka Yuki.

"Don't worry, you can think about it carefully!"

The head of the interrogation department said with a smile.

At this moment, from the look on his face, he was very kind.

However, the depths of his eyes were full of murderous intent.

After all, what he was facing was a little devil.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the information, he really wanted to kill Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo with one shot.

It's a pity that he knows that he can't do this when he sits in this position.

Therefore, at this moment, the kindness shown by Hegang Youji Zhongzuo is all a disguise.

The purpose is information.


Seeing the lit cigarette in front of him, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo was very stunned.

However, with both hands respectful, he took the lit cigarette in the hand of the head of the interrogation department.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"


While bowing to thank, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo smoked a cigarette vigorously.


The puff of smoke into his lungs made his heart tense, he felt that he had no thoughts, and Zhongzuo Hegang, who didn't know what to say, became sober in an instant, and the thoughts in his mind also opened up at this moment.

Sometimes, the effect of cigarettes is just so great.

Without this cigarette, Youji Zhongzuo of Hegang would not know when he would be able to relieve his tension and clear his mind.

"I say!"

"I'll tell you everything."

"I figured it out!"

Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo exhaled a puff of smoke and continued:

"We are the third wing under the Sixth Brigade of the Three War Zones outside the Liude theater!"

"I received an order, saying that something happened to the Imperial Independent Battalion and the Ninth Imperial Regiment in the Liude War Zone. Let us rush to help immediately and investigate!"

"After we first arrived, we were stationed in the Liude theater, and we were hit hard!"

"A squadron's strength was lost on the spot!"

"Afterwards, after some blows, the Second Combat Brigade was abolished."

"That's why our first battle brigade and the second battle brigade came."

"Our goal is Jiuping Town!"

"The task is to annihilate you in Jiuping Town!"

When Youji Zhongzuo of Hegang said this, he immediately heard the cold snort of several soldiers beside him.

After his body trembled, he continued:

"After that, it's what you see!"

"The first brigade and the third brigade were annihilated separately!"

"That's exactly what happened."

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo stopped when he said this.

After all, he said here, the following information needs to be asked.

No way, he just told all the information directly.

More importantly, if everything was said, then he would not know how to say it.


The head of the interrogation department nodded and asked:

"How many troops do you have in Liude City?"

Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang replied directly: "The regimental captain has a squadron of guard squadrons!"

"The second combat brigade left behind has nearly two combat brigades!"

"There is also a middle brigade, which has the strength of two squadrons!"

"Our third regiment still has so many troops in Liude City!"

Regarding this point, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo at this time did not hide the slightest bit.

Because, after he made the previous decision, there was no need to hide it.

In this way, in the following time, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang, under the questioning of the director of the interrogation department, told everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Soon, this piece of information was placed on Yang Fei's desk.

"In this case, Liude City can still fight!"

"However, you need to plan well!"

Yang Fei put down the information in his hands and thought deeply:

"This Liude City is not a real city, it's just surrounded by green bricks and mud walls."

"If you fight, it's not difficult!"

"However, once you decide to fight, you have to do it to gain more rewards!"

"If that's the case, then gather around and fight for help!"

"It's just that the reinforcements from these little devils can come so quickly?"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei pondered again.

After all, no matter what, it is very difficult for these little devils in Liude City to get them to call for help quickly.

The strength of a convoy of troops.

Plus two more, it can also be said to be the strength of three combat brigades.

Based on the guards of Liude City, they also have a great advantage.


If he wanted to do this, Yang Fei had to make a perfect plan.

Otherwise, once they have not controlled Liude City.

And the little devils who came to support had already arrived.

Under such a situation of front and back attacks, it is unknown whether the soldiers they went to fight will survive.

So, for this point, if there is no perfect plan and a good grasp of the time of the battle.

How is the result?

Not yet known!

That's it for the battlefield.

As long as you can't do well in terms of time control, your perfect plan will be useless.

"Since you have decided to do it, you can't hesitate!"

"Otherwise, after the news that the first and second battle brigades of this little devil are completely wiped out is delivered, I will lose the advantage of being the first mover here!"

"At this time, since it has been decided, it is necessary to fully grasp the advantage of the first move."

Thinking of this, Yang Fei shouted directly to the outside of the office: "Xiao Liu!"


Xiao Liu, who was waiting outside, heard Yang Fei's shout, and walked in directly.

Saluted and asked: "Commander, what's wrong?"

"You call Song Qingyu immediately and tell him not to come back!"

"Give me the fastest speed to integrate the troops!"

"Put down the seized materials, bring guns and ammunition, and head to Liude City as quickly as possible!"

"After arriving and hiding outside Liude City, wait for orders first."

"Okay, that's it, you go and convey it!"

After Yang Fei finished speaking, he waved to Xiao Liu.

"Yes, Captain."

After Xiao Liu took the order, he immediately turned around and went to convey Yang Fei's order.

(End of this chapter)

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