Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3513 Excited when there is a fight

Chapter 3513 Excited when there is a fight
For Wang Dalu, Yang Fei actually had great expectations for him.

Anyway, this guy has a brain.

As for people with brains, Yang Fei has never been stingy.

Even, will always urge and motivate.

Yang Fei knew very well in his heart that only under such circumstances could more officers capable of combat be trained.

Only after cultivating officers who can independently lead teams to fight and complete tasks can they display their greater value and kill more little devils.

Everything else is actually secondary to this.

How to fight and wipe out more little devils is the most important thing.

Everything else is secondary to this result and goal.

"In this case, there should be no major surprises in this battle!"

Yang Fei murmured: "Jiuping Town has a company of troops left behind, and four battalions of troops will target Liude City. There should be no major surprises!"

Thinking of this, Yang Fei called out again: "Xiao Liu, are you back?"

"Here we come, Commander!"

Just after conveying the order, Xiao Liu, who came outside Yang Fei's office, immediately responded and entered the office.

"Captain, are you looking for me?"

Soldier Xiao Liu had a smile on his face.

After all, he knew there was going to be another war.

And to fight, you have to kill devils.

As long as the devil dies, he will be very happy and excited.

"Well, you generate electricity for Song Qingyu again, ask him to send a truck to meet him, and send Hegang Youji there!"

Yang Fei thought of He Gang You Ji.

Regarding Liude City, if there is a guy like Hegang Yuki to take action, it will save a lot of trouble.

The little devil led the team in.

Leading a team with their own people are two completely different concepts.

What Yang Fei was worried about was how to take Liude City quietly.

And the existence of Hegang Yuki is a very good way.

As for whether it can be done?

Yang Fei felt that as long as Hegang Youji didn't take the initiative to make trouble and leak secrets, there would be no problem.

Besides, he didn't believe that Hegang Youji, who was afraid of death, dared to betray them again and went back to join the little devil directly.

This is simply not possible.

If Hegang Yuuki really did this, then he is truly finished.

It's not just that they can't spare him.

Even if it's the little devil's side, he definitely can't get around him.

All that awaits him is death.

So, under such circumstances, Yang Fei believes that Hegang Youji won't make trouble.


Facing Yang Fei's order, Xiao Liu accepted the order again, turned around and ran out of the office.

"If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with it, haha!"

Yang Fei smiled, looked at the map, took out the paper, and started writing.

Under Yang Fei's order, all the soldiers in Jiuping Town started to act.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo who was in the interrogation office, he was brought up immediately.

He didn't even have to clean it, so a few soldiers put on the same dirty little devil uniforms, got into the truck, and headed towards the direction where Song Qingyu and the others were.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo who got into the truck, it can be said that he was also in a state of confusion.

He didn't know what the soldiers were going to take him for.

Even, there is still fear in his heart.

Because, he was afraid that these soldiers would take him out and shoot him.

However, with the passage of time, his worried heart gradually let go.

The shooting in Lenovo's mind didn't happen.

That's it.

That's good.

As long as you don't die, you can go anywhere.

This is the case for Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo at this moment.

As long as you don't kill him, let him go anywhere and do anything now.

Just don't kill him.

However, he was even more puzzled as to who the few soldiers in tattered imperial uniforms around him were.

Come up without saying a word.

This also made him unclear whether these guys belonged to the imperial soldiers.

He didn't dare to ask at the moment.

With such doubts, he slowly fell asleep with the roar of the truck.



The truck roared.

gallop all the way.


Temporary station in the mountains, headquarters.

At this moment, Song Qingyu in the headquarters was smiling all over his face.

His chest was also full of fighting spirit.

He thought that after this battle ended, there would be no fighting power for a while.

He thinks a break is needed.

Rest, training, etc.

Who knew that the new battle would come so fast.

He just loves to fight.

Especially the fight with the little devil.

So, now that there is a combat mission, Song Qingyu's heart is only excited.

Extremely excited!
Not only him, but also Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili.

They also need to fight now.

Instead of resting and recuperating.

Especially Liu Zhiyun, he knew very clearly in his heart that only by fighting can he fight quickly.

If you don't fight, it's hard to make progress.

So, only more battles can make them progress quickly.

If there is no combat mission, it can progress though.

Learn and progress through training and rest.

However, compared to personally going through the battle, it was too slow, too slow.

"Haha, I just said, we can't wait here for a few days, no, in less than two days, Lao Yang gave us a combat mission!"

Song Qingyu laughed and said loudly: "And this time our battle target is Liude City."

"According to the information confessed by the little devils, there are still three little devils from the battle squadron and one little devil from the supply team. Looking at it this way, the strength of these little devils is still very strong!"

Speaking of this, Song Qingyu's face became serious.

Although he looked down on the little devil, he never underestimated the little devil's fighting power.

We must pay attention to it, and we must not underestimate these beasts.

"It's not easy to fight!"

Liu Zhiyun nodded with a serious face: "Although we now have five battalions of troops."

"However, the strength of these five battalions is not full, reorganize!"

"More importantly, don't look at the little devil's supply team and think that they are not good at fighting because they are managing logistics. This is a mistake!"

"Even if it's the little devil's supply team, the little devils in it are still very powerful!"

"At least, if we fight alone with our fighters, if the three of us can kill a little devil, that's a very good record!"

"So, the combat mission this time is not as simple as imagined!"

Liu Zhiyun's face was very serious.

After all, at this time, there are combat missions, and their hearts are excited.

However, he couldn't be dazzled by this excitement.

There must be a clear understanding.


Hearing Liu Zhiyun's words, Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili next to him also nodded solemnly.

The two of them, at this time, also agree with this point very much.

(End of this chapter)

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