Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3514 Guess 1, what turned the tide of the battle

Chapter 3514 Guess what turned the tide of the battle

There must be difficulties.

When beating little devils, which one is there no difficulty?

All this time.

However, it is because of difficulties that we will continue to support in this way, go to the war of resistance, and fight devils together.

It's that simple.

Unless these little devils like animals are driven out of China, the war of resistance will never stop.

When will these little devils be driven out of China.

They will take off their armor and go to other things.

At this time, their only mission is to fight.

It's fighting!

It is to kill devils.

It's that simple.

As for the others, Song Qingyu and others didn't think much about it at all.

Because, don't drive the little devil out of China.

No matter how much they think about it, it is useless.

After all, with these little devils around, what can they do?
There are little devils everywhere, and they can't do anything.

"This task is indeed difficult, but it doesn't mean it is very difficult."

Song Qingyu said with a smile at this time:

"Lao Yang has already figured out a way. I have sent a truck to pick up what Lao Yang gave us just now. At this time, you can make a good guess as to what Lao Yang gave us. In the next time, we will defeat the enemy and win!"

Song Qingyu personally dealt with this point before.

At that time, Liu Zhiyun and the other three were not there.

So, the three of them don't know what's going on yet.

At this time, Song Qingyu told this matter to let them guess.

It can also be regarded as training the three of Liu Zhiyun, judging the battle, and seeing what can be achieved. At this time, it will directly play a role in turning the tide of the battle.

He wanted to see if the three guys, Liu Zhiyun, could think of this.

"Old Song, this thing is a person, an item, or a plan!"

Liu Zhiyun said with a smile: "You have to remind me of this, otherwise, it would be too difficult to guess."

What Liu Zhiyun said is also correct.

Without a direction to guide them, it would be too difficult for them to guess.

It's really hard.

This is all blind guessing.

This will not work.

"Yes, Lao Song, you should at least say a direction."

Zhao Yili also said with a smile.


Staff Officer Chen also nodded in agreement.

Indeed it is.

Even if it is a guess, there must be a reminder.

"Ha ha!"

Song Qingyu laughed immediately when he heard this.

He reminded: "It's a living thing!"

"I can remind you, that's all!"

Song Qingyu said the most important point.

It's a living thing.

As soon as these words came out, Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

Confidence is revealed in the eyes.

However, he didn't say it immediately, but after glancing at Song Qingyu, he looked at Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen.

At this time, Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen were frowning and thinking.

living things?

What is this stuff?
In the minds of the two of them, there is no clue yet.

However, very soon, Zhao Yili thought of the two devils who had been captured before.

He didn't wait for anyone, and laughed directly: "I see."

"Is it the two little devils who were captured before!"

"Could it be that these two little devils were subdued under Lao Yang's magical power after they were brought back?"

"Afterwards, Lao Yang planned this battle and sent this little devil officer who was surrendered to us!"

"Is it this way!"

At this moment, Zhao Yili is so confident.

He believed that what he thought of at the moment was definitely the answer.


"Perhaps, it is true!"

When Staff Officer Chen heard Zhao Yili's words, his thoughts were opened in an instant.

He felt that Zhao Yili's guess at the moment, this answer, was correct.

"Well, that's right!"

Liu Zhiyun also nodded at this moment.

The answer in his mind was exactly this one.

But, he didn't say much.

He thought in his heart that at this moment, he didn't need to compete with Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen for the limelight.

After all, his progress is very fast, but the progress of these two guys is still standing still.

This can't be done.

He has to take a step back at the right time and let these two guys increase their self-confidence.

"Yes, that's the case."

"Old Zhao, you guessed it right!"

After Song Qingyu glanced at Liu Zhiyun appreciatively, he gave Zhao Yili a thumbs up.


Seeing this, Zhao Yili immediately laughed.

As for Staff Officer Chen, he was also stimulated in his heart, and secretly vowed that next time he must guess and make progress.

"That's it!"

Song Qingyu said: "Lao Yang surrendered one of the two devil officers he had captured before."

"No, send it to us immediately!"

"Think about it, with the help of this little devil officer."

"Then our battle this time will be much easier. Tell me, is it the current situation?"

At this moment, Song Qingyu was talking with a smile all over his face.

The most difficult part of the battle has been solved.

This is something to be very happy about.

"Ha ha!"

The three of Liu Zhiyun immediately laughed.

Liu Zhiyun said: "That's true. At this time, with the help of the little devil officer, then we want to take down Liude City. The difficulty can be said to be reduced by half, haha!"


Zhao Yili also nodded: "At that time, let's arrange some soldiers to wear the tattered military uniforms of the little devils. In this way, it is very likely that we can directly open the gate of Liude City and let our soldiers, Enter Liude City!"

"As long as our fighters enter Liude City, the rest of the things will be easy to do, and the first strike is in our hands. If these little devils want to fight back, it must be our first strike." Only after the attack can we make a counterattack!"

"In this way, their chances of succeeding in counterattack are much, much smaller!"

Zhao Yili expressed his own analysis.

"that's enough."

Staff Officer Chen also nodded with a smile, and said: "This is completely enough. What we need is such an initiative. At this moment, with this initiative, even if the little devils follow up to fight back, then their Hope is also very small!"

"So, this time's battle plan, judging from the analysis of these situations, there is no big surprise!"

As Staff Chen said, he was even more shocked by Yang Fei's talent.

From the end of the battle to the present, they haven't thought so long.

As for Yang Fei, in such a short time, he has already taken one step and watched three steps.

And made a battle plan this time.

It's just too powerful.

Staff Officer Chen felt that if he wanted to catch up with Yang Fei in this life, it would be very difficult.

Hope is too small.

(End of this chapter)

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