Chapter 3518

The first step is Hegang Yuki leading people to Liude City.

At this time, Hegang Youji had already led his people to Liude City.

Then, the next time, it is time for them to act.

"Old Liu, take your battalion and head to Liude City first. Remember, don't get too close, keep a distance from Hegang Yuki and the rest of the soldiers. hidden."

"This battle, judging by the time, should start at night!"

Song Qingyu ordered directly.


Liu Zhiyun took the order directly, and after throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand, he turned around and walked towards the place where his battalion was.

Officer Chen and Zhao Yili next to him were looking forward to this in their hearts.

They are looking forward to the moment of victory in the battle against Liude City.

Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen knew in their hearts that the moment the battle in Liude City ended.

It also means that there will not be any little devils in the entire Liude war zone.

For them, this can be regarded as understanding a wish.

Such a result can be regarded as revenge for the previous [-] brigade.

It is also a conclusion!
They are all from the [-]th Brigade after all.

And the reason for the demise of the [-]th Brigade was the little devils who came to Liude City.

At this moment, if they can annihilate all these little devils, that is really an end to the [-]th Brigade.

It can be regarded as a successful conclusion for this matter.

"The task of the two of you is the left and right gates of Liude City!"

Song Qingyu pointed to the blueprint in front of him and said:

"This Liude City, don't look very big, but there are three gates for entering and exiting!"

"Under such circumstances, we must block these three city gates, and don't let the little devil run away!"

"Of course, you don't need to guard with all your troops, just one company's troops at one city gate will do!"

"The rest of the troops should be gathered at the gate of the city where Lao Liu is!"

"Okay, that's the arrangement this time!"

"What is the specific action, the details, etc., we have discussed it before."

"So, when you arrive, just act as we planned before!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Song Qingyu gave the order and waved to Zhao Yili and Staff Officer Chen.


Staff Officer Chen and Zhao Yili immediately took orders when they heard Song Qingyu's words.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and acted.

As for Song Qingyu, he brought the strength of his company.

Sitting in the truck, at the fastest speed, took a shortcut and started heading towards Liude City.

Going to Liude City, there is actually a shortcut.

However, for this shortcut, you have to cross a low-lying low mountain forest.

Otherwise, it is necessary to detour.

And once it crosses this low mountain forest, it can save nearly half of the journey.

Song Qingyu's plan was to take this company's troops across this low mountain forest and reach Liude City ahead of schedule.

Even, if there were no accidents, he might reach Liude City earlier with this company of troops than Hegang Yuki.

So, for the little devil, Song Qingyu can use it, but he can't believe it all, and he can't believe it completely.

He did this just to be on the safe side.

Arrive early.

Once it was Hegang Yuki, what if he rebelled again.

Then the strength of his company just happened to be able to save the soldiers.

Otherwise, the soldiers who followed Hegang Youji to Liude City would be lost.

This will not work.

Song Qingyu would not allow such a thing to happen.

So, just to be on the safe side, he will go directly to Liude City in secret.

Preventive measures.

Control the risk.

This is what he learned from Yang Fei.

At this moment, it can be regarded as applying what you have learned.

In fact, the most critical thing is Song Qingyu's character.

This guy is like this. After following Yang Fei, learning from Yang Fei, etc., he has become more and more cautious.

Be insured about everything.

Of course, his prudence and security are not the kind of fear of death.

But real prudence.

It is completely different from those who are afraid of death.

So, there are reasons for this, Song Qingyu's character, Yang Fei's teaching, etc.

You know, he didn't even tell Liu Zhiyun and the others about this matter.

From this point of view, it is known how secret Song Qingyu is about his mission this time.

In fact, this is the case on the battlefield.

If you can not talk about some tasks, you will not talk about them.

There is no impenetrable wall, and if a word that the soldiers inadvertently hears is heard by someone with a heart, it may be a disaster.

Therefore, Song Qingyu has done a very good job of keeping secrets.



The truck sped down the road.

Under the control of the soldiers, they arrived outside the planned dwarf forest at the fastest speed.

Along the way, the gas pedal under the feet of the soldiers did not loosen at all.

Completely reached the goal at the fastest speed, dwarf forest.

After the truck stopped, under the leadership of Song Qingyu, the soldiers got off the truck as quickly as possible and assembled.

"Okay, you are familiar with the mountain and forest terrain ahead!"

"After all, I also took you to train in this kind of mountain terrain before!"

"Today, your task is to follow me through this low mountain forest at the fastest speed. How about it? Are you confident?"

Song Qingyu's words were incomparably uplifting at the moment, and inspired the confidence of the soldiers.


"Have confidence!"

"You must have confidence, company commander!"

"Ha ha!"

"Just don't worry, we've been ready since you started training us!"

"This time, after we cross the dwarf forest in front of us, we will definitely be able to kill all the little devils in Liude City, haha!"


The soldiers said excitedly when they heard Song Qingyu's words.

Their tone is full of confidence.

There is no fear at all.

"it is good!"

"As expected of Song Qingyu's soldier!"

"Go, start to cross the forest!"

Song Qingyu was very satisfied with the soldiers in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, he gave the order directly, and first entered the dwarf forest.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers behind also followed closely.

The dwarf forest is not very high, in fact, it is no different from the mound.

It's just that the terrain is endless, and there are more trees on it.

So, under such circumstances, it is somewhat difficult.

But at this moment, Song Qingyu led the soldiers and directly started the leap.


At this time, in Liude City, it was very peaceful.

The little devils guarding the major city gates outside were not so strict and vigilant.

Also the smoking of smoking, the talking of talking.

At this moment, they still don't know what happened ahead.

What's more, the two combat brigades they went out to fight in Jiuping Town have been destroyed.

If this situation is known by these little devils.

Then they are definitely not in any mood at this time, smoking and talking like this.

Of course, it is impossible for them to know at this time.

You know, in order to guard against this, Yang Fei had already ordered Hegang Youji to use their own radio station to call back the headquarters of the Third Regiment of Liude City when he left Jiuping Town.

Everything is normal and we are about to reach Jiuping Town.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if the little devils in Liude City knew about this situation.


Colonel Hiraga Kusao was looking at the telegram in his office.

This telegram was sent to him by the Third Theater Command.

The content is simple.

Ask about the progress of things in the Liude theater.

And, urging to end the mission in the Rude theater as soon as possible.

The Third Theater Command will dispatch another garrison brigade to garrison.

And his third wing will be mobilized into the fourth theater to support the fourth theater.

In fact, it wasn't just his [-]rd Wing, and it wasn't just the [-]rd Theater Command.

The other headquarters of the major theaters, etc., are all going to support the fourth theater.


Looking at the telegram in his hand, seeing the changes in the fourth theater and the emergency situation, Colonel Hiraga Kusao sighed helplessly.

He is really not optimistic about the situation of the war of aggression against China before him, and he is also dissatisfied and unwilling!

Think about it, when their imperial army first came to the Huaxia battlefield, they pushed everything horizontally.

No matter where it is, it is to capture everything at the fastest speed.

Pushing directly horizontally, the imperial army is invincible.

However, with the passage of time, China's development, under the oppression of their imperial army, unexpectedly rebounded sharply.

Everywhere began to fight against their imperial army.

Fight against their imperial army.

Although the final result was suppressed by their imperial army.

Killing kills, burying alive.

However, at this moment, with the passage of time, Huaxia's resistance has become stronger and stronger.

In some places, they were even directly out of the control of the Imperial Army.

Moreover, it also caused a lot of losses to the Imperial Army.

This never happened when it was worth money.

The most important thing is that the upper echelon of the Imperial War Department has passed on the news.

In the major war zones, the strength of the imperial army is already stretched and not enough.

During this period of time, the major war zones have been losing troops to each other.

"The imperial army has lost its previous sharpness, and has shown a declining trend."

"It's not good."

Chief Hiraga Kusao frowned deeply:

"If this continues, if there is an unexpected situation in any theater, the troops will not be enough, and there will even be a chain reaction, and the entire theater will be lost!"


"How could this be?"

"How could those idiots of the Imperial War Department make a plan to win the Chinese territory three months before the war?"

"What a bunch of bastards, talking nonsense!"

"How long has it been, and I haven't won Huaxia yet!"

"The Ministry of the Imperial Army, some of the things that are used for corpse meals, really need to be replaced!"

"It's okay to change all of them into hard faction empires, and all those things that you don't understand should be kicked out!"

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao was full of anger.

In fact, anger is anger.

He also knew very well in his heart that when the advance of the imperial army showed a declining trend.

That means that local resources are no longer enough.

Otherwise, such a situation would not have happened.

Even the quality of the canned food delivered some time ago has dropped several notches.

There is no such thing as canned meat in the beginning.

The canned food at the moment is nothing more than boiled oil and other food added.


Chief Hiraga Kusao, who was thinking about it, could only sigh helplessly.

He is not the head of the Imperial War Department.

It's useless for him to think so much now.

It's useless.

It didn't work at all.

"I don't know how the tasks of the first combat brigade and the third combat brigade are going?"

Chief Hiraga Kusao murmured: "I hope there will be no accidents in the battle in Jiuping Town."

"In this case, if you complete the mission here earlier, you can also go to the fourth theater to support earlier."

In fact, he is very confident in the combat effectiveness of the first and third combat brigades.

You know, he has come to where he is today by relying on the third wing.

At that time, the Third Wing was in his hands, it was just the Third Squadron.

After coming to the battlefield, relying on military merits, he was promoted to the third brigade, the third regiment.

He fought bravely and became the top wing of the Third Theater Command.

Therefore, through these things, Colonel Hiraga Kusao has full confidence in the combat brigade under him.

"I hope that Mr. Hegang and Mr. Mizushima can end the battle in Jiuping Town as quickly as possible!"

"As far as possible, complete the task before the arrival of the garrison brigade!"

"When the time comes, hand over directly, and then you can go to the fourth theater to carry out support missions!"

Chief Hiraga Kusao murmured.

For him, compared to the task of winning the Liude theater.

What he most wanted to carry out was this kind of support battle across the combat zone.

Because the military achievements of the two sides are completely different.

for example.

To complete this kind of combat mission in this theater, the military merit is five words.

The cross-theater resources and the calculation of military merits, the same battle, the military merits are ten.

It's more than half directly.

So, this is also the reason why Colonel Hiraga Kusao hopes that the battle in the Rutoku theater will end as soon as possible.

He also thought that before the end of the war, he could be promoted to a major general officer of the empire, or even a lieutenant general officer of the empire, and directly enter the Ministry of War.

You know, if you want to achieve this step, if you don't have military merits, it's completely useless.

Only military exploits can fulfill his dream.

And just like that, time passed.

Day time passed.

Night falls.

Night, very cold.

And the little devils in Liude City, how to play how to play.

As for vigilance, there are people who are specifically in charge of vigilance.

People like them who have no missions rarely have such an opportunity.

So, the little devil soldiers of the third regiment.

Special preparations are the little devil soldiers of the supply team, they are playing every day and night.

The luggage team, they just need to manage the luggage well.

Fight, don't use them!
(End of this chapter)

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