Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3519 Night in the forest

Chapter 3519 Night in the forest
At this moment, the little devils in Liude City.

They didn't even know that under this peaceful night, murderous intentions were already everywhere.

But at this moment, they are still continuing their enjoyment.

Maybe this is their last enjoyment before they die!
Many of these little devils at this moment are actually like this.

They also lost the momentum they had when they first came to China.

Ever since I started enjoying it, I've been enjoying it ever since.

To have the opportunity, for them, that is enjoyment.

As for fighting.

That has to wait until the battle order is issued, and if it is not issued, then enjoy it.

The hearts of these little devil soldiers are actually very clear.

As an officer or something, there is still a chance to climb up.

And these soldiers, apart from taking the opportunity to enjoy it, have no other future at all.

As for the promotion to become an officer, it is really too difficult.

They knew it well, and it was really too difficult to achieve this step.

It is because of this that these little devils will do this.

If they also have a rush, they will definitely maintain the momentum they had at the beginning.

But at this time, after such a long time, many little devil soldiers have lost their energy.

This is completely normal.

You know, at the beginning, these little devils could see hope in the battle.

Hope and opportunity abound.

But at this moment, it is not the case.

The battles get harder and harder as time goes by.

The Chinese soldiers counterattacked more and more fiercely.

Under such circumstances, their chances and hopes are getting less and less.

Not only are there fewer and fewer, but there are also dangers.

The escalation of the battle and the increase in difficulty have resulted in the death of many of their people and companions around them.

Take the example in front of you, the Imperial Independent Brigade and the Ninth Wing.

In the past, when did the independent brigade and the wing of the empire be directly wiped out.

No, in the past, such a thing would never have happened.

But at this moment, at this moment, it is not the case.

On the Huaxia battlefield, the outbreak of Chinese soldiers and troops made their formations at the brigade level and at the wing level.

Even brigade-level establishments were directly annihilated and wiped out.

Therefore, these little devil soldiers have such a mentality.

They all know that the situation is different.

And they, with so little hope of progress.

It's better to take advantage of the time now and enjoy it in Huaxia.

This is the mentality of these little devils at the moment.

Of course, such a thing happened, such a situation is very good for Huaxia.

Devil soldiers, the more negative, the better for them.


Night falls.

In the dwarf forest, it was even darker.

It can be said that it has really reached the point where you can't see your fingers.

Everywhere you look, it's pitch black.

Even if they want to look up at the sky and find out the direction, that is impossible.

So, after continuing to advance for a mile, Song Qingyu, who felt that there was some deviation, directly issued an order to the soldiers to stop advancing.

"Stop moving forward!"

Song Qingyu stopped and turned on the flashlight.


The soldiers in the back stopped instantly when they heard Song Qingyu's order.

"Company Commander, I can't tell the direction, we must have gone a little bit off!"

The soldier next to Song Qingyu frowned and said directly.

Indeed, night is not a good time to march.

If it's outside the forest, it's okay.

And within the forest.

Can't see the starry sky, can't tell the direction, it doesn't work at all.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the night march must stop.

Can't go any further.

Otherwise, once you really lose your way, the consequences will be very serious.

So, after discovering this situation, Song Qingyu stopped it in time.

Marching at night, if it is said to be on the mainland, in the plains, and not in this kind of mountainous terrain, then there is no problem at all.

At least you can look at the starry sky and identify the direction.

Even if it is cloudy, if there is no starry sky, then there is no blocking thing, and it is still possible to distinguish the direction, although it is more difficult.

But at this time, it is completely impossible. In the mountains and forests where they are, there are all tall trees. No matter where they look, there is no light, let alone the night sky. kind.

Under such circumstances, once you lose your direction, it doesn’t mean that if you deviate a little bit from the direction when the error is large, then if you continue walking like this after a long time, you will deviate from the original direction, getting farther and farther away. The farther the distance, your goal may be one north and one south, there is such a big gap.

This is also the reason why Song Qingyu immediately stopped the soldiers from advancing after discovering this. After all, although he said that he must reach the goal at the fastest speed, he must treat it differently for different situations. Nominate a place, and take such a big risk.

You know, haste makes waste, this word is used at this time, sometimes, the more you want to achieve your goal, the less the result you get is what you want.

"There is a deviation, but the deviation is not very large. No, I stopped advancing as soon as I found out."

While Song Qingyu was talking to the soldier, he took out the map and began to compare.

"You see, we entered this forest from this place. Based on our forward speed, we are probably at this place. Even if there is a deviation, we will not be able to get out of this origin."

Song Qingyu pointed to the mark on the map, and said to the soldiers next to him.

"It should be about the same. Since you discovered it earlier, it is probably in this place, but we can't tell the direction if we look at it at this time, so we can't move forward tonight."

"Yes, company commander, if we continue to advance blindly like this, it is very likely that we will return to the place where we entered the forest tomorrow morning."


The soldiers next to Song Qingyu started to talk one after another. Their opinions are actually exactly the same as Song Qingyu's. Marching at night, if you encounter this situation, you must stop advancing immediately, and you must not take risks to continue advancing. Otherwise, the effort they have spent before may be completely wasted.

In this way, not only will they fail to achieve their desired goals, but even more time and energy will be wasted.

"It's up to you to say, that's why I asked you to stop moving forward."

Song Qingyu patted the soldier next to him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I'm going to be here temporarily today, set up camp quickly, and let the soldiers cook, sleep with me after eating, get enough energy, and try to arrive tomorrow Designated place."

Song Qingyu knew that the more the situation was like this, the more the soldiers had to eat and drink. After all, only with sufficient energy and spirit can victory in battle be achieved.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for the exhausted fighters to complete the task even after arriving at the designated location.

Song Qingyu didn't want to let the soldiers advance here exhaustedly in order to save such a little time and cause major mistakes. That's impossible. That's how he does things, and the skills he learned from Yang Fei are not good either. in this way.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to let the soldiers eat and drink enough, rest well, and have enough energy to move forward tomorrow.

"It's the company commander, don't worry, I will leave this matter to me."


In this way, after the soldiers next to them received their orders, they immediately started to prepare the place, leaving only one soldier beside Song Qingyu.

And this soldier's identity is actually the deputy company commander, that is, Song Qingyu's deputy, but Song Qingyu's ability is too great in this company, so others can't show his ability at all.

The deputy company commander took out a cigarette and handed it to Song Qingyu, and took out a match to light it for Song Qingyu, and said with a smile: "Old Song, what do you think of this battle?"

"Ha ha."

After Song Qingyu put the cigarette in his mouth, he took a puff and said with a smile: "How can you see this, of course you can see it with your eyes."

He said this to his deputy company commander on purpose at this time, just kidding, it must be.

"Don't you."

The deputy company commander shook his head with a smile, and continued: "If you don't want to say it, then let me talk about it?"

The reason why the deputy company commander did this is actually to let Song Qingyu remind himself, after all, he also has his own unique views on this battle, but, in this company, only Song Qingyu is better than him Big, so, he can only tell Song Qingyu, let Song Qingyu give advice, if he tells others, others will not be able to guide him, at least in their company.

"Okay, you say you say I'm listening, I know what you're thinking in your heart, tell me, while I have time now, express all the doubts in your heart, so that you won't delay my sleep for a while."

Song Qingyu waved his hand blankly to let the deputy company commander say, what he wanted to say in his heart, of course, was actually to solve his doubts. Song Qingyu knew this very well in his heart. We all know.


Sure enough, the deputy company commander laughed a few times when he heard this.

Then he expressed his doubts.

And Song Qingyu, who heard the doubts in his heart, was not stingy at all, and told his deputy company commander all his understanding.

For Song Qingyu, what he is most willing to do is this kind of thing, to make his subordinates improve, then they may perform better in battles in the future, win battles and kill more devils, this is the most important thing, Everything else is secondary.

Time passed, half an hour, in the blink of an eye.

During this half an hour, the soldiers all set up a bonfire, and soup was burning on the bonfire.

If they were on the plains or in the camps next to the mainland, they wouldn't be able to blatantly burn bonfires at night. Such a goal would be too big. Once the little devils found out, the consequences would be unimaginable, but here it is completely useless Worry about this.

Because this is in the mountains and forests, the place where little devils are least willing to come in.

Not to mention, it is still in the middle of the night, it is even more impossible for these little devils to come here, so ah, they are very safe and safe, let alone lighting a fire inside, they are shooting inside , that is also no problem.

Even if they fired their guns and were heard by the little devils, because the terrain is a forest, plus this time, these little devils will turn their heads and leave, and they will never come in.

These little devils made good use of the point of being indifferent to each other, and they kept it in their hearts.

After all, forest warfare, mountain warfare, and night warfare are all the shortcomings of the little devils.

They would fight if they could, and they would never go into the forest unless necessary. A little devil would know this, so at this time, Song Qingyu and the other soldiers were all very safe.

After a full meal, the soldiers leaned against the bonfire and fell asleep.

Don't look at the outside of the forest at this time is not very cold, but in the forest, the temperature at night is very low. If there is no bonfire, the bodies of the soldiers may not be able to bear it, and at this time the burning fire in front of them The bonfire brought warmth to the soldiers, allowing them to have a good rest tonight, sleep well, and nourish their spirits.

Song Qingyu was different. He slept with the deputy company commander the latest.

Because the deputy company commander had too many doubts in his heart, Song Qingyu didn't have time before, and he didn't have the opportunity to talk about it.

At this time, the combat mission was not very urgent, so he seized this opportunity to express all his doubts.

As for Song Qingyu, he didn't urge him to go to rest, but for his deputy company commander, after answering all the doubts, the two of them were able to sleep.

Of course, it was Song Qingyu who actually fell asleep, and his deputy company commander was constantly recalling in his mind the abilities and skills that Song Qingyu had told him and taught him.

The deputy company commander knew very well that if he wanted to further reach the height of Song Qingyu, then he had to hurry up and write down what Song Qingyu taught him, otherwise, if he went through a battle tomorrow, it was very likely that his mind would be damaged. Among them, Song Qingyu gave him these things, and he would forget a lot.

Compared to sleeping and resting, he still likes to immerse himself in his own progress. Let’s talk about it. He has a lot of energy, and it’s no problem not to sleep for a day or two.

Song Qingyu also knew about this, he saw it, but he didn't stop his deputy company commander.

Because, only such advanced people, motivated people, can reach higher heights.

Otherwise, those who are unwilling to endure hardships and work hard will never get opportunities and progress.

As the night passed, the night slowly faded away.

The bonfire in front of the soldiers had almost burned out, only dots of flames were crackling.

Song Qingyu was the first to wake up. After he got up, he inspected the camp and found nothing unexpected.

And the soldier who was in charge of vigilance last night was already asleep at this time.

Regarding this, Song Qingyu has no objection, because this is what he ordered before, if there is no accident before dawn, then you can rest, after all, this is a mountain forest.The little devils won't come, so there's no need to be so vigilant.

"Okay, okay, get up, eat something and move on."

Song Xingyu saw that the time was almost up, so he yelled directly at the camp.

At this moment, hearing Song Qingyu's voice, all the soldiers woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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