Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3521 Hidden waiting

Chapter 3521 Hidden waiting
Everything is on the right track.

The only thing to do now is to wait for the time.

Waiting for the parties to arrive.

After that, you can start operations against Liude City.

The most critical thing now is to wait for the arrival of all parties.

time flies.

Song Qingyu took the soldiers and hid outside Liude City.

At this moment, they should also eat and drink.

Eat and drink enough, recharge your batteries, and wait for the night to come.

In this way, they can start to act.

At this moment, all the soldiers in Song Qingyu's company were working hard.

The soldiers are looking forward to it.

Tonight, maybe tomorrow night at the latest.

They will be able to take Liude City, kill all the little devils in Liude City, and annihilate them all.

When they think of this result, their hearts are extremely excited, extremely excited.

Because, as long as this result can be achieved.

Then they had a real explanation for the [-]th Brigade.

One, the real closure.

In any case, they were all from the [-]th Brigade.

Under such circumstances, it is worthy of the [-]th Brigade to achieve this step.

The soldiers believed that after this battle, the Liude theater would completely become a place for the Chinese.

And among them, there will not be any little devils who will kill and oppress the common people.

The people in Liude City can also live a peaceful life.

The reason for this is that they are here.

With them guarding here, they believe that no matter if the little devils come again, they will be able to resist the coming little devils from outside the Liude war zone.

Thoroughly, in the Baoliud war zone, there is peace.

Of course, this is the most ideal idea in the hearts of the soldiers.

As for whether this can be achieved, it still depends on how the soldiers work hard and how they do it.

Even if Song Qingyu knew about this, he would encourage the soldiers.

Because, only the fighters who have such thoughts in their hearts are the best fighters.

He is the most qualified soldier, the most qualified soldier.

Soldiers who can take on heavy responsibilities!

The most responsible soldier.

At this time, Song Qingyu was with his deputy company commander, continuing to discuss the night's actions.

Although, the walls of Liude City in front of him are not very high.

However, there are quite a few little devils above.

If you don't plan well, once the little devils patrolling at night are alarmed in a place, their actions will fail.

Although this possibility is not great.

However, since there are risks, the risks must be minimized.

Otherwise, once an accident occurs and the fight with the little devil begins.

That affects the overall situation.

It is the total combat mission this time.

So, under such circumstances, Song Qingyu will not slack off in the slightest.

Song Qingyu always remembered what Yang Fei told him.

Accidents exist all the time.

right under your eyes.

If you want to avoid it, it depends on whether you can detect it in time and prevent it in advance.

As long as it is prevented in advance, even if it cannot be discovered in time, the consequences and losses caused by the accident can be minimized.

It was because Yang Fei had specifically told Song Qingyu this sentence before.

So, Song Qingyu has always kept this in mind.

Not at all relaxed.

No matter what plan or task he is in, he is always so cautious.

Song Qingyu felt that only in this way could he be worthy of the important task Yang Fei entrusted to him.

Otherwise, he would have failed Yang Fei's expectations and value for him.

Therefore, Song Qingyu would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Old Song, I feel like this is about the same!"

The deputy company commander expressed his thoughts, and after listening to Song Qingyu's thoughts, he felt that it was almost done.

From the beginning to the present, their preparations are completely sufficient.

This is just a small task of climbing the city wall.

Even if it's a follow-up lurking, you have to avoid the little devils.

But, in the second half of the night, at night, when the little devil was most slack, he felt that there would be no surprises.

You know, when he was in the [-]th Brigade, he never did such a detailed job.

Of course, the deputy company commander also knew in his heart that it was a good thing to do so.

But, being too cautious, he didn't feel very good.

So, at this time, he reminded Song Qingyu like this.

"Well, you're right!"

Hearing the reminder from the deputy company commander, Song Qingyu nodded and said:
"Yeah, too cautious, the consequences of locking the screen are also very troublesome."

"That's it for our plan and deployment this time, it's perfect enough."

"I believe that this action of ours will make great achievements even more quickly!"

"Ha ha!"

Speaking of this, Song Qingyu immediately laughed.


Seeing Song Qingyu's appearance, the deputy company commander also relaxed.

As long as Song Qingyu doesn't continue to deploy, it will be fine.

Otherwise, in his opinion, the result will only become more and more complicated.

it's good now.

There is no deployment plan, it is best to take advantage of this time to rest.

"You boy, I don't know what you're thinking, you bastard!"

However, the deputy company commander just wanted to rest his hands.

Song Qingyu smiled directly, and slapped him on the head.

What the deputy company commander is thinking is very clear in his heart.

This guy just wants to be lazy after learning it.

This point cannot be hidden from Song Qingyu.

However, Song Qingyu didn't blame him either.

In these few missions, he was indeed too cautious.

Looking at it now, the deputy company commander has a shadow in his heart.


After the deputy company commander laughed, he closed his eyes and began to rest without further words.

Right now, he doesn't want to talk.

I studied so much last night and stayed up so late.

After that, they marched in a hurry for such a long time.

Very tired all over.

So, at this time, he should take advantage of this opportunity to take a good rest.

Recharge your batteries for a while.

"Grandma, I have to take a good rest too!"

After Song Qingyu murmured, he also closed his eyes and began to rest.

Indeed, although they have been battle-tested and trained for so long, their physical fitness and so on are all acceptable.

However, staying up late and so on is still very exhausting.

At this moment, except for the soldiers on alert, the rest of the soldiers all rested.

Replenish your energy, fight the night battle well, and complete the task this night.

time flies.

A day passed like that.

Night falls.

The little devils in Liude City began to enjoy themselves again.

For these little devils, only at night is the time for them to enjoy themselves.

The rest of the time is for rest.

Night is the best time!
(End of this chapter)

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