Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3522 Infiltration mission begins

Chapter 3522 Infiltration mission begins

Night falls.

The little devils in Liude City, except for those who have missions.

The rest, all resumed their enjoyment.

Playing cards playing cards.

Drink the drink.

play something else play something else.

Anyway, around seven or eight o'clock in the evening, apart from the devils in charge of vigilance, there were not many little devil soldiers who were sleeping normally.

Of course, under such circumstances, the city of Liude is brightly lit.

Of course, on the road.

It can be said that the little devil set all the main roads in Liude City on fire.

Under such circumstances, the lights in Liude City were brightly lit.

These little devils did this purely to save some trouble for these little devils on patrol.

After all, night is the best cover.

On the main road, there is no darkness, even if someone lurks in, they can only take a small path.

And every small road in Liude City is connected with the main road.

So, as long as they can patrol the main road well, there will be no problems.

This is also the reason why these little devils still have fun in such a situation.

Otherwise, they would have no time for fun.

Even Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the captain, would not agree.

What these little devils didn't know was that it was under such circumstances.

Tonight, someone started sneaking into Liude City.


After it got dark.

Song Qingyu's order was conveyed quickly.

Hidden in, the soldiers who rested for more than half a day can be said to be full of energy and spirit.

Under such circumstances, these soldiers can't wait to take action against Liude City immediately.


No matter how much they expected in their hearts, Song Qingyu's order had not been issued, and they could not act immediately.

Can only wait.

At this moment, the order issued by Song Qingyu.

Just eat.

eat first.

After eating and filling the stomach.

Wait for the time to come.

Sneak into Liude City.

Tonight, they must first successfully sneak into Liude City.

After that, wait for the battle time to come.

At that time, it was when they took Liude City.

time flies.

In the middle of the night, amidst the torment and waiting in the hearts of the soldiers, it slowly descended.


Looking at the time, Song Qingyu, who was taking a nap, woke up immediately, stood up and gave orders to the soldiers who were taking a nap next to him.




The moment Song Qingyu gave the order, the deputy company commander and the soldiers woke up immediately and completed the assembly as quickly as possible.

From this aspect, we can completely see the difference between ordinary people and soldiers.

For ordinary people, even if they are woken up during a nap, they cannot react instantly, and there will be a period of ignorance, although this time is not very long, but there is.

The trained fighters are completely different.

These soldiers, after training, as long as the order is given, even if they wake up in sleep or deep sleep, they can complete the assembly at the fastest speed.

Directly avoid this ignorant circle of time.

From this point of view, the purpose of training is actually the same.

At this moment, in the dark night, the eyes of the soldiers were extremely hot.

The light in it seemed to illuminate the dark night.

"Comrades, according to the previous arrangement, Liude City has three gates."

"And we, in the next time, will divide into three groups, sneak into these three city gates, and hide near these three city gates!"

"Tonight's mission is this one. I hope you all take this mission seriously, and don't have any, the slightest accident!"

"Only in this way can our final battle plan against Liude City be completely successful, do you understand?"

Song Qingyu's expression was extremely serious at this moment.

Although, in the previous time, he had arranged for this.

However, at this moment, he still wants to emphasize it.

Otherwise, once there is the slightest accident.

Even a small accident may affect the big plan for Liude City this time.

On this point, Song Qingyu would not let such a thing happen.


"Don't worry, Captain!"

"We know what's in our hearts, don't worry, company commander!"



When the soldiers heard this, they warned themselves in their hearts, and at the same time assured Song Qingyu one after another.

After all, the soldiers knew it in their hearts.

Don't look at their current task, it's not difficult, it's easy.

However, accidents often happen in such accidents.

So, even if Song Qingyu didn't warn them, they would warn themselves in their hearts.

Let yourself be vigilant, serious, and careful about the next question.


Seeing this, Song Qingyu nodded in satisfaction. Instead of talking, he ordered directly: "Let's go!"

In this way, under Song Qingyu's order, the soldiers of this company were directly divided into three teams.

Under the leadership of Song Qingyu and the deputy company commander, they headed towards Liude City three miles away at the fastest speed.

In the blink of an eye, their figures disappeared into the dark night.

Song Qingyu and the soldiers at this moment are like ghosts in the dark night.

They're moving fast.

However, during the march, there was no great movement.

Even if there is movement, it is very small.

This is the result of the soldiers' hard training.


Liude City.

At this moment, on the walls of Liude City, there are not many little devils patrolling.

Except for the devils stationed in the realm above the three city gates.

On the entire city wall, there are only two ten-man devil squads responsible for patrolling.

From this point, it can be seen that the guards of these little devils in Liude City have been relaxed.

Otherwise, with such a patrol method, many people could sneak into Liude City at night.

Looking at the way their two teams of ten patrolled, there was a blank spot in the middle, which lasted more than ten minutes.

In just ten minutes, anything can be done.

Of course, this situation is extremely good for Song Qingyu and the soldiers.



The little devils above the city gates are also yawning at this moment.

For such a long time, there have been no accidents in Liude City. This situation has reduced the vigilance of these little devils to the lowest level.

If there is an accident in the battle, then these vigilant little devils will definitely stare wide-eyed and dare not sleep, even dare not yawn or close their eyes.

It's a pity that there have been no accidents for a long time, which made them completely relaxed.

Even the current vigilance made them feel like they were fooling around with tasks and waiting for the arrival of the changing guard.

"It's so relaxing when we come here!"

"Yeah, this is completely different from when we were in the third war zone!"

"That's true. When we were in the third war zone, we didn't even dare to close our eyes. We might be touched by the enemy at any time, which would lead to the start of the battle!"

"It's also understandable. The Liude war zone is just a small war zone. There are not many Chinese soldiers in it."

"This is the case. The previous [-]th Brigade has been killed. Although there are still some difficult Huaxia soldiers left, these are not problems!"

"I believe that the departure of the First Battle Group and the Third Battle Group this time will definitely wipe out the remaining Chinese soldiers in the Liude theater!"

"Haha, victory must belong to the empire!"

"Yes, victory must belong to the empire, haha!"

"Let's just do what we did yesterday. Go to bed first, and leave one person to be vigilant. Then we'll switch to sleep!"

"it is good!"


In this way, these little devils, during the conversation, set a charter for how to stand guard in the middle of the night.

And what these little devils don't know is that this dark place is also included.

Under the walls of Liude City, there are already figures appearing here one by one.

If these little devils find out about this situation, they will probably be scared to death directly!
Unfortunately, they have no chance to know!
(End of this chapter)

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