Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3523 Anfang Youma Zhongzuo's Viewpoint

Chapter 3523 Anfang Youma Zhongzuo's Viewpoint

The soldiers divided into three groups waited for about 10 minutes under the walls of Liude City.

Thoroughly figured out the rules of the devil patrol team on the city wall.

After figuring out the rules, Song Qingyu and the soldiers immediately started to act.

They first used iron claws and threw them on the city wall.

Afterwards, the soldiers began to climb up as fast as they could.

The speed of the fighters is very fast.

In addition, the walls of Liude City are not very high.

It didn't take long for all the soldiers to climb up the city wall.

After seeing the little devils on patrol, they have already started to come this way.

The soldiers put down the rope again, followed the rope, and entered Liude City smoothly.

After landing, the soldiers took the rope back.

All of this was done quietly.

Soon, the patrolling devil squad walked over like this.

However, the ghost patrol team didn't find anything abnormal, so they walked over directly.

From this point, it can be seen that the little devil on patrol is actually just walking around.

Otherwise, if they were the kind with high vigilance, they would be able to find clues on the city wall to some extent.

Unfortunately, they didn't do that.

This also led to the fact that the soldiers entered Liude City very smoothly.

In this way, the soldiers who entered Liude City, according to the previous deployment, found an uninhabited courtyard near the three city gates, and began to hide and lurk.

All they need now is to wait for the arrival of the follow-up large force.

Waiting for this devil, Hegang Youji, to return with someone.

In this case, the master plan begins, and it will be time for them to play an important role.


time flies.

One night passed like this.

Captain Hiraga Kusao got up early.

After breakfast, I came to the headquarters office.

"The First Battle Brigade and the Third Battle Brigade, have any news been sent back?"

As soon as he came to the office, Chief Hiraga Kusao asked his deputy Yuma Nakasa, Yasukata.

When An Fang heard this from Ma Zhongzuo, he directly bowed and said:
"Your Excellency, Captain, the First Combat Battalion and the Third Combat Battalion have not sent any news back!"

Regarding this, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo was actually very puzzled in his heart.

According to the normal process, there should be a telegram every morning.

But today, it is gone.

This made him very puzzled.


Colonel Hiraga Kusao just nodded and stopped paying attention to this matter.

After all, there is no problem if a telegram is not returned.

Maybe it was delayed by something.

It is also possible that the first battle brigade and the third battle brigade have already reached Jiuping Town and started fighting.

It is normal that there is no time to report back when the battle begins.

Soon, Colonel Hiraga Kusao put this matter behind his head, but took other documents and read them.

For him, this is just an episode.

If there is no news from the First Combat Brigade and the Third Brigade for a few days, that's when he should pay attention.

And at the moment, there is absolutely no need for this.

Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, who was on the side, saw this, and didn't say a word, just waited respectfully.

Waiting for the next order from Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

time flies.

In Colonel Hiraga Kusao's office, it was very peaceful.


Putting down the document in his hand, Colonel Hiraga Kusao said to Anfang Yuma Zhongsa: "Anfang-kun, what do you think of this battle?"

It was his rest time now, and he really wanted to ask his deputy what he thought of the battle in Jiuping Town this time.

After all, he was actually clear about his deputy.

This guy doesn't have any great skills, but he still has small skills.

Especially when asking him such a question, this guy often has his own unique insights.

Although his unique insights are not necessarily correct.

But, it's not bad.

At least, in the past, when he made some battle plans, he was inspired by Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo's opinions.

So, this time, he also wanted to ask his deputy what his views and opinions were on this battle.

It can be regarded as a time to pass the rest.


Hearing Hiraga Kusao's words, Yasuka Yuma was stunned for a moment.

He responded quickly.

After all, such things happened to the previous hands.

So, he is not panicking.

Isn't it just some opinions.

He has no other skills, but at this time, it is safe to express his own opinion.

"Okay, Your Excellency, Captain, then I will express my opinion!"

After Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo paused in reality, he said directly:
"Actually, regarding the plan for Jiuping Town this time, I don't feel that any accidents will happen in my heart!"

"First of all, these are the remaining Chinese soldiers in the Liude war zone. Although they are difficult to deal with, they also caused us to suffer a lot of losses!"

"However, under such circumstances, we can fully bear this loss!"

"Similarly, I also have an idea in my mind based on what happened before."

"First of all, the survival of these Chinese soldiers, they can cause losses to us, it is all because of some skills!"

"From other perspectives, if they fight head-on, they will have no hope!"

"At this moment, our First Battle Brigade and Second Battle Brigade have gone directly to Jiuping Town. Faced with such a situation, their little tricks will be useless!"

"The final result is that under the arrival of the imperial army, the remaining Chinese soldiers in Jiuping Town will be wiped out at a relatively fast speed!"

"Even, even the remnants of the Huaxia soldiers in this Liude war zone can be wiped out by the imperial army at the fastest speed!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, no matter what, the remaining Chinese soldiers in Liude City, they don't have any chance!"

"Don't forget, the [-]th Brigade has already been broken up, or even, it can be said to have been wiped out by the Imperial Army!"

"Even in the heyday of his [-]th Brigade, we can kill them, not to mention, these remnants who only use tricks to make trouble for us, they are not the opponents of the Imperial Army at all!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, I believe that when the next telegram arrives, it should be time for the First and Second Combat Battalions to report their victory!"

"Victory will definitely belong to our imperial army and belong to my third regiment!"

After Ma Zhongzuo finished his opinion, An Fang didn't forget to flatter General Hiraga Kusao.

This guy, following Colonel Hiraga Kusao, is really good at being a man.

Because, An Fang knew it in Ma Zhongzuo's heart.

Everything about him was given to him by Dazuo Hiraga Kusao.

And his mission is to make Colonel Hiraga Kusao happy.

Only in this way can his position in the third wing be maintained.

Only by the side of Chief Hiraga Kusao can he stay longer and get enough benefits.

This is what Yuma Zhongzuo Anfang wanted most.

As for the others, a deputy like him dare not expect extravagantly.

"Ha ha!"

Sure enough, when he heard that Colonel Hiraga Kusao was here, he immediately burst out laughing.

At this time, he was very happy.

Undoubtedly, what Anfang Youma Zhongzuo said just now completely spoke to his heart.

"An Fang-jun, you are right!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao nodded in agreement:
"No matter at any time, no matter how complicated the battle situation is, the victory must belong to our Imperial Army, to our Third Wing!"

Don't look at Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo saying this.

In fact, Colonel Hiraga Kusao also thought so in his heart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be laughing so happily after hearing An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo's words now.

"Mr. An Fang, I have to say that your analysis this time is completely spot on. It is enough to see that you have made progress by staying with me during this period of time. Moreover, you have made great progress!"

Hiraga Kusanagi praised Yuma Nakasa with a smile.

"Hi Yi!"

"Your Excellency, Captain!"

Hearing this, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo directly bowed his head and said respectfully:

"The subordinates can be what they are today, it is entirely because of your cultivation, your suggestions, the subordinates are stupid, without your help, they will never be able to reach the present stage. Anfang should be most grateful to you, Your Excellency, Captain!"

What is talking?
This is talking.

An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo directly gave another big flattery to the Hiraga Kusao Colonel.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing these words, Colonel Hiraga Kusao laughed heartily at the moment, even worse!
(End of this chapter)

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