Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3524 The Desolate Yard

Chapter 3524 The Desolate Yard

In fact, this is what he likes to hear the most.

In the past, Yuki Hegang, the captain of the first brigade, was there, and he didn't hear such words every day.

Even, Yuki Zhongzuo Hegang would come to the place where he was every day before going to bed and rest, and give him this once.

Let him sleep every night, it is very good.

However, he was not used to the fact that he had been out on missions for the past two days, without the compliments from Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki by his side, etc.

However, at this moment, the compliment of Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo beside him made him find this feeling again.

At this moment, Colonel Hiraga Kusao was completely happy.

The unhappiness that was deep in my heart before was expelled.

I have to say that the two dogs he raised in the alliance are very, very good.

"Okay, okay, stop talking!"

Feeling relaxed, Hiraga Kusao immediately waved his hand, and said to Asuka Yuma Nakasa:

"I'm going to continue. How about you, go and urge the telecommunications office to send a call to the First Combat Battalion and the Second Combat Battalion, and take the initiative to ask them to see where they are going and what step they are in?"

"In this case, returning a call will also make me feel at ease and know what to do!"

"Okay, that's it, you go!"

After finishing speaking, Colonel Hiraga Kusao waved his hand to Yuma Nakasa Ankata.

In fact, in his heart, he was still a little worried about the first combat brigade and the second combat brigade.

After all, the normal call back in the past, but there is no call back at this moment.

That means it's not normal.

Although, because the battle will affect the telecommunications.

However, this is not necessarily the case. When the telecommunications department is in battle, it is in the headquarters and will not be affected at all.

Unless it is, the headquarters is completely compromised, only in this way can they not call back.

Sadly, that won't happen.

So, in the heart of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, he was still a little worried about this.

If he doesn't ask, he still won't feel at ease.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain, you are busy, I will deliver your order immediately!"

Hearing this, Anfang Youma Zhongzuo directly bowed his head, took the order, turned around and left.

Regarding this, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo actually didn't have any opinions.

He knew very clearly in his heart that he was Colonel Hiraga Kusao's lackey, and he would do whatever Hiraga Kusao asked him to do.

This thing, there is no room for negotiation.

Besides, why should he discuss this kind of thing, just do it directly.


After Mrs. Hiraga Kusao nodded, he picked up the documents on the table again and read them.

After a while, the office was completely quiet.


Liude City, on the inside side of the main entrance, there is a dilapidated courtyard.

From the outside, this courtyard is extremely desolate.

Of course, as far as the current situation in Liude City is concerned, there are no common people, so it's no wonder it's not desolate.

For such a place, the little devils in Liude City would never come here.

Therefore, it is extremely safe to hide the waiting soldiers here.

In the room in the courtyard.

Song Qingyu and the deputy company commander sat at the table, drinking cold water and eating dry pancakes.

Don't look like drinking cold water and eating dry pancakes.

Song Qingyu and the deputy company commander are delicious.

In fact, when the deputy company commander and the rest of the soldiers were in the [-]th brigade, they couldn't get enough to eat every meal.

Especially under the siege of the little devils, although they can survive, they have food for every meal.

But, it's just getting some food to satisfy your hunger.

There is no sufficient food at all. In fact, this is the reason why their [-] brigades can't resist the little devils.

I can't get enough to eat, so I don't have the energy to fight.

But at this time, it is already very good to have pancakes.

The most important thing is, these pancakes, they can eat whatever they want, and they can eat all at once.

When they came, they prepared sufficient rations directly, so that they would not go hungry during the waiting time.

that's enough.

Although it is not a good thing to eat, it is very filling.

No matter how good the food is, if you can't get enough to eat, in the current situation and situation, it is completely tasteless.

So, don't care what it is, only when you are full is the most important thing.

If you can't eat enough, it's all in vain.

"Old Song, let me just say, you were thinking too much before."

"Look, we entered Liude City this time, how smooth it is!"

"These little devils, under the situation in front of them, they have already relaxed and let go of their vigilance!"

"So, I have analyzed it before. In such an environment, you don't have to be so thoughtful at all, just come here directly!"

"No, none of your backup plans before are used now, haha!"

When the deputy company commander said this, crumbs flew out of his mouth from laughing.

That's true. Before, he didn't want Song Qingyu to make so many calculations. He felt it was useless.

After all, what they were facing was just a Liude City.

As for this Liude city, it is low, and there are no devils guarding it.

This is not a big city.

If it is really the kind of big city where devils are stationed, then all of Song Qingyu's plans are useful.

For such a small town, it is useless.

"Ha ha!"

Facing the words of the deputy company commander, Song Qingyu smiled and said, "You don't understand!"

After saying these three words, Song Qingyu stopped talking to him.

Indeed it is.

It's not that the situation in the small town in front of me doesn't require careful planning.

Song Qingyu, it was for insurance, and most importantly, he wanted to develop a good habit.

It's like a muscle memory habit.

In this way, as long as he encounters such a situation in the future, regardless of the size, he can complete all calculations at the fastest speed.

Rather than saying that every time you need to waste time planning.

So, the height that Song Qingyu stood at was beyond what the deputy company commander could have imagined.

The deputy company commander was only thinking of his eyes.

Didn't think about the future at all.

As for Song Qingyu, it was completely different.

He was thinking about the present, but also planning for the future.

Once he succeeds, the benefits to him will be huge.

In the future, if he encounters such a situation again, he doesn't need to waste such time anymore, just plan and do it directly.


"I don't understand!"

The deputy company commander nodded again and again, and continued: "If I understood what you said and understood your thoughts, I would not be the current company commander. I would have been better than you."

Of course, what the deputy company commander said at the moment was completely joking.

That's exactly what it means.

He is working hard to learn and improve, but he can feel that the gap between him and Song Qingyu is still very big.

If only he could think of what Song Qingyu thought.

Find out what Song Qingyu is planning.

Then he is completely above his ability to catch up with Song Qingyu.

So, what he said makes sense.

As for Song Qingyu, he naturally had his reasons.

Both were right.

"You, learn something."

Song Qingyu didn't say much, he ate:

"Let me tell you, as far as I am now, it's not enough, it's still far away!"

When the deputy company commander heard this, he was dumbfounded: "What?"

"It's just you, okay?"

"Do you want to go to heaven, or what do you want to do?"

The deputy company commander at this moment wanted to strangle Song Qingyu to death.

What the hell, he said he couldn't do it when he tried his best to catch up with someone he couldn't catch up with?
Not even close.

If this is the case, then what is he.

Count ass.

There is no more.

"What do you think?"

Song Qingyu put the last piece of dry biscuit into his mouth: "Compared to Lao Yang, what do you think I am?"


Now, upon hearing Song Qingyu's words, the deputy company commander immediately fell silent.


He didn't expect Yang Fei to be such a powerful guy just now.

Compared to them, Lao Yang, the regiment leader, is truly formidable.

The deputy company commander's heart is very clear.

As far as they are now, in front of Yang Fei, they are not even considered students.

The gap between them and Yang Fei is simply one in the sky and the other in the ground!
"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The deputy company commander said with emotion: "When the hell am I going to be as capable as Lao Yang?"

"Ha ha!"

"just you??"

Song Qingyu said indifferently, "In the next life!"

(End of this chapter)

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