Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3525 The task of the deputy company commander

Chapter 3525 The task of the deputy company commander
It wasn't Song Qingyu who attacked the deputy company commander.

Because what he said was the truth.

Not to mention the deputy company commander, even Song Qingyu himself did not have the confidence to catch up with Yang Fei, or equal to Yang Fei in terms of ability.

Not the slightest bit of confidence.

He wanted to catch up, but unfortunately, there was no hope.

It's not that he looks down on himself, it's the truth.

A fact that no one can change.

Just what Yang Fei did after he came to the Liude war zone.

The deployments and plans formulated one by one.

He can only look up, can only watch.

Even, I can't understand it.

In such a situation, what can he do?
Can you catch up?

It's simply not possible.

Therefore, it was not Song Qingyu's attack on the deputy company commander at this moment.

He is repeating the facts, and he is also admonishing himself to always make progress, progress, and progress.

In this way, even if he still can't catch up with Yang Fei's ability.

However, it is possible to narrow the gap and distance between the two as much as possible.

Above this point, there are no shortcuts, only trying to catch up.

That's all.

"Yes, I admit it!"

"I will definitely not be able to catch up with Commander Yang in this life!"


"Hey hey hey!"

Speaking of this, the deputy company commander laughed directly: "I will work hard, and it is still possible to catch up with you."

"Even, I don't know which day, I might be able to catch up with you, haha!"

Speaking of this, the deputy company commander immediately laughed.

Although, he also knew in his heart that if he wanted to catch up with Song Qingyu, there was not much hope in it.

But, to live, one has to pursue something, right?

If you can't catch up with the biggest goal, then maybe you can catch up with the smaller goal if you work hard.

In fact, the guy who is the deputy company commander is right.

That's true when it comes to chasing goals.

For the first time, set yourself an easy-to-achieve goal.

In this way, moving forward and working hard will also have motivation.

If the goal is set up very strong for the first time, it will be difficult to complete and climb.

Then there is no benefit, and the final result is to be hit and give up.

So, there is nothing wrong with what the deputy company commander said at the moment.


Song Qingyu nodded, and agreed: "You are right. You are the last to catch up with Lao Yang. You regard your goal as my words, chase after you, and work hard. There is still great hope!"

"Otherwise, if you also regard Lao Yang as the target of catching up, I can guarantee you that the blow you will suffer in the end will be absolutely huge!"

"Even, you will be so devastated that you don't even want to work hard!"

"Once you lose the motivation to work hard, then your whole life will be finished!"

Song Qingyu agreed with the idea of ​​the deputy company commander.

Indeed it is.

As long as you want to improve, you have to do it.

Just set a small goal first.

Otherwise, it will really backfire.

Song Qingyu thought that the deputy company commander was pretty good in this respect.

Very self-aware.

Those who can know themselves are good at making progress.

And people who don't know themselves clearly, don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, will never have self-knowledge, and progress quickly!

"As you said, I must improve!"

"Just wait, Lao Song, I'm targeting you now, maybe it won't take long before I can surpass you, haha!"

The deputy company commander is in a good mood at the moment.

Now through talking with Song Qingyu, he deeply understands the truth.

He even has a deeper understanding of his own cognition.

The deputy company commander believes that he has this understanding today, which is also a little improvement for himself.

If this continues, he can improve every day.

It won't take long, and if it accumulates over time, his progress will be great.

He, being able to recognize himself clearly is actually the biggest improvement.


Song Qingyu nodded, took a sip of water, and said with a sip, "Don't worry, it's good if you have this progressive heart!"

"In the next time, if there is anything you don't understand, if there is anything you don't understand, tell me everything, as long as I know, I will tell you."

"Of course, even if I don't know what I don't understand, I can still tell this question to Lao Yang. When the time comes, Lao Yang will explain it to me, and I will tell you by the way, you know Yet?"

"I believe that with my help, your progress will be great!"

"If, with my help, your progress is still so weak, then just wait!"

While Song Qingyu mentioned something to the deputy company commander, he didn't forget to warn him.

After all, even the best students need to be supervised.

Otherwise, day after day, the slightest slack every day may not be visible in a short period of time.

But, after a long time, it can be fully seen.

"Well, don't worry, Lao Song, I won't be polite in these matters. Also, I want to thank you for urging me all the time. Only in this way can I continue to make progress. !"

The deputy company commander was actually very grateful to Song Qingyu.

Indeed, if there was no Song Qingyu at that time, whether he would be alive now is still a question.

At the time of desperation, it was Song Qingyu who came to his side like a magic soldier, killed the little devil and saved him.

Otherwise, he must have been killed by the little devil at that time.

Now, when he thinks about the scene that day, the little devil's sharp bayonet, he still has fear in his heart.

His fear does not mean that he is timid and afraid of death.

What he was afraid of was that if he was really killed by the little devil at that time, then he would have no chance and continue to kill the devil.

That's what he's afraid of.

As for death.

He has nothing to fear.

In the past few years of fighting with the little devil, he has also climbed out of the pile of dead people several times.

Nothing to be afraid of.

It's a big deal, and finally drag the little devil in front of him to be buried with him, and it's over.

Anyway, for such a long time, he killed a lot of devils, and it was worth it if he died.

It means you can't kill devils after you're dead.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense!"

Song Qingyu said directly to the deputy company commander: "Probably this evening, Hegang Youji will be able to bring people here!"

"And his arrival means that our people are all following behind."

"As long as this guy Hegang Youji acts, then our battle this time will also begin!"

"However, before this battle begins, I need you to do one more thing."

When Song Qingyu said this, he looked at the deputy company commander with a serious face.

Because, no one in his company can do this matter except the deputy company commander.

"you say!"

At this moment, the deputy company commander's face became serious.

"Your skill is very good. For the next time, you will stare at the main city gate. Once this guy Hegang Yuki comes."

"What about you?"

"Just keep up on the side. When he enters the little devil's headquarters, you find a way to climb into the devil's headquarters on the side!"

"I made an agreement with Yuki Hegang before, the sound of the gun is the number, three shots!"

"Your task is to find out for me whether this guy is really determined to help us, don't be so special, this guy is betraying the devil's headquarters!"

"At this time, although this guy's betrayal will not have a great impact on us, but it will also cause many soldiers to sacrifice!"

"So, you keep an eye on him. If he wants to turn back and shoot a fake gun, you should leave immediately and shoot as a warning!"

"In this case, let's change the battle plan immediately!"

"Do you understand it?"

This task is very important.

Song Qingyu was worried about handing it over to other soldiers.

Only the deputy company commander at this time can make him feel at ease to entrust this task to him.

"it is good!"

After hearing this, the deputy company commander nodded heavily: "It is absolutely necessary to be on guard against this little devil!"

"Who knows if these beasts will collude together again at the last time!"

"Don't worry, Lao Song, this task will be entrusted to me, it will definitely be as beautiful as you!"

The deputy company commander assured.

This task is not difficult for him.

After all, when he was in the [-]th Brigade, he had no other skills, such as climbing walls, no one could match him.

This task, at this time, is the most suitable task for him.


Song Qingyu nodded.

He is still very confident and relieved of the deputy company commander!

(End of this chapter)

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