Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3526 The Night Outside Liude City

Chapter 3526 The Night Outside Liude City
In his company, there are quite a few fighters with good skills.

However, it can be said that there is no one who can compare with the deputy company commander in terms of climbing walls.

Under such circumstances, he was really relieved to hand over this task to the deputy company commander.

"Let me tell you, Old Song, I don't want to wait for Hegang Youji at the city gate. It's useless. I'll go directly to the little devil's headquarters and wait for them. How about it?"

The deputy company commander said with a smile: "Look, I can only see everything if I wait directly in the devil's headquarters!"

"If I follow in behind, then I won't be able to find out if this guy Hegang Yuki is playing tricks!"

"So, I feel that I'm still in the devil's headquarters, waiting for him!"

At this time, the deputy company commander expressed his opinion.

I have to say that the opinion this guy said is very reasonable.

After Song Qingyu heard it, he also nodded.

This is it.

Hegang Yuki, if he wants to play tricks, he can only be in the headquarters.

After all, he can only explain everything after seeing the captain of the regiment, Hiraga Kusao.

Before, he had no chance outside the headquarters.

So, under such circumstances, as long as this guy is playing tricks, he must be in the headquarters.

Outside, he has no chance.

Besides, as far as the disguised soldiers following him were concerned, even if he wanted to make trouble, there was no chance at all.

And in the headquarters, there must be very few soldiers who can follow up.

Under such circumstances, the chances of him succeeding in tricking the ghost will be very high.

In this way, as the deputy company commander said, he needs to sneak into the devil's headquarters in advance and wait.

This is the real prevention.

"You're right!"

Song Qingyu nodded, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that, you kid said you're making progress, you're making progress so fast, I've overlooked that, you just thought of it, haha, not bad, not bad!"

Song Qingyu patted the deputy company commander's shoulder with a smile, and continued: "I've entrusted this task to you anyway. How you complete it is up to you. I won't get involved too much. I just want the result, you know!"

This is indeed the case, the task is handed over to the deputy company commander, and that is the matter of the deputy company commander.

Only in this way, if the deputy company commander has the opportunity to practice alone, then it is possible to improve.

Otherwise, if he arranges everything for this guy, the possibility of the deputy company commander's progress will be very small.

So, since this guy has an idea, let him go and let him plan and complete it himself.

It's not a big plan anyway, and it doesn't matter.


Hearing this, the deputy company commander immediately laughed.

He achieved his goal.

This time, it was his own independent task.

He had to think carefully about how to make it more beautiful.

The most important thing is that there can be no accidents.

His skill is good.

However, the one who sneaked in this time was the regiment headquarters of the serious little devil.

It is completely different from sneaking into Liude City.

The defense of the devils in Liude City, the defense force, may have been lax.

However, the deputy company commander knew very well in his heart that there would be no slack in the devil's regiment headquarters.

Under such circumstances, how did he sneak into the devil's wing headquarters?
It is indeed necessary to plan carefully and think carefully.

In the following time, the deputy company commander asked Song Qingyu some questions.

After that, while waiting, the sky gradually darkened.

As for the deputy company commander, he also changed into a dark suit of night clothes, and just like this, he left the desolate courtyard and the desolate street, and headed towards the center of Liude City, the devil's regiment headquarters.

Wearing night clothes, he blended into the darkness better.

Even if he was standing on an unlit street, these little devils would still not be able to spot him.

This is the great benefit of wearing night clothes in the dark.

That's true, night clothes, something that has been handed down since ancient times.

This thing is for doing things at night.

Don't care what it is, as long as it's something shameful, it's right to wear a night clothes.


at the same time.

Outside Liude City, on the main road about two miles away.

A group of people stopped advancing after seeing the brightly lit Liude City in front of them.

"Okay, Hegang Youji, Liude City is ahead!"

The platoon leader leading the team once told Hegang Yuki:
"You also know the importance of this task, and I believe you know how to do it!"

"The most important thing is that you have to think about your life. If you want to survive, in the next time, do things well and don't make small moves!"

"Otherwise, I can assure you that before all of us are killed, you will die too!"

"Do you remember what I said?"

The platoon leader spoke in a very light tone.

However, hearing Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo's ears and mind, it was like thunder, rumbling.

Originally, along the way, there were turmoil in his heart, and he had a careful thought. He thought that he had returned to the third regiment and returned to his own territory. Could he make a good plan and let himself return to the empire again? What about the Royal Army?

He already had a vague plan in his mind.

However, hearing what the platoon leader said at this moment, the plan in Zhongzuo Hegang Youji's heart was shattered.

The idea of ​​him wanting to rebel again was expelled from his mind.

Yes, his life is the most important thing.

He can indeed give a warning, and he can indeed make a good plan.

However, if you want to accomplish this, you need to take risks.

And this risk, if it succeeds, then he is free.

But if it fails, it will be completely different. As a result of failure, even oneself will not be beaten to death.

Therefore, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji immediately calmed down after thinking of these things.

He once again warned himself that he must not betray, and he must not betray.

Otherwise, I would not be able to bear the price of dying again.

Thinking of this, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo directly bowed to the platoon leader, and once again solemnly assured:

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

"I will definitely perform well this time, and there will be no surprises!"

Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki kept reminding himself.



Only by living can there be hope.

As for the Imperial Army of the Third Wing.

To die is to die.

no big deal.

Compared with their own lives, these imperial soldiers died as they liked.

He just wants to live.

He doesn't want to take a chance.

He really couldn't bear the consequences of taking a risk.

"Ah That's good!"

The platoon leader nodded, indicating yes.

"Okay, take a break, and after 10 minutes, directly enter Liude City!"

"Remember, before the mission starts, you must pay attention to what you say!"

"Don't forget the ghost words you learned before. Although what you say is still bad, don't say what we say, remember it for me!"

The platoon leader directly ordered and exhorted the soldiers behind him.




Hearing the words of the platoon leader, the soldiers immediately took orders.

For this, the hearts of the soldiers are very clear.

They understand what they should do at this time!
"Okay, Tsuruoka Yuki, come over and have something to eat!"

After the platoon leader gave the orders to the soldiers, he said to Yuki Hegang.

(End of this chapter)

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