Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3527 Return to Liude City

Chapter 3527 Return to Liude City

Hearing the platoon leader's words, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji immediately bowed his head and saluted again.

And said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

Never mind what Hegang Yuki Zhongzuo was thinking.

As far as his current attitude is concerned, with such a low posture, anyone who sees it will feel very happy in his heart.

"Well, it's okay!"

The platoon leader waved his hand indifferently.

After all, they still need Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki to do things now.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so polite to this little devil.

If it wasn't for Hegang Youji's usefulness, he would have wanted to kill this bastard with a single shot.

The platoon leader believed that he was not the only one who had this idea.

The same goes for the rest of the fighters.

If it weren't for the usefulness of this guy, he would have killed him a long time ago.

In this way, in the following time, the soldiers and Lieutenant Assistant Tsuruoka Yuki were full.

For cold water and dry biscuits, the soldiers ate with relish.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, although it was difficult to swallow, he could hold back in order to survive.

If you want to live and do things well, you must first not be hungry.

Otherwise, if you are hungry, you can't do anything.

10 minute later.

"Okay, act!"

After the platoon leader gave an order, the soldiers assembled as quickly as possible.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he also came to the front of the team.

He said:
"In the next time, we will play the rout, the one who escaped back. You must follow me and perform well. Only in this way, this mission will not fail!"

"At that time, after entering Liude City, I will find a way to bring you into the wing headquarters."

"Afterwards, if you enter the office of Captain Hiraga Kusanagi, it's impossible to get so many people in. I know you all know this!"

"It's still the same sentence. I will work hard and try my best to let as many people follow me into the office area. In this way, you can take action and control the office area!"

"In the office area, it's not very complicated, there are only officers' offices and imperial soldiers on guard!"

"There are not many troops, no more than [-] people!"

"In this case, you first follow me outside the office of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, and wait for me outside!"

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately became unwilling.

One of the soldiers said with a bad face: "In this case, if you enter the office and our people don't enter, what will you do if you make trouble?"

"Yeah, if you are in cahoots with that captain of yours, what shall we do?"


The soldiers are very worried about this aspect.

It is easy to understand that this is indeed the case.

What they are afraid of now is that the devil, Hegang Youji, will make trouble.

Once this guy left their sight, they were really worried.

Once this bastard thing rebels again, none of them will survive.

Of course, it's a trivial matter if they don't survive.

It is right to make sacrifices for the cause of resistance against Japan.

However, what they are worried about is that once this happens, their grand plan will fail.

Even if they didn't fail, the little devils became vigilant. If their follow-up troops wanted to take down Liude City, they would have to pay a higher price and sacrifice more soldiers!

Therefore, regarding this point, the soldiers are very worried.

Not only the soldiers, but also the platoon leader at this moment.

Don't look at him not talking now.

But, the fact is like this.

Once Hegang Yuki rebelled against them and betrayed them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He just stared at Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo.

Even, he was thinking in his heart, since there is such a risk, if Hegang Yuki doesn't have a good solution.

In order to avoid this risk, they might as well kill Hegang Yuki right now.

In this way, they will not have this risk.

Although it would be difficult to win Liude City without Hegang Yuki's cooperation, compared to this risk, it is still much smaller.

"No no no!"

When Hegang Youji heard this, he immediately became anxious.

He knew that if he couldn't give a good explanation to these people in front of him on this matter, he might be doomed now.

"I assure you, I will not have any problems!"

"In addition, two people, I tried my best to bring two people in!"

"Look, can this work? Two people, no matter how many, it's impossible!"

"It's not that I don't allow it, but the guards guarding outside the captain's office will not let you in. Once you enter by force, you will fail on the spot!"

"You have to know that there is a squadron of guards in the headquarters!"

"Once there is a conflict, the troops of this guard squadron will enter the command post as quickly as possible, and block the command post under control."

"At that time, the real trouble will be!"

Hegang Yuki is not wrong about this point, it is true.

Once the guard squadron is alarmed, it is real trouble.

"All right!"

When the platoon leader heard this, he immediately stopped the soldiers who wanted to speak. He stared at Hegang Yuki and said:

"Two people are two people, that's fine!"

In fact, I was relieved to hear that the platoon leader here.

It's not bad to be able to enter two people.

Moreover, he is confident that in the case of two people, he and another soldier will take down the devil's regiment leader without any problem.

"That's it, let's go!"

The platoon leader didn't hesitate, and ordered directly.



Now, the soldiers stopped talking and took orders one after another.


As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, seeing this situation, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, it's okay.

There is no conflict now.

Otherwise, he would really be finished.

"Let's go!"

In this way, under the leadership of Hegang Yuki, the soldiers of the reinforcement platoon followed Hegang Yuki and headed towards Liude City.

With the development of the matter to the present, it is already a matter of time and has to be launched.

There is no turning back.

No matter what, they had to take Tsuruoka Yuki to carry out the mission.

The most important thing is that the platoon leader knows in his heart that he has to trust the regiment leader Yang Fei.

Since the head of the regiment, Yang Fei, ordered and deployed in this way, it means that there is no problem.

Otherwise, they would not be able to pass the level of their leader Yang Fei.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to be serious and cautious.

But, for others, he can't force a decision.

After all, once he made a decision at this time, it would affect the big plan.

This point is unavoidable.

His heart is very clear.

Just like that, their figures disappeared into the night.


And time passed.

When waiting for them to appear again, they have already reached the main gate of Liude City.



At the same time, outside the city gate, there were more than a dozen little devil soldiers in charge of guarding.

At this moment, he also found the figure coming in the dark night.



Immediately, these dozen or so little devil soldiers were loaded with bullets, and immediately became vigilant.

They are always ready to shoot.

The situation is wrong, they have to kill all the figures in front of them.

"it's me!"

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo who took the lead, he immediately walked over with a gloomy face and led the people.



And the dozen or so little devils at the gate of the city were immediately surprised when they saw Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and the embarrassing imperial soldiers behind him.

In my heart, there is even more doubt and incomprehension.

How did the captain of the first combat team in their wing become such a mess?

What's going on here?
Shouldn't the First Combat Brigade at this moment be performing tasks in Jiuping Town?
Why did the captain come to the station in such a mess?

What's going on here?
However, even if such a situation happened, the dozen or so little devil soldiers would not dare to talk nonsense, let alone ask more questions.

As long as there is no problem with identity.

This kind of thing should be asked above, not them.

They knew very well that among the third regiment, the most difficult to mess with was the captain of the first combat brigade, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Zhong Zuo!"

"Open the city gate!"

These dozen little devil soldiers didn't dare to talk nonsense, and directly issued the order to open the city gate.



Just like that, the little devil inside, after hearing the order, immediately opened the city gate slowly.


As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he let out a cold snort and led the people into Liude City.


Seeing Hegang Youji Zhongzuo and others disappearing after entering the city, these little devil soldiers spit one after another.

In the eyes, more is gloating.

At this moment, even a fool would know that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who was extremely arrogant in the past, has suffered a defeat today.

Live it!

At this moment, the dozen or so little devil soldiers at the gate of the city were thinking with great joy in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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