Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3529 Sudden Shot

Chapter 3529 Sudden Shot
At this moment, Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang is like a poor child returning home.

There is an incomparably pitiful voice in the voice.

His current performance is indeed correct.

According to his past practice and so on, Colonel Hiraga Kusao, to him, is indeed like a father.

Everything takes care of him.

Be nice to him.

This is also the reason why Hegang Yuji Zhongzuo behaved like this at this moment.

"Come in!"

In an instant, the voice of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, the commander in the office, was heard outside the office.

It can be judged from the voice of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

Hearing Hegang Yuki's words, he was not in a good mood.

Because, during the day, he had worries in his heart.

He also sent someone to urge the telegram.

Unfortunately, no news has been delivered.

So, at that time, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

But, he actually didn't want to believe it.

Because, the combat effectiveness of the first combat brigade and the third combat brigade is still acceptable.

In this small Liude war zone, no one can easily annihilate the first combat brigade and the third combat brigade.

He didn't want to believe it.


The worry in his heart, the point he was least willing to believe, seemed to have become a reality at this moment.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo unexpectedly returned early.

And, also said that something happened.

This is bad news.


Hearing this, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo directly opened the door of the office and entered the office.

The platoon leader and another soldier also followed closely.

This time, the two guards outside the door did not stop him.

Because, they knew best in their hearts that at this time, Zhongzuo Youji in Hegang was obviously in a wrong state, so they didn't want to touch this brow.


This happened before, and they didn't need to stop it.


"Hegang-jun, you you you!"

"What's wrong with you?"

As for Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, after seeing Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's extremely embarrassed scene, he was shocked.

An unbelievable look.

You know, in his eyes, Hegang Yuki, an invincible guy, is very concerned about his own image.

And now, what has this become?
So down and out.

Just like a beggar.

He couldn't believe it.

As for Colonel Hiraga Kusao, who was sitting at the desk, after witnessing this scene, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

he knows.

At this moment, Hegang Youji's return means that the First Combat Brigade is gone.


Otherwise, at this moment, he would never come back in such a mess.


Captain Hiraga Kusao couldn't believe what happened.

Can make his No. [-] Combat Brigade what it is now.

"Where's Mizushima-kun?"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao didn't ask anything else.

Instead, he directly asked about the situation of the Third Combat Brigade.

After all, this combat mission against Jiuping Town is a joint mission of the First Combat Brigade and the Third Combat Brigade.

And the only one who came back at this moment was Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang.

As for Zhongzuo Mizushima Kimura, there is no news at all.

The key point is here.

As long as he can get the news from Mizushima Kimura, then he will know what the final result will be.

"Mizushima-kun, he, he is broken!"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo said this answer with tears in his eyes.



Hearing this news, Colonel Hiraga Kusao was stunned, and immediately cursed angrily.

Mizushima Kimura Satama Broken.

And the only one returning at this moment is Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang.

This illustrates a problem.

That is, the first combat brigade and the third combat brigade are all finished.

The only one who escaped back was Hegang Yuki.


"The first combat brigade, the third combat brigade, are they all finished!"

Senior Commander Hiraga Kusao stared fixedly at Zhongzuo Hegang Yuki.

He asked a question that horrified Anfang Yuma, who was beside him.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain."

"First Combat Brigade, it's over!"

"The third combat brigade is also finished!"

"This time I went to perform a mission and return, only myself!"

"And myself, I escaped in embarrassment!"

"Your Excellency, Captain, this time I take the responsibility, and I will make atonement by harakiri!"

After Hegang Youji Zhongzuo said this, he walked a few steps forward, came to the desk, approached Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo, and took the Zuoguan knife on the desk.


As for Colonel Hiraga Kusao, who heard this result, his body shook, his body was weak, his eyes were listless, and he slumped on the chair.

The third unit was his painstaking effort.

The same is his capital.

If there is no third wing, then everything is gone for him.

If he doesn't get military merit, he will stop at the Dazuo officer.

But at this moment, the First Combat Brigade was gone.

The Third Combat Brigade is gone.

Omura is disabled in the second battle!

There was only one supply team left.

It can be said that when such a situation happened, even the third wing with him was doomed.

This result made the dreaming Colonel Hiraga Kusao extremely disappointed.

Incomparably lonely.

At this moment, there was no bottom in his heart.

previous planning.

Imagination before.

before everything.

Now, it's all empty.

nothing left.


But, right now.

The thing that horrified Hiraga Kusao had happened again.

I saw that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, who got the Zuoguan sword, immediately pulled out the Zuoguan sword, and slashed forward together.


Anfang, who was standing with a startled expression, was slashed away from Ma Zhongzuo's neck.

"Cough cough!"




At this moment, An Fang was assisted by Ma Zhong, clutching his neck in great pain, and slowly limp on the ground.

At this moment, he couldn't make any movement.

The feet hit the ground like this.

His complexion began to turn purple, and gradually turned black.

Gradually, it lost its vitality.

"Hegang, you!"

Colonel Hiraga Kusao, who was sitting on a chair, was really shocked.

Hegang Yuki, that idiot, what is he doing again?
Why did he suddenly kill his deputy?
This is exactly what happened.

In an instant, Colonel Hiraga Kusao's eyes widened.

He thought of a question.

That is.

Now that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo has achieved this step, it means that this guy has betrayed the empire.

Otherwise, he couldn't have killed his deputy.

At the moment, there is only one explanation.

Hegang Yuki, that bastard, betrayed the imperial army in order for himself to survive.

Betrayed His Majesty the Emperor.

Betrayed my faith!


After reacting, Colonel Hiraga Kusao was about to shout to the guards outside!
However, the platoon leader and another soldier moved extremely fast.

The moment when Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo made a move.

With the fastest speed, they arrived at the side of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

Directly with the sword in his hand, he knocked out the horrified, even terrified Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

In fact, the platoon leader and this soldier at the moment were also very shocked.

Because Hegang Youji didn't tell them what he would do before.

But at this moment, this guy made a sudden move and killed a devil lieutenant.

This surprised them so much.

Of course, behind the surprise, there is joy.

Seeing the little devil kill the little devil, they felt the happiest in their hearts.

During this period, nothing could be more beautiful than this scene!




At this moment, Youji Zhongzuo in Hegang was also holding a Zuoguan knife in his hand, panting heavily.

Betray the Imperial Army.

Kill his former colleagues.

This feeling is not so good.

Pressure, heavy, big.

Just look at Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's appearance at this moment.

Although, he was already prepared in his heart.

However, the moment this scene really came, he still couldn't accept it in his heart.

"What's next?"

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo calmed down a little, and after calming himself down, he asked.

After all, things have developed to the point where he is no longer in control.

He assured Yang Fei that he could control the headquarters.

But, as far as he was originally, he had really reached this point. After encountering this situation, he found that he seemed unable to do it.

Especially after killing An Fang Yuma Zhongzuo with his own hands, his mind seemed to be empty at the moment.

Somewhat confused.

Don't know what to do?

When the platoon leader heard this, he ordered directly.

"In the next time, take away the two guards at the door."

"Afterwards, go and transfer the guarding ghost soldiers of that squadron and take control of the headquarters, can it be done?"

After the platoon leader finished speaking, he fixed his gaze on Zhongzuo Hegang Youji.

At this moment, the pressure on Zhongzuo Tsuruoka Yuki increased greatly.

However, in order to survive.

He could only bite the bullet and agree:


(End of this chapter)

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