Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3530 Death In The Night

Chapter 3530 Death In The Night

On this point, he was not sure.

However, he believed that as long as he did it, it would definitely be possible.

Because, now the captain of the alliance, Hiraga Kusao, was knocked out by them.

Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo also died.

Among the entire wing headquarters, he is the only lieutenant assistant, the supreme commander.

He sure can do it.

Besides, at this moment, he can completely forge the orders of Colonel Hiraga Kusao, and issue orders under the guise of Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

Thinking of this, Zhongzuo Hegang Youji felt relieved.

Things don't seem to be that difficult.

It's not as difficult as he thought.

"it is good."

Hearing this, the platoon leader ordered directly: "Next, just watch your performance, don't make too much noise!"

Just like that, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo Hui started to act.

First of all, Anfang Yuma Zhongzuo's body was hidden.

Blood on the ground.

Hegang Youji Zhongzuo covered it with a carpet.

Afterwards, he, the platoon leader, and the soldier tied the unconscious Hiraga Kusao to the seat again and gagged his mouth.

And, turn his face toward the map on the wall.

It's like looking at a map.

"Your Excellency, Captain, I understand, I will do it immediately!"

Afterwards, Zhongzuo Youji of Hegang said something loudly in the office.

After that, he took another soldier and walked towards the door.


After opening the door, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo directly said to the little devil soldiers guarding the door: "Your Excellency, the regiment captain, is tired and resting. No one can go in until he is summoned. Do you understand?"

At this moment, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo has extremely domineering eyes.

Let the two little devil soldiers standing guard immediately take the order with fear in their hearts: "Hi Yi, Your Excellency, Captain!"


Just like that, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo led the soldier towards the guard squadron station beside the office.

During this period, there were quite a few little devils officers, and the little devils greeted Zhongzuo Hegang Youji.

However, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't care about them at this time.

After simply nodding, he walked towards the station of the guard squadron.

Soon, he came to the guard squadron station.


After coming here, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo directly ordered loudly.

"Tap Tap!"


The moment Hegang Youji Zhongzuo gave the order, in the guard squadron's garrison, the little devil soldiers assembled as quickly as possible.

"Following the order of your Excellency, the captain, you immediately go to guard outside the headquarters and be alert!"

"According to the intelligence, there are a group of bold Huaxia soldiers who want to sneak into Liude City and assassinate Your Excellency, Captain. Now, go and surround the headquarters immediately, and don't let anyone who is not from the empire come in!"

"Can it be done?"

At this moment, the voice of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo directly spread throughout the guard squadron's station.

"Hi Yi!"


And this little devil of the guard squadron, under the leadership of their major squadron leader, all took orders.

For this task, they can complete it.

After all, their mission is to guard the headquarters.

That's their job.

In this way, this little devil soldier of the guard squadron was directly fooled by Zhong Zuo Hegang Yuki to go outside the headquarters.

He is very clear in his heart, as long as this guard squadron is within the headquarters.

It will be difficult for Yang Fei's people to attack inside.

At this time, he transferred the guard squadron out to the periphery.

Without the support of natural fortifications such as walls, their combat effectiveness was directly reduced to the lowest level.

What Hegang Youji Zhongzuo didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

There is a look of satisfaction in the eyes of these eyes.

Then, the eyes disappeared into the night.

After dealing with these matters, Hegang Youji Zhongzuo returned to the headquarters office area again.

He didn't show any politeness this time, and just took out his pistol.

He fired two shots at the top.

And ordered loudly:

"All together!"

"All together!"


At this moment, the little devils in the office area of ​​the headquarters, the officers, etc., were all dumbfounded.

He was startled by the sudden gunshot.

What the hell, what are you doing with your guns?
A collection is a collection.

What are you shooting for?
They trembled and trembled in fright.

This bastard.

Of course, facing this situation, they can only complain in their hearts at this time.

They absolutely dare not speak out at this time.

Otherwise, the ones who were shot would probably be themselves.

"Tell you, now our wing headquarters is the most dangerous place, so be alert to me!"

"I'm shooting now, and let the sound of the guns spread throughout Liude City, just to make you vigilant!"

"Don't think I didn't see it, just patrol and wait for the imperial soldiers, the guarding imperial soldiers, how lax the guard is!"

"Regarding this situation, Your Excellency the Alliance Captain didn't say anything, but do you regard your Excellency the Alliance Captain as blind?"

"Let me tell you, it's only this time, and the next time will not be an example!"

"From now on, if I find out that you are still so lax, you will apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"


It has to be said that Hegang Youji Zhongzuo's sudden madness really shocked the little devils in the headquarters office area.


"Hi Yi!"

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency Captain!"


One by one, the devil officers did not dare to have the slightest hesitation, and took orders one after another.

After all, they are very clear in their hearts.

What Hegang Youji Zhongzuo said just now is all true, there is not a trace of false news.

So, it's their fault.

Under such circumstances, they were even more afraid to say anything.

"Why is there a gunshot?"

"The sound of gunshots?"


At the same time, upon hearing gunshots, the guard squadron that had just left came back directly with a ten-man squadron.

They want to see what happened.

"Go back and guard for me, it's none of your business!"

It's just that, after being scolded by Zhongzuo Hegang Youji, the ten-man squadron in the guard squadron could only get out again in despair.

Facing Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, there is no one in the third regiment who is not afraid of him.

Just like that, under the intimidation of Zhong Zuo Hegang Yuki like crazy.

The command office was completely taken down by him.

No one dared to disobey his orders and have any opinion on him.


At this moment, Mu Mu Shijiang Zhongzuo, the captain of the second brigade, and Cangqiao Yugui, the captain of the supply brigade, who were stationed in Liude City, were all startled by the gunshot.

On this late night, there was sudden gunfire from the direction of the headquarters, which is not a good thing.

So, the two captains rushed towards the headquarters directly with their people.


And the moment the gunshot rang.

Liu Zhiyun, Chen Staff, and Zhao Yili outside Liude City all arrived at the designated location.

They are waiting.

The sound of gunfire is the order, and the next step is that someone opened the gate of the city.

As soon as the city gate opened, it was time for them to rush into Liude City.

If it's daylight, you can spot it if you look carefully.

Liu Zhiyun's three tribes, all the soldiers wore the military uniforms of devils.

Although they are all tattered, there are many gun holes.

But, fighting tonight, with this suit of clothes, they will definitely make the little devils in Liude City completely confused.

Of course, in order to prevent accidental killings, the soldiers all wore a white cloth strip on their right arms.

The fighters of the three parts are all waiting at this moment.


at the same time.

The three gates of Liude City came out from a dark corner, and figures flashed by one after another.

These figures in night clothes, like ghosts, entered the city gate at an incomparably fast speed.

They raised their knives and killed the little devils in the city gate before they could react.

And, with the fastest speed, opened the city gate.

The same is true on the city wall.

There are only two devils in a ten-man team, 20 people.

In the hands of the prepared soldiers, these twenty little devil soldiers were killed by the soldiers without even breaking the waves.


"The gates are open!"



The soldiers of the three divisions outside the city were led by Liu Zhiyun, Staff Officer Chen, and Zhao Yili.

Directly rush towards the city gate at the fastest speed.

at the same time.

A dozen little devil soldiers guarding outside the city gate.



In this dark night, he also didn't even have the power to react, and his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness!

(End of this chapter)

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