Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 3531 Night Action

Chapter 3531 Night Action
At this moment, at the city gate and on the city wall, the little devil soldiers who were laxly guarded, they never imagined that they would end up in such a fate.

do not know anything.

see nothing.

After only feeling a burst of coldness and severe pain.

Otherwise, they don't know anything.


Completely plunged into darkness.

This kind of fate is actually the last thing the little devils want.

After all, if you can't see who your opponent is, you will be killed by your opponent.

In this way, it is really frustrating.

It's a pity that these little devils at this time, they will have no other end at all.

There is no if in this world.

They can only end up like this.

Die in the aggrieved and unknown!

At this moment, the city gate opened wide.

All the little devils patrolling on the city wall were killed again.

Under such circumstances, the soldiers of the three battalions directly entered Heliu De City at the fastest speed.

Everything went so smoothly.

Even, it can be said to be a matter of course.

In fact, this is the importance of the first move.

If Song Qingyu hadn't led the soldiers into Liude City in advance, things would not have gone so smoothly.

At the very least, they would have to go through a battle before they could take down the city gate.

During this process, soldiers will sacrifice.

So say it.

Under such circumstances, it is very important for the two armies to confront each other and take the lead.

Once the first move is made, as long as it goes well, it can save time in the battle, and, what's more, minimize the loss in the battle.

At this moment, Liude City's battle plan has progressed to the present, and none of the soldiers has sacrificed yet.

Not a single shot was fired.

But the little devil has already been assassinated and wiped out a lot.

This is the gap.

Similarly, it is also the importance of being the first mover.

"Tap Tap!"


At this moment, a lot of footsteps resounded on the main road of Liude City.




Similarly, these devil squads patrolling on the main road.

At this moment, they also discovered this situation, and they all stepped forward to ask.

Of course, after letting them see clearly that it was a person wearing an imperial uniform, they immediately relaxed.

They knew that the First and Third Combat Battalions were out.

Before that, Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo had just returned.

At this moment, it is normal for the people below to come back.

"First Combat Battalion!"

"Return from the battle!"


Among the three battalions, there are several soldiers who can speak devil's language.

The language talents of these fighters are very good, so under Yang Fei's teaching, their ghost language has improved rapidly.

At this moment, they directly reported their disguised identities.

First Combat Brigade.

The third combat brigade.

Complete the combat mission and return.

It's that simple.


"Thanks for your hard work!"


Hearing this, the patrolling little devils immediately felt completely relieved, waved their hands, and signaled the soldiers of the three battalions to move on and return to the station to rest.

"Tap Tap!"


And just like that, the forward started again.

It's just that.

Just after the large army passed by like this and blocked all the little devils patrolling the roadside.

More than a dozen fighters shot in an instant.

He directly stabbed the bayonet into the necks of these patrolling little devils.




Under such circumstances, these little devil soldiers on patrol didn't even have a chance to scream.

He could only put down the gun, grabbed his neck with both hands, struggled in pain, and fell to the ground.

Afterwards, he was pulled into the alley by the soldiers and hid.

As for the soldiers of the three battalions, they rushed towards the headquarters of the Devils Alliance in the center of Liude City at the fastest speed.

In fact, with the soldiers marching so fast, it wouldn't take long for them to reach the headquarters of the Devils Alliance in the center of Liude City.

at the same time.

Lieutenant Zuo Yuki, who was in the headquarters office area, checked the time.

He felt almost there.

He took the platoon leader and the soldier directly outside the headquarters.

Outside the headquarters at the moment, there are two squadrons of guards.

Just protecting this headquarters is impenetrable.

Of course, this is under the condition that there is no inner ghost, and it is impenetrable.

If there is an inner ghost, this is not the case.



The moment Lieutenant Zuo Yuji of Hegang came outside the headquarters, Lieutenant Zuo Mumu Shijiang and Lieutenant Zuo Cangqiao Yougui also came here.

After the two of them saw such a tight guard at the headquarters, they immediately asked questions in doubt.

"Hegang-jun, did something unexpected happen?"

"Yes, otherwise, how could the guards be so tight!"

"By the way, why are you back at this hour?"

"Where's Mizushima-kun?"


Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Zhongzuo just looked at Hegang Youji Zhongzuo.

They want Hegang Youji Zhongzuo to answer for themselves.

After all, this is the doubt in their hearts.

According to the normal development, this is not the case at all.

"Mumu-jun, Cangqiao-jun, there are some things I can't tell you right now. All in all, this is the order of your Excellency, the captain, and I'm just following orders!"

"By the way, now you two, please enter the headquarters and wait!"

"After all, you two are here at this time, so don't go back. Your Excellency, the captain of the alliance, just said that you will find the three of us later and talk about the next plan!"

"As for Mizushima-kun, he has his mission. I don't know what the mission is. This is the arrangement of the captain!"

"In addition, the imperial soldiers of the First Battle Battalion and the Third Battle Battalion will gather here later. The order has been issued a long time ago. You go in first. Your Excellency, the captain of the regiment, will come out and announce the new plan later!"

In terms of fooling people, the current Hegang Youji Zhongzuo is getting more and more proficient.

So, at this moment, he directly started to fool Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Zhongzuo.

This is also normal.

If he doesn't fool around, how will he pass the test in the next time?
It's simply impossible to pass.

You have to fool around.

"All right!"

"Since it is the order of your Excellency the captain, then so be it!"

But Mu Mu Shi Jiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Lieutenant Zuo didn't doubt it.

After all, this was the order of the regiment leader, Colonel Hiraga Kusao.

The two of them, at this time, are still not qualified to doubt the order of the captain.

If you continue to ask, it is not good.

"Well, you two go to the headquarters first."

After Hegang Youji Zhongzuo finished speaking, he ignored the two of them, but listened carefully with his ears.

He seemed to hear footsteps.

"Tap Tap!"


as predicted.

In just the blink of an eye, the sound of a large number of footsteps came over.

As for those who just wanted to enter the headquarters, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Lieutenant Zuo also stopped at this moment and looked towards the dark street.

Suddenly, a large number of 'imperial soldiers' appeared in front of their eyes.

It's just that the uniforms of these 'imperial soldiers' are very tattered.

However, when they thought that the first combat brigade and the third combat brigade had just returned from a combat mission, they stopped thinking about it.

This is normal.

After every battle, the uniforms of the imperial soldiers would be dirty, or even broken a lot.

Very normal.

On this point, there is nothing to doubt.

Moreover, the two also decided that since the assembled imperial soldiers had arrived.

Then the two of them, wait too.

Wait a minute and enter the headquarters together with Tsuruoka Yuki Zhongzuo.

Thinking of this, Mumu Shijiang Zhongzuo and Cangqiao Yougui Zhongzuo just looked at each other and stopped their steps.

As for Hegang Youji Zhongzuo, he took the platoon leader and the soldier behind him and walked towards the coming 'imperial soldiers'.

Because their backs are facing the little devils in front of the headquarters.

No one saw the unbearable, resolute and ruthless expression flashing on the face of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo at this moment.

If they were able to see the expression of Hegang Youji Zhongzuo at this moment, then maybe they knew what the truth was.


They'll never know.

At this moment, Song Qingyu, Liu Zhiyun and others who led the team saw the scene of the devil's headquarters in front of them.

Just wave your hand.



In an instant, the soldiers behind the front row came out with light machine guns in hand.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the frightened little devils outside the headquarters!
(End of this chapter)

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